Александр Геннадиевич Курош (1908–1971)
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Varieties generated by irreducible representations of Lie algebras A. Kh. Kushkulei, Yu. P. Razmyslov
4–7 |
The densest lattice $8$ -packing on a plane N. N. Yakovlev
8–16 |
Quasi-identities of finite simple groups A. N. Fedorov
16–18 |
Linear groups generated by two-dimensional elements of order $r\ge5$ A. V. Korlyukov
19–22 |
Isomorphisms between orbit spaces D. I. Panyushev
22–25 |
Sufficient conditions for extension of topologies of a group and a ring to their group ring V. I. Arnautov, A. V. Mikhalev
25–33 |
Varieties of hypercentral-metabelian Lie algebras over a field of characteristic zero S. P. Mishchenko
33–37 |
The center of the universal enveloping algebra of a completely solvable Lie algebra V. V. Panyukov
37–41 |
Projectively free nilpotent groups V. A. Artamonov
41–42 |
Generators and relations in a two-dimensional Cremona group V. A. Iskovskikh
43–48 |
Aerodynamic characteristics of bodies with star-like cross sections at moderate supersonic velocities A. L. Gonor, M. A. Zubin, A. F. Mosin, N. A. Ostapenko, G. S. Ul'yanov, M. P. Falunin
49–53 |
Separation of motions and the averaging method in the mechanics of systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom V. G. Vil'ke
54–59 |
Surface diffusion combustion of heterogeneous systems with liquid fuel N. N. Smirnov, S. A. Plotnikov
60–69 |
An application of the cubic spline quadrature formula for the computation of potential flow over an aerodynamic profile system A. A. Zaitsev, A. M. Komarov
69–74 |
On the centre of pressure of pyramidal bodies A. I. Bunimovich, A. V. Dubinskii
74–77 |
Student scientific conference
77 |
Семинар главных редакторов журналов “Вестник Московского университета” и “Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы”
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