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2-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru of «Matematicheskii Sbornik» journal, 2023

  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
2-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru 0.979 1.222 1.199 1.047 0.969 1.184 1.041 1.102 0.829 0.743 0.994 1.034 0.853 0.703 0.652 0.634 0.503 0.486 0.512 0.571 0.553
5-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru 0.945 0.989 0.984 1.048 0.979 1.047 0.791 0.928 0.963 0.804 0.890 0.919 0.813 0.704 0.698 0.578 0.591 0.560 0.620 0.660 0.550
Annual citation index Math-Net.Ru 0.342 0.394 0.360 0.246 0.418 0.568 0.367 0.278 0.478 0.218 0.243 0.423 0.303 0.250 0.179 0.078 0.173 0.241 0.171 0.197 0.105

2-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru of the journal in 2023 is calculated as the number of citations in 2023 to the scientific papers published during 2021–2022.

The table below contains the list of citations in 2023 to the papers published in 2021–2022. We take into account all citing publications we found from different sources, mostly from references lists available on Math-Net.Ru. Both original and translation versions are taken into account.

The impact factor Math-Net.Ru may change when new citations to a year given are found.

Futher details about Impact factor Math-Net.Ru are available in the following paper
The information system Math-Net.Ru. Current state and prospects. The impact factors of Russian mathematics journals, A. B. Zhizhchenko, A. D. Izaak, UMN, 64:4(388) (2009), 195–204

Year 2-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru Scientific papers Citations Citated papers Journal Self-citations
2023 0.979 146 143 78 7%

Ìàòåìàòè÷åñêèé ñáîðíèê Sbornik: Mathematics
Total publications: 8485
Scientific articles: 8207
Authors: 3853
Citations: 66673
Cited articles: 5725

Impact-factor Math-Net.Ru
for 2023: 0.979
for 2022: 1.222
for 2021: 1.199
for 2020: 1.047
for 2019: 0.969
for 2018: 1.184
for 2017: 1.041
for 2016: 1.102
for 2015: 0.829
for 2014: 0.743
for 2013: 0.994
for 2012: 1.034
for 2011: 0.853
for 2010: 0.703
for 2009: 0.652
for 2008: 0.634
for 2007: 0.503
for 2006: 0.486
for 2005: 0.512
for 2004: 0.571
for 2003: 0.553

Impact Factor Web of Science
for 2023: 0.800
for 2022: 0.800
for 2021: 1.274
for 2020: 0.986
for 2019: 0.800
for 2018: 1.057
for 2017: 0.865
for 2016: 0.721
for 2015: 0.526
for 2014: 0.510
for 2013: 0.497
for 2012: 0.595
for 2011: 0.567
for 2010: 0.535
for 2009: 0.468
for 2008: 0.415
for 2007: 0.359
for 2006: 0.295
for 2005: 0.370
for 2004: 0.453
for 2003: 0.353

Scopus Metrics
2023 CiteScore 1.400
2023 SNIP 1.081
2023 SJR 0.554
2022 SJR 0.571
2021 SJR 0.843
2020 SJR 1.158
2019 CiteScore 1.400
2019 SJR 0.386
2018 CiteScore 0.680
2018 SJR 0.888
2017 CiteScore 0.420
2017 SNIP 0.713
2017 SJR 0.472
2016 CiteScore 0.380
2016 SNIP 0.715
2016 SJR 0.452
2015 CiteScore 0.460
2015 SNIP 1.022
2015 IPP 0.439
2015 SJR 0.537
2014 CiteScore 0.330
2014 SNIP 0.927
2014 IPP 0.320
2014 SJR 0.470
2013 SNIP 0.970
2013 IPP 0.423
2013 SJR 0.533
2012 SNIP 0.763
2012 IPP 0.314
2012 SJR 0.379

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