Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2024 |
1. |
M. I. Gomoyunov, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “On the minimax solution of path-dependent Hamilton–Jacobi equations for neutral-type systems”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 79:4(478) (2024), 177–178 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 79:4 (2024), 733–735 |
2. |
M. I. Gomoyunov, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “Minimax solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi equations in dynamic optimization problems for hereditary systems”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 79:2(476) (2024), 43–144 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 79:2 (2024), 229–324 |
3. |
M. I. Gomoyunov, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “The value and optimal strategies in a positional differential game for a neutral-type system”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 30:3 (2024), 86–98 |
2023 |
4. |
Mikhail I. Gomoyunov, Nikolai Yu. Lukoyanov, “On linear-quadratic differential games for fractional-order systems”, Mat. Teor. Igr Pril., 15:2 (2023), 18–32 |
2021 |
5. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, A. R. Plaksin, “On Extremal Shift Strategies in Time-Delay Systems”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 27:2 (2021), 150–161 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 315, suppl. 1 (2021), S192–S202 |
6. |
M. I. Gomoyunov, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “Differential Games in Fractional-Order Systems: Inequalities for Directional Derivatives of the Value Functional”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 315 (2021), 74–94 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 315 (2021), 65–84 |
2020 |
7. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, A. R. Plaksin, “Inequalities for subgradients of a value functional in differential games for time-delay systems”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 490 (2020), 91–94 ; Dokl. Math., 101:1 (2020), 76–79 |
8. |
M. I. Gomoyunov, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “Construction of Solutions to Control Problems for Fractional-Order Linear Systems Based on Approximation Models”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 26:1 (2020), 39–50 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 313, suppl. 1 (2021), S73–S82 |
2019 |
9. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, A. R. Plaksin, “On the Theory of Positional Differential Games for Neutral-Type Systems”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 25:3 (2019), 118–128 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 309, suppl. 1 (2020), S83–S92 |
10. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, A. R. Plaksin, “Stable Functionals of Neutral-Type Dynamical Systems”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 304 (2019), 221–234 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 304 (2019), 205–218 |
2018 |
11. |
M. I. Gomoyunov, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, A. R. Plaksin, “Approximation of minimax solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi functional equations for delay systems”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 24:1 (2018), 53–62 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 304, suppl. 1 (2019), S68–S75 |
12. |
M. I. Gomoyunov, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, A. R. Plaksin, “Hamilton-Jacobi equations in dynamical optimization problems for neutral-type systems”, Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences, 23:122 (2018), 268–277 |
2017 |
13. |
M. I. Gomoyunov, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “On the numerical solution of differential games for neutral-type linear systems”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 23:1 (2017), 75–87 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 301, suppl. 1 (2018), 44–56 |
2016 |
14. |
M. I. Gomoyunov, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, A. R. Plaksin, “Existence of the value and saddle point in positional differential games for neutral-type systems”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 22:2 (2016), 101–112 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 299, suppl. 1 (2017), 37–48 |
2015 |
15. |
D. V. Kornev, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “On a minimax control problem for a positional functional under geometric and integral constraints on control actions”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 21:2 (2015), 87–101 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 293, suppl. 1 (2016), 85–100 |
16. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, A. R. Plaksin, “Differential games for neutral-type systems: An approximation model”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 291 (2015), 202–214 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 291 (2015), 190–202 |
2014 |
17. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, A. R. Plaksin, “On the approximation of nonlinear conflict-controlled systems of neutral type”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 20:4 (2014), 204–217 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 292, suppl. 1 (2016), 182–196 |
18. |
M. I. Gomoyunov, D. V. Kornev, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “On the numerical solution of a minmax control problem with a positional functional”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 20:3 (2014), 58–75 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 291, suppl. 1 (2015), 77–95 |
19. |
M. I. Gomoyunov, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “On the stability of a procedure for solving a minimax control problem for a positional functional”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 20:1 (2014), 68–82 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 288, suppl. 1 (2015), 54–69 |
2013 |
20. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, A. R. Plaksin, “Finite-dimensional modeling guides in time-delay systems”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 19:1 (2013), 182–195 |
