5-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru of «Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics» journal, 2020
5-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru of the journal in 2020 is calculated
as the number of citations in 2020 to the scientific papers published during
The table below contains the list of citations in 2020 to the papers
published in 2015–2019. We take into account all citing publications
we found from different sources, mostly from references lists available
on Math-Net.Ru. Both original and translation versions are taken into account.
The impact factor Math-Net.Ru may change when new citations to a year
given are found.
Year |
5-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru |
Scientific papers |
Citations |
Citated papers |
Journal Self-citations |
2020 |
0.062 |
258 |
16 |
16 |
50% |
N |
Citing pulication |
Cited paper |
1. |
N. A. Zatsepin, L. N. Chernyshov, “Metody i sredstva produktsionnoi generatsii testov po kompyuternym distsiplinam”, Vestn. Astrakhan. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. upravlenie, vychisl. tekhn. inform., 2020, № 1, 73–83 |
→ |
Morphological synthesis of exercises in the training system of programming V. V. Laptev Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2015, no. 1, 140–152
2. |
A. A. Oleinikov, I. A. Beresnev, “Otsenka sostoyaniya elementov sistem peredachi dannykh s primeneniem nechetkikh neironnykh setei”, Vestn. Astrakhan. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. upravlenie, vychisl. tekhn. inform., 2020, № 4, 121–131 |
→ |
Algorithm of choosing a place of allocation of nodes of information communication networks, based on application of the generalized quality indicator V. N. Dmitriev, A. A. Sorokin, Usuf Akhmat, Hait Alavadi Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2015, no. 2, 71–78
3. |
V. V. Afonin, V. V. Nikulin, “Optimizatsiya mnogokanalnykh sistem massovogo obsluzhivaniya pri bolshikh zagruzkakh”, Vestn. Astrakhan. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. upravlenie, vychisl. tekhn. inform., 2020, № 3, 105–115 |
→ |
Optimization of Мarkov systems of queueing with waiting time in the MATLAB system V. V. Afonin, V. V. Nikulin Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2017, no. 2, 39–47
4. |
T. Yu. Kudryavtseva, A. E. Skhvediani, “Studying regional clusters with the use of data processing systems: the case of the biopharmaceutical cluster”, Regionologiya-Regionology- Russ. J. Reg. Stud., 28:1 (2020), 48–79 |
→ |
Information and analytical system of a regional cluster management of aquaculture and fishery E. V. Chertina, I. Yu. Kvyatkovskaya, T. V. Khomenko Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2017, no. 2, 117–124
5. |
S. I. Chermidov, “Prime number law. Dependence of prime numbers on their ordinal numbers and Goldbach–Euler binary problem using computer”, Vestn. Astrakhan. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. upravlenie, vychisl. tekhn. inform., 2020, № 4, 80–100 |
→ |
Distribution of prime and composite numbers and their algorhythmic appendices S. I. Chermidov Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2017, no. 3, 48–64
6. |
Kh.E. Khanmurzaev, Kh.A. Tashtamirova, A.S-A. Khasukhadzhiev, Materialy I Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem, posvyaschennoi 100-letiyu GGNTU im. akademika M.D. Millionschikova "OBRAZOVANIE BUDUSchEGO", 2020, 151 |
→ |
Developing the system of indicators for scheduling process automation at higher educational institutions A. S. Khasukhadzhiev Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2017, no. 3, 117–127
7. |
V. V. Afonin, V. V. Nikulin, “Optimizatsiya mnogokanalnykh sistem massovogo obsluzhivaniya pri bolshikh zagruzkakh”, Vestn. Astrakhan. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. upravlenie, vychisl. tekhn. inform., 2020, № 3, 105–115 |
→ |
Optimization of Markovian queuing systems with failures in the MATLAB system V. V. Afonin, V. V. Nikulin Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2018, no. 1, 112–120
8. |
