Scientific schools of mathematics, mechanics, astronomy of St Petersburg University: on the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg State University E. V. Kustova, A. I. Nazarov
185–186 |
Stochastical computation methods and experimental designing S. M. Ermakov, V. B. Melas
187–199 |
On the generalized Bessel potential and perfect functional completion A. L. Dzhabrailov, E. L. Shishkina
200–211 |
On uniform consistency of Neyman's type nonparametric tests M. S. Ermakov, D. Yu. Kapatsa
212–225 |
Separation of the roots of the systems of nonlinear equations. Stochastic approach S. M. Ermakov, S. N. Leora
226–235 |
On solution of two-sided vector equation in tropical algebra N. Krivulin
236–248 |
On the asymptotic power of a method for testing hypothesis about equality of distributions V. B. Melas
249–258 |
$L^p$-norm approximation of h$\ddot{o}$lder functions by harmonic functions on some multidimensional compact sets D. A. Pavlov
259–269 |
Fixed point theorem via measure of non-compactness for a new kind of contractions Y. Touail, A. Jaid, D. El Moutawakil
270–276 |
Modeling of nonequilibrium processes behind a shock wave in a mixture of carbon dioxide and argon S. A. Batalov, E. V. Kustova
277–288 |
Differential resonant MEMS accelerometer: synchronization characteristics of weakly coupled microbeam sensing elements D. A. Indeitsev, V. S. Igumnova, A. V. Lukin, I. A. Popov, L. V. Shtukin
289–304 |
Finite deformations of a bilayer dielectric nonlinear elastic anisotropic tube under an electric field A. M. Kolesnikov, D. A. Letunova
305–314 |
On opto-thermally excited parametric oscillations of microbeam resonators. I N. F. Morozov, D. A. Indeitsev, A. V. Lukin, I. A. Popov, L. V. Shtukin
315–333 |
Natural vibrations of a cylindrical shell with the end cap. II. Analysis of the spectrum G. A. Nesterchuk, A. L. Smirnov, S. B. Filippov
334–343 |
Composite wing vibration coupling control V. M. Ryabov, B. A. Yartsev
344–356 |
Numerical modeling of hydrodynamic accidents: erosion of dams and flooding of territories S. S. Khrapov
357–373 |
On the 60th anniversary of Alexandr Il'ich Nazarov
374–376 |
377 |