21. |
D. V. Kornev, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “On numerical solution of differential games with nonterminal payoff in classes of mixed strategies”, Vestn. Udmurtsk. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Komp. Nauki, 2013, no. 3, 34–48 |
2012 |
22. |
M. I. Gomoyunov, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “Calculating the optimal guaranteed result in systems with control delays”, Izv. IMI UdGU, 2012, no. 1(39), 38–39 |
2010 |
23. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “On Hamilton–Jacobi formalism in time-delay control systems”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 16:5 (2010), 269–277 |
2009 |
24. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “Minimax and viscosity solutions in optimization problems for hereditary systems”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 15:4 (2009), 183–194 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 269, suppl. 1 (2010), S214–S225 |
25. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “On optimality conditions for the guaranteed result in control problems for time-delay systems”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 15:3 (2009), 158–169 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 268, suppl. 1 (2010), S175–S187 |
2008 |
26. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “Stable functionals in control problems with hereditary information”, Vestn. Udmurtsk. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Komp. Nauki, 2008, no. 2, 77–80 |
2007 |
27. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “On viscosity solution of functional Hamilton–Jacobi type equations for hereditary systems”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 13:2 (2007), 135–144 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 259, suppl. 2 (2007), S190–S200 |
2006 |
28. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “On infinitesimal properties of the value functional in control problems with hereditary information”, Izv. IMI UdGU, 2006, no. 3(37), 83–84 |
29. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “Differential inequalities for a nonsmooth value functional in control systems with an aftereffect”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 12:2 (2006), 108–118 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 255, suppl. 2 (2006), S103–S114 |
2001 |
30. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “Minimax Solutions of Functional Equations of the Hamilton–Jacobi Type for Hereditary Systems”, Differ. Uravn., 37:2 (2001), 228–237 ; Differ. Equ., 37:2 (2001), 246–256 |
31. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “How to Compute the Value of a Positional Differential Game”, Differ. Uravn., 37:1 (2001), 18–26 ; Differ. Equ., 37:1 (2001), 17–26 |
2000 |
32. |
N. N. Krasovskii, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “Equations of Hamilton-Jacobi type in hereditary systems: minimax solutions”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 6:1 (2000), 110–130 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 2000no. , suppl. 1, S136–S153 |
1995 |
33. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “On the conflict control problem with mixed constraints on the control actions”, Differ. Uravn., 31:9 (1995), 1473–1482 ; Differ. Equ., 31:9 (1995), 1427–1436 |
1994 |
34. |
N. Yu. Lukoyanov, “On a differential game with an integral performance index”, Differ. Uravn., 30:11 (1994), 1905–1913 ; Differ. Equ., 30:11 (1994), 1759–1766 |
2024 |
35. |
A. I. Aptekarev, S. I. Bezrodnykh, M. A. Guzev, S. I. Kabanikhin, B. S. Kashin, S. V. Kislyakov, V. V. Kozlov, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, M. B. Markov, D. O. Orlov, Yu. S. Osipov, I. B. Petrov, V. P. Platonov, I. A. Taimanov, V. F. Tishkin, D. V. Treschev, E. E. Tyrtyshnikov, M. V. Yakobovskiy, “Boris Nikolaevich Chetverushkin (on his eightieth birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 79:4(478) (2024), 181–187 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 79:4 (2024), 739–745 |
36. |
N. N. Andreev, S. E. Boichenko, S. O. Gorchinskiy, V. V. Kozlov, N. Yu. Lukoyanov, D. K. Mamyi, D. O. Orlov, A. M. Raigorodskii, “The Third Conference of Russian Mathematical Centers”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 79:1(475) (2024), 191–194 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 79:1 (2024), 183–187 |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
1. |
Уравнения Гамильтона—Якоби—Беллмана— Айзекса для динамических систем нейтрального типа N. Yu. Lukoyanov
Conference dedicated to 70th anniversary of A. L. Skubachevsky December 15, 2023 12:15
2. |
Задачи оптимизации гарантии в динамических системах N. Yu. Lukoyanov
September 19, 2023 09:40
3. |
Hereditary Hamilton–Jacobi equations: Minimax solution N. Yu. Lukoyanov
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equations November 1, 2022 12:00
4. |
Optimal guaranteed result in control problems of neutral-type systems N. Yu. Lukoyanov, A. R. Plaksin
International Conference "Optimal Control and Differential Games" dedicated to the 110th anniversary of L. S. Pontryagin December 14, 2018 11:30
5. |
Hamilton–Jacobi equations for neutral-type dynamical systems N. Yu. Lukoyanov
International conference "Systems Analysis: Modeling and Control" in memory of Academician A. V. Kryazhimskiy May 31, 2018 11:00
6. |
Finite-dimensional guides of neutral-type systems N. Yu. Lukoyanov
International conference "Dynamical Systems: Inverse Problems, Stability and Control Processes" dedicated to the 80th birthday of Yu. S. Osipov September 22, 2016 17:50
7. |
Позиционное управление в динамических системах: задача оптимизации гарантии N. Yu. Lukoyanov
Conference of Professors of the RAS in the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences June 14, 2016 15:25
8. |
Математика на Урале V. I. Berdyshev, N. Yu. Lukoyanov
General Meeting of the Branch of Mathematical Sciences, RAS, 2015 March 21, 2016 14:10
Organisations |