Marapulets Yu.V.Tristanov A.B., “Primenenie metoda razre-zhennoi approksimatsii v za-dachakh analiza signalov geo-akusticheskoi emissii.”, Tsifrovaya obrabotka signalov, 2011, № 2, 13-17
Larionov I. A., Marapulets Y. V., Shevtsov B. M., “Features of the Earth surface deformations in the Kamchatka peninsula and their relation to geoacoustic emission.”, Solid Earth, 2014, no. 5, 1293-1300
M. I. Gapeev, Yu. V. Marapulets, “Modeling of relative shear deformation zones before strong earthquakes in kamchatka from 2018-2021”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 37:4 (2021), 53–66
Yu. I. Senkevich, Yu. V. Marapulets, O. O. Lukovenkova, A. A. Solodchuk, “Technique of informative features selection in geoacoustic emission signals”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 18:5 (2019), 1066–1092
M. A. Mishenko, Yu. V. Marapulets, I. A. Larionov, “86A17Analysis of temporal and frequency characteristics of simultaneous geodeformation signals registered at “karymshina” site”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 29:4 (2019), 166–172
I. A. Larionov, Yu. V. Marapulets, “Some features of atmospheric-lithospheric observations of acoustic emission at «Karymshina» site in Kamchatka”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 26:1 (2019), 94–99
P. V. Muratov, O. P. Rulenko, Yu. V. Marapulets, A. A. Solodchuk, “Electrical and acoustic response of the near-surface sedimentary rocks to seismic earthquake waves passing”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2018, no. 5(25), 62–73
I. A. Larionov, E. I. Malkin, Yu. V. Marapulets, M. A. Mishenko, A. A. Solodchuk, “Layout for automated software-hardware complex for geophysical signal on-line monitoring, identification and analysis”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2018, no. 4(24), 213–225
O. O. Lukovenkova, Yu. V. Marapulets, A. B. Tristanov, A. A. Kim, I. A. Kashutina, “Optimization of adaptive matching pursuit method to analyze geoacoustic emission signals”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2018, no. 4(24), 197–207
Yu. V. Marapulets, A. A. Solodchuk, A. O. Shcherbina, “Geoacoustic emission directivity change at Mikizha station associated with earthquakes in Kamchatka”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2016, no. 4(15), 74–79
O. P. Rulenko, Yu. V. Marapulets, Yu. D. Kuzmin, A. A. Solodchuk, “Joint perturbation of geoacoustic, emanation and atmospheric electric fields at the boundary of the Earth's crust and the atmosphere before the earthquake”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2016, no. 3(14), 72–78
A. V. Vodyanova, Yu. V. Marapulets, “On the lognormal law of frequency distribution in high-frequency geoacoustic emission pulses”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2016, no. 1(12), 48–54; Bulletin KRASEC. Phys. & Math. Sci., 12:1 (2016), 41–47