Most published authors (scientific articles only) of the journal
scientific articles published in peer review journal, serial, conference publications, indexed in international bibliographical databases and/or having DOI index
1. |
T. A. Suslina |
33 |
2. |
S. A. Nazarov |
27 |
3. |
S. V. Buyalo |
26 |
4. |
M. Sh. Birman |
20 |
5. |
B. A. Plamenevskii |
20 |
6. |
V. A. Solonnikov |
20 |
7. |
A. I. Generalov |
19 |
8. |
N. D. Filonov |
17 |
9. |
A. L. Volberg |
16 |
10. |
N. A. Vavilov |
15 |
11. |
V. G. Zhuravlev |
15 |
12. |
G. A. Seregin |
15 |
13. |
A. N. Andrianov |
13 |
14. |
V. I. Vasyunin |
13 |
15. |
V. S. Buslaev |
12 |
16. |
S. V. Vostokov |
12 |
17. |
F. L. Nazarov |
12 |
18. |
N. K. Nikol'skii |
12 |
19. |
N. A. Shirokov |
12 |
20. |
M. V. Bondarko |
11 |
21. |
A. M. Vershik |
11 |
22. |
A. I. Nazarov |
11 |
23. |
I. A. Panin |
11 |
24. |
D. R. Yafaev |
11 |
40 most published authors of the journal |
Most cited authors of the journal |
1. |
T. A. Suslina |
969 |
2. |
M. Sh. Birman |
892 |
3. |
F. L. Nazarov |
393 |
4. |
G. Mingione |
298 |
5. |
S. A. Nazarov |
295 |
6. |
N. A. Vavilov |
288 |
7. |
P. Baroni |
235 |
8. |
M. Colombo |
235 |
9. |
S. R. Treil' |
197 |
10. |
B. A. Plamenevskii |
192 |
11. |
A. L. Volberg |
188 |
12. |
A. I. Generalov |
178 |
13. |
I. N. Ponomarenko |
178 |
14. |
S. A. Evdokimov |
176 |
15. |
V. S. Buslaev |
174 |
16. |
G. I. Olshanski |
170 |
17. |
D. R. Yafaev |
169 |
18. |
N. V. Krylov |
166 |
19. |
G. A. Seregin |
166 |
20. |
V. A. Solonnikov |
160 |
40 most cited authors of the journal |
Most cited articles of the journal |
1. |
Nonautonomous functionals, borderline cases and related function classes P. Baroni, M. Colombo, G. Mingione Algebra i Analiz, 2015, 27:3, 6–50 |
235 |
2. |
Periodic differential operators of second order. Threshold properties and averagings M. Sh. Birman, T. A. Suslina Algebra i Analiz, 2003, 15:5, 1–108 |
195 |
3. |
The hunt for a Bellman function: applications to estimates for singular integral operators and to other classical problems of harmonic analysis F. L. Nazarov, S. R. Treil' Algebra i Analiz, 1996, 8:5, 32–162 |
177 |
4. |
Shifted Schur functions A. Okounkov, G. Olshanskii Algebra i Analiz, 1997, 9:2, 73–146 |
139 |
5. |
Quantization of Lie groups and Lie algebras N. Yu. Reshetikhin, L. A. Takhtadzhyan, L. D. Faddeev Algebra i Analiz, 1989, 1:1, 178–206 |
114 |
6. |
Averaging of periodic elliptic differential operators with the account of a corrector M. Sh. Birman, T. A. Suslina Algebra i Analiz, 2005, 17:6, 1–104 |
103 |
7. |
The spectral shift function. The papers of M. G. Krein and their further development M. Sh. Birman, D. R. Yafaev Algebra i Analiz, 1992, 4:5, 1–44 |
102 |
8. |
Theta hypergeometric integrals V. P. Spiridonov Algebra i Analiz, 2003, 15:6, 161–215 |
99 |
9. |
Homogenization with corrector for periodic differential operators. Approximation of solutions in the Sobolev class $H^1(\mathbb R^d)$ M. Sh. Birman, T. A. Suslina Algebra i Analiz, 2006, 18:6, 1–130 |
92 |
10. |
The sharp constant in the reverse Hölder inequality for the muckenhoupt weights V. I. Vasyunin Algebra i Analiz, 2003, 15:1, 73–117 |
83 |
11. |
On gaps in the spectrum of some divergence elliptic operators with periodic coefficients V. V. Zhikov Algebra i Analiz, 2004, 16:5, 34–58 |
79 |
12. |
Fine structure of harmonic measure N. G. Makarov Algebra i Analiz, 1998, 10:2, 1–62 |
76 |
13. |
On the rate of convergence of finite-difference
