Minkov, Stanislav Sergeyevich

Statistics Math-Net.Ru
Total publications: 3
Scientific articles: 3
Presentations: 18

Number of views:
This page:567
Abstract pages:956
Full texts:222
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2016)
Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
List of publications on Google Scholar

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. Stanislav Minkov, Alexey Okunev, Ivan Shilin, “Attractors with non-invariant interior”, Mosc. Math. J., 23:4 (2023),  559–570  mathnet
2. C. Bonatti, S. S. Minkov, A. V. Okunev, I. S. Shilin, “A $C^1$ Anosov diffeomorphism with a horseshoe that attracts almost any point”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 51:2 (2017),  83–86  mathnet  elib; Funct. Anal. Appl., 51:2 (2017), 144–147  isi  scopus 1
3. S. S. Minkov, A. V. Okunev, “Omega-Limit Sets of Generic Points of Partially Hyperbolic Diffeomorphisms”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 50:1 (2016),  59–66  mathnet  mathscinet  elib; Funct. Anal. Appl., 50:1 (2016), 48–53  isi  scopus 3

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Lecture 11. Vector fields and measure theory
A. V. Dukov, S. S. Minkov
Course by A. V. Dukov and S. S. Minkov "Vector fields and measure theory"
November 21, 2023 16:45   
2. Lecture 10. Vector fields and measure theory
A. V. Dukov, S. S. Minkov
Course by A. V. Dukov and S. S. Minkov "Vector fields and measure theory"
November 14, 2023 16:45   
3. Lecture 9. Vector fields and measure theory
A. V. Dukov, S. S. Minkov
Course by A. V. Dukov and S. S. Minkov "Vector fields and measure theory"
November 7, 2023 16:45   
4. Lecture 8. Vector fields and measure theory
A. V. Dukov, S. S. Minkov
Course by A. V. Dukov and S. S. Minkov "Vector fields and measure theory"
October 31, 2023 16:45   
5. Lecture 7. Vector fields and measure theory
A. V. Dukov, S. S. Minkov
Course by A. V. Dukov and S. S. Minkov "Vector fields and measure theory"
October 24, 2023 16:45   
6. Lecture 6. Vector fields and measure theory
A. V. Dukov, S. S. Minkov
Course by A. V. Dukov and S. S. Minkov "Vector fields and measure theory"
October 17, 2023 16:45   
7. Lecture 5. Vector fields and measure theory
A. V. Dukov, S. S. Minkov
Course by A. V. Dukov and S. S. Minkov "Vector fields and measure theory"
October 10, 2023 16:45   
8. Lecture 4. Vector fields and measure theory
A. V. Dukov, S. S. Minkov
Course by A. V. Dukov and S. S. Minkov "Vector fields and measure theory"
October 3, 2023 16:45   
9. Lecture 3. Vector fields and measure theory
A. V. Dukov, S. S. Minkov
Course by A. V. Dukov and S. S. Minkov "Vector fields and measure theory"
September 26, 2023 16:45   
10. Lecture 2. Vector fields and measure theory
A. V. Dukov, S. S. Minkov
Course by A. V. Dukov and S. S. Minkov "Vector fields and measure theory"
September 19, 2023 16:45   
11. Lecture 1. Vector fields and measure theory
A. V. Dukov, S. S. Minkov
Course by A. V. Dukov and S. S. Minkov "Vector fields and measure theory"
September 12, 2023 16:45   
12. Attractors with non-invariant interior
S. S. Minkov, A. V. Okunev, I. S. Shilin
III International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Infinite-Dimensional Analysis”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.S. Vladimirov, the 100th anniversary of L.D. Kudryavtsev and the 85th anniversary of O.G. Smolyanov
July 5, 2023 15:40   
13. $C^1$-Anosov diffeomorphism with a horseshoe attracting almost all points
S. S. Minkov
International conference “Ergodic Theory and Related Topics”
November 24, 2022 12:00   
14. Attractors of Direct Products
S. S. Minkov, I. S. Shilin
Conference «Hyperbolic Dynamics and Structural Stability» Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of D. V. Anosov
November 11, 2021 16:00   
15. Attractors of direct products
S. Minkov
Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis – 2021
July 6, 2021 15:35   
16. Omega-limit sets of generic points of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms
S. S. Minkov, A. V. Okunev
International Conference “Anosov Systems and Modern Dynamics” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Dmitry Anosov
December 22, 2016 17:00
17. Èçáðàííûå ãëàâû òåîðèè äèíàìè÷åñêèõ ñèñòåì, ëåêöèÿ 4
S. S. Minkov

October 6, 2016   
18. Èçáðàííûå ãëàâû òåîðèè äèíàìè÷åñêèõ ñèñòåì, ëåêöèÿ 1
S. S. Minkov

September 15, 2016   

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