Annual citation index Math-Net.Ru of «Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics» journal, 2020
Annual citation index Math-Net.Ru of the journal in 2020 is calculated
as the number of citations in 2020 to the scientific papers published during
The table below contains the list of citations in 2020 to the papers
published in 2020. We take into account all citing publications
we found from different sources, mostly from references lists available
on Math-Net.Ru. Both original and translation versions are taken into account.
The impact factor Math-Net.Ru may change when new citations to a year
given are found.
Year |
Annual citation index Math-Net.Ru |
Scientific papers |
Citations |
Citated papers |
2020 |
0.044 |
45 |
2 |
2 |
N |
Citing pulication |
Cited paper |
1. |
A. A. Sorokin, “Usovershenstvovanie informatsionno-analiticheskikh kompleksov na osnove ierarkhicheskikh sistem nechetkogo”, UBS, 88 (2020), 99–123 |
→ |
Hierarchical system of fuzzy regulation of acetylene production process by oxidative pyrolysis of natural gas G. N. Sanaeva, A. E. Prorokov, V. N. Bogatikov, D. P. Vent Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2020, no. 1, 7–17
2. |
Elena A. Boldyreva, Lubov S. Lisitsyna, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 188, Smart Education and e-Learning 2020, 2020, 101 |
→ |
Approach to automation of workshop design processes based on opinions of employers E. A. Boldyreva Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2020, no. 1, 94–104
Total publications: |
827 |
Scientific articles: |
820 |
Authors: |
973 |
Citations: |
455 |
Cited articles: |
294 |