approximations for Bellman's equations N. V. Krylov Algebra i Analiz, 1997, 9:3, 245–256 |
67 |
14. |
Heating of the Beurling operator and the estimates of its norm A. L. Vol'berg, F. L. Nazarov Algebra i Analiz, 2003, 15:4, 142–158 |
66 |
15. |
Moduli and extremal metric problems A. Yu. Solynin Algebra i Analiz, 1999, 11:1, 3–86 |
66 |
16. |
A borderline case of Calderón-Zygmund estimates for nonuniformly elliptic problems C. De Filippis, G. Mingione Algebra i Analiz, 2019, 31:3, 82–115 |
63 |
17. |
Methods of the geometric theory of functions. II G. V. Kuz'mina Algebra i Analiz, 1997, 9:5, 1–50 |
63 |
18. |
A periodic magnetic Hamiltonian with a variable metric. The problem of absolute continuity M. Sh. Birman, T. A. Suslina Algebra i Analiz, 1999, 11:2, 1–40 |
62 |
19. |
The Riemann–Roch theorem for integrals and sums of quasipolynomials on virtual polytopes A. V. Pukhlikov, A. G. Khovanskii Algebra i Analiz, 1992, 4:4, 188–216 |
62 |
20. |
Scattering for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation: states that are close to a soliton V. S. Buslaev, G. S. Perel'man Algebra i Analiz, 1992, 4:6, 63–102 |
60 |
40 most cited articles of the journal |
Most requested articles of the journal |
1. |
Haagerup tensor products and Schur multipliers A. B. Aleksandrov, V. V. Peller Algebra i Analiz, 2024, 36:5, 70–85 | 24 |
2. |
Probability estimates related to Korobov's number-theoretical quadrature formulas A. A. Illarionov Algebra i Analiz, 2024, 36:6, 47–81 | 24 |
3. |
Polynomial approximation in the mean on segments N. A. Shirokov Algebra i Analiz, 2024, 36:5, 163–172 | 22 |
4. |
Norm inequalities with fractional integrals E. P. Ushakova, K. E. Ushakova Algebra i Analiz, 2023, 35:3, 185–219 | 20 |
5. |
Isoperiodic foliation on the stratum of codimension one in the space of real-normalized differentials M. S. Nenasheva Algebra i Analiz, 2024, 36:2, 93–107 | 20 |
6. |
Bounded holomorphic functions in a circular annulus V. N. Dubinin Algebra i Analiz, 2024, 36:6, 30–46 | 20 |
7. |
On certain invariants of commutative Artinian algebras A. G. Aleksandrov Algebra i Analiz, 2024, 36:5, 42–69 | 19 |
8. |
Crossing number of (closed) homogeneous braids I. S. Alekseev Algebra i Analiz, 2024, 36:5, 86–100 | 19 |
9. |
Reach of orbits of the isotropy representations of Riemannian symmetric spaces M. V. Meshcheryakov Algebra i Analiz, 2024, 36:6, 112–121 | 18 |
10. |
Riemann xi function and modified Bessel functions V. V. Kapustin Algebra i Analiz, 2024, 36:2, 48–69 | 17 |
Total publications: |
1939 |
Scientific articles: |
1836 |
Authors: |
1405 |
Citations: |
14112 |
Cited articles: |
1455 |
Impact Factor Web of Science |
for 2023:
0.700 |
for 2022:
0.800 |
for 2021:
0.934 |
for 2020:
0.804 |
for 2019:
0.800 |
for 2018:
1.000 |
for 2017:
0.604 |
for 2016:
0.438 |
for 2015:
0.485 |
for 2014:
0.641 |
for 2013:
0.561 |
for 2012:
0.460 |
for 2011:
0.287 |
for 2010:
0.347 |
Scopus Metrics |
2023 |
CiteScore |
1.000 |
2023 |
0.425 |
2023 |
0.350 |
2022 |
0.431 |
2021 |
0.325 |
2020 |
0.328 |
2019 |
0.458 |
2018 |
CiteScore |
0.580 |
2018 |
0.632 |
2017 |
CiteScore |
0.340 |
2017 |
0.519 |
2017 |
0.335 |
2016 |
CiteScore |
0.230 |
2016 |
0.398 |
2016 |
0.215 |
2015 |
CiteScore |
0.280 |
2015 |
0.722 |
2015 |
0.245 |
2015 |
0.366 |
2014 |
CiteScore |
0.330 |
2014 |
0.690 |
2014 |
0.336 |
2014 |
0.317 |
2013 |
0.591 |
2013 |
0.306 |
2013 |
0.277 |
2012 |
0.728 |
2012 |
0.260 |
2012 |
0.205 |