Main results include: 1) A system of invariants of knots, links, and plane curves, stronger than all known polynomial invariants; 2) A universal method of the computation of homology groups of spaces of non-degenerate geometrical objects, producing in particular the knot invariants and numerous comparison theorems of the Smale–Hirsch–Gromov type for spaces of real and complex functions and maps without complicated singularities; 3) Best known (and asymptotically sharp) estimates of the numbers of branchings of algorithms of approximate computation of roots of polynomials 4) "Stratified" version of the Picard–Lefschetz theory for the homology groups of singular manifolds; 5) A proof of the Atiyah–Bott Garding conjecture on the equivalence of the sharpness of the wave front of a hyperbolic operator to the topological Petrovskii condition; an interpretation of these conditions in the terms of the geometry of the front; 6) Multidimensional analogues of the Newton's theorem on the non-integrability of ovals; 7) A construction of multi-dimensional analogues of the Maslov index by the methods of the singularity theory (the "universal complex of singularities"); 8) A calculation of the stable homotopy types of complements of plane arrangements in $\mathbf R^n$, generalizing the Goresky–MacPherson formula for the homology groups of such complements. Other results concern complexity theory of smooth maps, real algebraic geometry, generalized hypergeometric functions, topology of Lie groups, dynamical systems, geometrical combinatorics, potential theory, etc.
Graduated from the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) in 1965 Ph.D. since 1982 (advisor V. I. Arnold); D.Sci. since 1992. More than 100 scientific publications. Since 1997 I run a research seminar at the Independent University of Moscow. Board member of journals "Functional Analysis and its Applications" (Editor in Chief), Izvestiya RAS, Doklady DAS, Moscow Mathematical Journal, Selecta Mathematica (New Series), Topology and its Applications, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications. Member of the Executive Committee of International Mathematical Union (2004–2010). President of the Moscow Mathematical Society (2010–present).
Moscow Math. Society award of 1985 for the cycle of works "Characteristic classes of wave fronts". Plenary invited address at the Zurich International Congress of Mathematicians (1994). Miller Research Professor, UC Berkeley, 1999. Visiting Fellow Commoner, Trinity College, Cambridge University, 2000. Russia State Award in the field of education.
Main publications:
V. A. Vassiliev, Complements of discriminants of smooth maps: topology and applications, 2-d extended edition, Translations of Math. Monographs, 98, AMS, Providence, RI, 1994, 268 pp. ; rasshirennyi russkii perevod: V. A. Vasilev, Topologiya dopolnenii k diskriminantam, Fazis, Moskva, 1997, xiv+536 s.
V. A. Vassiliev, Ramified integrals, singularities and lacunas, Math. Appl., 315, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dorderecht (Netherlands), 1995, xviii+289 pp. ; rasshirennyi russkii perevod: V. A. Vasilev, Vetvyaschiesya integraly, MTsNMO, Moskva, 2000, 432 s.
V. A. Vassiliev, Lagrange and Legendre characteristic classes, 2-d edition, Gordon and Breach Publishers, New York a.o., 1993, 273 pp. ; rasshirennyi russkii perevod: V. A. Vasilev, Lagranzhevy i lezhandrovy kharakteristicheskie klassy, MTsNMO, Moskva, 2000, 312 s.
V. I. Arnold, V. A. Vasilev, V. V. Goryunov, O. V. Lyashko, Osobennosti. I. Lokalnaya i globalnaya teoriya, Itogi nauki i tekhniki. Sovr. probl. matem. Fundam. napr., 6, VINITI, Moskva, 1988, 256 s. ; Osobennosti. II. Klassifikatsiya i prilozheniya, Itogi nauki i tekhniki. Sovr. probl. matem. Fundam. napr., 39, 1989, 256 s. ; English translation: V. I. Arnold, V. A. Vasil'ev, V. V. Goryunov, O. V. Lyashko, Singularities, Encycl. Math. Sci., 6, 39, Springer-Verlag, Berlin–New York, 1993, 245+233 pp.
