Properties of dual modules over Steenrod algebra A. N. Vasilchenko
9–16 |
On the uncertainty constants for linear combination of some subsystems of coherent states M. V. Zhuravlev, I. Ya. Novikov, S. N. Ushakov
17–31 |
Stabilization of Hamiltonian systems with a guaranteed estimate of quality of management E. V. Kurkina
32–44 |
Necessary non-local conditions for a diffusion-wave equation M. O. Mamchuev
45–59 |
Integrable systems on tangent bundle of multi-dimensional sphere N. V. Pokhodnya, M. V. Shamolin
60–69 |
On varieties of associative algebras with weak growth S. M. Ratseev
70–74 |
Method of sequential changing of stationary states for one-dimensional filtration problem with limiting gradient of pressure O. V. Belova, V. Sh. Shagapov
75–84 |
Quasistatic stationary growth of elastoplastical crack V. A. Nifagin, M. A. Gundina
85–95 |
Thin-walled structures destruction and location strain on chart rigid-current A. S. Yakovlev
96–103 |
Mathematical Modelling
Van der Pol and Rayleigh oscillators in discrete time V. V. Zaitsev, S. V. Lindt, A. N. Shilin
104–114 |
Entanglement of atoms succesively passing a cavity taking into account the Stark shift E. K. Bashkirov
115–124 |
Scenario study of higgs boson in the framework NMSSM A. V. Gurskaya, M. V. Dolgopolov
125–133 |
Experimental investigation of laboratory prototype of spacecraft optical telescope assembly in laboratory conditions S. V. Tsaplin, S. A. Bolychev, B. S. Mishagin, D. V. Shemanaev
134–144 |
Associates of dot defects of various nature in $\mathrm{SiC}$-phase of semiconductor heterostructure of $\mathrm{SiC//Si}$, received by endotaksiya method V. I. Chepurnov
145–162 |
Method of regeneration of azide ion E. L. Vikulina, E. E. Romashin, D. I. Fedorov, I. K. Kukushkin, A. M. Pyzhov, P. P. Purygin
163–167 |
Production wastes of TNT as an efficient raw material for getting foam glass A. M. Pyghov, I. K. Kukushkin, A. V. Strelkova, O. V. Pozhidaev, M. A. Yanova, Y. S. Popov, P. P. Purygin
168–176 |
Assessment of quality of rendering palliative care to the oncology patients E. P. Gladunova
177–187 |
Some additions concerning schivereckia podolica (bess.) andrz. ex dc. in the Sorochinskie hills of Samara region A. A. Golovlev, N. V. Prokhorova
188–196 |
Assessing the relative condition of the forests life of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) and balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.) in industrial and resedential areas industrial center of Sterlitamak A. H. Ibragimova, O. V. Tagirova, R. H. Giniyatullin, A. Yu. Kulagin
197–206 |
Information and Сomputing Systems
Two-classification artificial immune system M. E. Burlakov
207–220 |
Method for estimation of vitality of allocated information systems B. V. Golub, E. M. Kuznetsov, R. V. Maximov
221–232 |