List of scientific publications: |
Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
2022 |
1. |
Paolo Bonicatto, Nikolay A. Gusev, “On the structure of divergence-free measures on $\mathbb R^2$”, Adv. Calc. Var., 15:4 (2022), 879–911 , arXiv: 1912.10936 ;
2019 |
2. |
Nikolay A. Gusev, “On the one-dimensional continuity equation with a nearly incompressible vector field”, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., 18:2 (2019), 559–568
3. |
Paolo Bonicatto, Nikolay A. Gusev, “Non-uniqueness of signed measure-valued solutions to the continuity equation in presence of a unique flow”, Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl., 30:3 (2019), 511–531 , arXiv: 1809.10216 ;
2018 |
4. |
N. A. Gusev, “On the Definitions of Boundary Values of Generalized Solutions to an Elliptic-Type Equation”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 301 (2018), 39–43 |
5. |
Nikolay A. Gusev, “A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Existence of Measurable Flow of a Bounded Borel Vector Field”, Mosc. Math. J., 18:1 (2018), 85–92
6. |
P. Bonicatto, N. A. Gusev, “Superposition principle for the continuity equation in a bounded domain”, JPCS, 990 (2018), 12002 , 12 pp.
2017 |
7. |
Gianluca Crippa, Nikolay Gusev, Stefano Spirito, Emil Wiedemann, “Failure of the chain rule for the divergence of bounded vector fields”, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa, Cl. Sci. (5), 17:1 (2017), 1–18 , arXiv: 1412.2476
2016 |
8. |
Stefano Bianchini, Paolo Bonicatto, Nikolay A. Gusev, “Renormalization for autonomous nearly incompressible BV vector fields in two dimensions”, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 48:1 (2016), 1–33 , arXiv: 1412.6387
9. |
S. Bianchini, N. A. Gusev, “Steady nearly incompressible vector fields in two-dimension: chain rule and renormalization”, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 222:2 (2016), 451–505 , arXiv: 1408.2932
2015 |
10. |
Gianluca Crippa, Nikolay Gusev, Stefano Spirito, Emil Wiedemann, “Non-uniqueness and prescribed energy for the continuity equation”, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 13:7 (2015), 1937–1947 , arXiv: 1412.2478
2012 |
11. |
N. A. Gusev, “Asymptotic Properties of Linearized Equations of Low Compressible Fluid Motion”, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 14:3 (2012), 591-618 , arXiv: 1012.4778 |
2011 |
12. |
N. A. Gusev, “Slabaya i silnaya skhodimost reshenii linearizovannykh uravnenii slaboszhimaemoi zhidkosti”, Vestn. Sam. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. Fiz.-mat. nauki, 1(22) (2011), 47–52
13. |
N. A. Gusev, “Asimptoticheskie svoistva reshenii linearizovannykh uravnenii dvizheniya slabo szhimaemoi sredy”, Trudy MFTI, 3:1 (2011), 57–60 (pdf) |
2010 |
14. |
N. A. Gusev, “O zavisimosti gradienta resheniya zadachi Neimana dlya uravneniya Laplasa ot parametra”, Trudy MFTI, 2:2 (2010), 67–69 (pdf) |
15. |
E. G. Shifrin, N. A. Gusev, “Uravneniya filtratsii i zakon Darsi”, Doklady Akademii nauk, 435:5 (2010), 619–623 |
2009 |
16. |
I. V. Volovich, O. V. Groshev, N. A. Gusev, E. A. Kuryanovich, “On Solutions to the Wave Equation on a Non-globally Hyperbolic Manifold”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 265 (2009), 262–275 |
2008 |
17. |
N. A. Gusev, “O resheniyakh uravnenii tipa Oberbeka Bussineska dlya slabo szhimaemykh sred”, Vestnik SamGU, Estestvennonauchnaya seriya, 8:1, 67 (2008), 369–380 |