L. A. Demidova, A. V. Gorchakov, “Research and study of the hybrid algorithms based on the collective behavior of fish schools and classical optimization methods”, Algorithms, 13:4 (2020), 85 |
→ |
Investigation of accuracy and speed of convergence of algorithms of stochastic optimization of functions on a multidimensional space A. M. Korneev, A. V. Sukhanov Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2018, no. 3, 26–37
9. |
Nikolay Voit, Semen Bochkov, Sergey Kirillov, Maria Ukhanova, Sergey Brigadnov, Dmitry Kanev, 2020 20th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), 2020, 61 |
→ |
The decision support system in agile requirements engineering based on OWL ontology M. Sh. Murtazina Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2018, no. 4, 43–55
10. |
A. V. Mikheev, “Veroyatnostnaya model rascheta urovnya bednosti pri raznykh formakh podokhodnogo nalogooblozheniya”, Vestn. Astrakhan. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. upravlenie, vychisl. tekhn. inform., 2020, № 4, 101–111 |
→ |
Probabilistic approach to mathematical description of market equilibrium A. V. Mikheev Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2018, no. 4, 90–98
11. |
M. Batkovskiy, P. Kravchuk, V. Sudakov, V. Trofimets, “Development of Enterprise Management Tools Radio-electronic Industry in Their Conditions Diversifications”, BSP, 6:3 (2020), 245 |
→ |
Neural network algorithm for choosing methods of time series forecasting Yu. V. Dubenko, E. E. Dyshkant Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2019, no. 1, 51–60
12. |
I L Reva, A A Bogdanov, E A Malakhova, “Design and analysis of a software and hardware system to detect a person’s presence on premises using Wi-Fi technology”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1441 (2020), 012048 |
→ |
To the problem of applying Wi-Fi access points for registering motion at the site in the absence of a Wi-Fi module I. L. Reva, A. A. Bogdanov, E. A. Malakhova Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2019, no. 1, 73–78
13. |
D. V. Nemchinov, A. N. Seliverstova, O. V. Antonov, “Podderzhka prinyatiya reshenii po upravleniyu predavariinymi situatsiyami na primere ustanovki kataliticheskogo riforminga”, Vestn. Astrakhan. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. upravlenie, vychisl. tekhn. inform., 2020, № 2, 19–25 |
→ |
Determining a complex factor of technical condition of the object, using a stabilizing block of catalythic reforming unit as an example A. N. Seliverstova, D. V. Nemchinov, E. F. Raikova Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2019, no. 2, 40–47
14. |
V.A. Gostyunina, “Acmeological analysis of expert procedure errors using the method of assessing the degree of confidence in an expert”, MODELIROVANIE, OPTIMIZATsIYa I INFORMATsIONNYE TEKhNOLOGII, 8:3(30) (2020), 2 |
→ |
Procedure of assessing credibility to the expert in terms of the problem of age categorization of web content V. A. Gostyunina, N. V. Davidyuk, V. V. Davidyuk, A. Z. Baitumenov Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2019, no. 2, 86–97
15. |
V. F. Shurshev, Yu. A. Gostyunin, “Ekspertnaya otsenka uscherba pri otkaze informatsionnoi sistemy predpriyatiya”, Vestn. Astrakhan. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. upravlenie, vychisl. tekhn. inform., 2020, № 4, 112–120 |
→ |
Using machine learning methods in power equipment repair programs V. A. Borodin, O. M. Protalinskiy, V. F. Shurshev Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2019, no. 3, 25–33
16. |
Alexandr Sorokin, 2020 Moscow Workshop on Electronic and Networking Technologies (MWENT), 2020, 1 |
→ |
Analysis of collection methods and mathematical processing of heterogeneous information on the condition of the network coverage area of a communications operator A. Sorokin, Fam Hak Chong, N. S. Maltseva Vestn. Astrakhan State Technical Univ. Ser. Management, Computer Sciences and Informatics, 2019, no. 3, 108–122
Total publications: |
827 |
Scientific articles: |
820 |
Authors: |
973 |
Citations: |
455 |
Cited articles: |
294 |