2013, Volume 15, Number 1
On multidimensional integral operators with homogeneous kernels perturbated by one-sided multiplicative shift operators O. G. Avsyankin
5–13 |
On extraction of transvections in overgroups of a non-split maximal torus N. A. Dzhusoeva
14–17 |
Infinitesimals in ordered vector spaces E. Yu. Emel'yanov
18–22 |
Some remarks on the Riemann conjecture about the zeros of the zeta-function Yu. F. Korobeinik
23–29 |
Dynamic systems described by two differential equations with derivatives of fractional order M. A. Nazaraliev, V. D. Beibalaev
30–40 |
On positive invertibility and splittings of operators in ordered Banach spaces K. C. Sivakumar, M. R. Weber
41–50 |
Explicit solution of the mixed problem in an anisotropic half-space for the Barenblatt–Zheltov–Kochina equation Kh. G. Umarov
51–64 |
On numerical solution of a scattering problem. Analysis of numerical results Sh. S. Khubezhty, A. O. Tsutsaev
65–70 |
Vector additive schemes for certain classes of hyperbolic equations M. H. Shkhanukov-Lafishev, S. M. Arhestova, M. B. Tkhamokov
71–84 |
Mathematical Events
Aleksandr Alexandrov and Vladimir Smirnov, mathematicians-enlighteners S. S. Kutateladze
85–87 |
Mazurov Viktor Danilovich (on the occasion of his 70th anniversary) A. Kh. Zhurtov, V. A. Koibaev, A. G. Kusraev
88–89 |
Anatolii Georgievich Kusraev (on the occasion of his 60th anniversary) S. K. Vodop'yanov, E. I. Gordon, A. E. Gutman, A. V. Koptev, S. S. Kutateladze, S. A. Malyugin, Yu. G. Reshetnyak
90–97 |