V. A. Vassiliev, “Combinatorial formulas for cohomology of spaces of knots”, Moscow Math. J., 1:1 (2001), 91–123
V. A. Vassiliev, “On the homology of spaces of equivariant maps”, J. Topol. Anal., 16:4 (2024), 461–494 , arXiv: 1809.05632
V.A. Vassiliev, “Cohomology of Spaces of Complex Knots”, Arnold Mathematical Journal, 10:3 (2024), 323–353 , arXiv: 2207.08247
V.A. Vassiliev, “Complements of caustics of real function singularities”, Journal of Singularities, 27 (2024), 47–67 , arXiv: 2304.09824
V.A. Vassiliev, To the isotopy classification of Morse polynomials of degree 3 in R^3, 2024 , 24 pp., arXiv: 2404.17891
V.A. Vassiliev, “Complements of discriminants of simple real function singularities”, Isr. J. Math., 263 (2024), 553-586 , arXiv: 2109.12287
V.A. Vassiliev, “Cohomology of spaces of Hopf equivariant maps of spheres”, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 26:2 (2024), 219–227 , arXiv: 2102.07157
V. A. Vasilev, “I.M. Gelfand na zakate sovetskoi vlasti”, V kn. “I. M. Gelfand. K 110-letiyu”, s. 73–76., 2024
V.A. Vassiliev, "Complements of discriminants of real singularities of type $X_{10}$", 2023 , 17 pp., arXiv: 2301.06994
V.A. Vassiliev, "Average intersection number of trigonometric plane curves in $L_2$ and $W^r_2$ statistics", 2023 , 9 pp., arXiv: 2303.12645
Mark Agranovksy, Jan Boman, Alexander Koldobsky, Victor Vassiliev, Vladyslav Yaskin, “Algebraically integrable bodies and related properties of the Radon transform”, Harmonic Analysis and Convexity, eds. Alexander Koldobsky and Alexander Volberg, De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, 2023, 1–36; arXiv: 2212.07510
V.A. Vassiliev, “Complements of discriminants of real parabolic function singularities”, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 23:3 (2023), 401–432 , arXiv: 2208.10929
V.A. Vassiliev, “To the rigid isotopy classification of Morse polynomials of degree 4 in R^2”, 2023 , 52 pp., arXiv: 2311.11113
Victor A. Vassiliev, “Varieties of chord diagrams, braid group cohomology and degeneration of equality conditions”, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 326:1 (2023), 135–160 , arXiv: 2108.00463
V. L. Arlazarov, A. Ya. Belov, V. O. Bugaenko, V. A. Vassiliev, A. L. Gorodentsev, S. A. Dorichenko, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, V. M. Imaykin, S. I. Komarov, A. G. Kushnirenko, Yu. P. Lysov, A. L. Semenov, V. M. Tikhomirov, A. K. Tolpygo, A. G. Khovanskii, P. A. Yakushkin, I. V. Yaschenko, “Nikolai Nikolaevich Konstantinov (obituary)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 77:3 (2022), 531–541
Victor Vassiliev, “D. Fuchs in the Arnold seminar”, Celebratio Mathematica, D. B. Fuchs, Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2021, 2021
Victor A. Vassiliev, “New Examples of Irreducible Local Diffusion of Hyperbolic PDE's”, SIGMA, 16 (2020), 9 , 21 pp., arXiv: 1909.13211
A. M. Astashov, I. V. Astashova, A. V. Bocharov, V. M. Buchstaber, V. A. Vassiliev, A. Verbovetsky, A. M. Vershik, A. P. Veselov, M. M. Vinogradov, L. Vitagliano, R. F. Vitolo, Th. Th. Voronov, V. G. Kac, Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach, I. S. Krasil'shchik, I. M. Krichever, A. P. Krishchenko, S. K. Lando, V. V. Lychagin, M. Marvan, V. P. Maslov, A. S. Mishchenko, S. P. Novikov, V. N. Rubtsov, A. V. Samokhin, A. B. Sossinsky, J. Stasheff, D. B. Fuchs, A. Ya. Khelemsky, N. G. Khor'kova, V. N. Chetverikov, A. S. Schwarz, “Alexandre Mikhailovich Vinogradov (obituary)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 75:2 (2020), 369–375
V. A. Vassiliev, “New examples of locally algebraically integrable bodies”, Mathematical Notes, 106:6 (2019), 894–898 , arXiv: 1902.07235
Victor A.Vassiliev, “Twisted homology of configuration spaces, homology of spaces of equivariant maps, and stable homology of spaces of non-resultant systems of real homogeneous polynomials”, 2018 , 32 pp., arXiv: 1809.05632
V. A. Vassiliev, “Lacunas and local algebraicity of volume functions”, J. Singul., 18 (2018), 350–357 , arXiv: 1803.07829
V. M. Buchstaber, V. A. Vassiliev, A. Yu. Vesnin, I. A. Dynnikov, Yu. G. Reshetnyak, A. B. Sossinsky, I. A. Taimanov, V. G. Turaev, A. T. Fomenko, E. A. Fominykh, A. V. Chernavsky, “Sergei Vladimirovich Matveev (on his 70th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 73:4 (2018), 737–746
A. I. Aptekarev, V. M. Buchstaber, V. A. Vassiliev, M. L. Gromov, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, B. S. Kashin, V. M. Keselman, V. V. Kozlov, M. L. Kontsevich, I. M. Krichever, N. G. Kruzhilin, S. K. Lando, Yu. I. Manin, G. A. Margulis, S. Yu. Nemirovski, S. P. Novikov, Yu. G. Reshetnyak, Ya. G. Sinai, S. P. Suetin, D. V. Treschev, D. B. Fuchs, A. G. Khovanskii, E. M. Chirka, A. S. Schwarz, A. N. Shiryaev, “Vladimir Antonovich Zorich (on his 80th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 73:5 (2018), 935–939
V. A. Vassiliev, “Stable cohomology of spaces of non-resultant polynomial systems in $\mathbb R^3$”, Dokl. Math., 96:3 (2017), 616–619
V. A. Vassiliev, “Multiplicities of bifurcation sets of Pham singularities”, Mosc. Math. J., 17:4 (2017), 825–836 , arXiv: 1701.03909
A. Chernavski, D. Fuchs, S. Gusein-Zade, Yu. Ilyashenko, O. Karpenkov, A. Kirillov, S. Lando, S. Matveev, M. Skopenkov, V. Tikhomirov, M. Tsfasman, V. Vassiliev, “Alexei Bronislavovich Sossinsky turns 80”, Mosc. Math. J., 17:3 (2017), 555–558
V. A. Vassiliev, “Homology groups of spaces of non-resultant quadratic polynomial systems in ${\mathbb R}^3$”, Izv. Math., 80:4 (2016), 791–810
V. A. Vassiliev, “Multiplicities of Maxwell sets of Pham singularities”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 50:3 (2016), 225–227
Victor A. Vassiliev, “Linking numbers in non-orientable 3-manifolds”, J. Knot. Theor. Ramif., 25:12 (2016), 1642016 , 13 pp., arXiv: 1606.05876
V. A. Vassiliev, “Local Petrovskii lacunas close to parabolic singular points of the wavefronts of strictly hyperbolic partial differential equations”, Sb. Math., 207:10 (2016), 1363–1383
S. Chmutov, M. Karev, A. Khovanski, J. Krasilshchik, S. Lando, N. Mnev, G. Panina, Yu. Romanovski, I. Scherbak, A. Sossinski, A. Varchenko, N. Vasilyev, V. Vassiliev, A. Vershik, “Remembrance: Sergei Duzhin (June 17, 1956–February 1, 2015)”, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 25:12 (2016), 1677001-1–1677011-8
V. I. Arnold, Collected works, v. III, Singularity Theory 1972-1979, eds. A. B. Givental, B. A. Khesin, M. B. Sevryuk, V. A. Vassiliev, O. Ya. Viro, Springer-Verlag, Berlin–Heidelberg, 2016 , XIV+509 pp.
M. Gelfand, V. Vasilev, Esli potratish zhizn na matematiku, to ty ee ne zrya prozhil, “Troitskii variant” 25 (219), s. 6, 2016
V. A. Vassiliev, “Newton's lemma XXVIII on integrable ovals in higher dimensions and reflection groups”, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 47:2 (2015), 290–300 , arXiv: 1407.7221
V. A. Vassiliev, “Homology of spaces of non-resultant polynomial systems in $\mathbb R^2$ and $\mathbb C^2$”, Arnold Math. J., 1:3 (2015), 233–242 , arXiv: 1409.6005
V. A. Vassiliev, “Rational Homology of the Order Complex of Zero Sets of Homogeneous Quadratic Polynomial Systems in $\mathbb R^3$”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 290 (2015), 197–209 , arXiv: 1501.06063
P. Etingof, S. Loktev, L. Rybnikov, S. Gusein-Zade, Yu. Ilyashenko, S. Lando, M. Tsfasman, V. Vassiliev, “Boris Feigin”, Mosc. Math. J., 15:2 (2015), 185–186
V. Vassiliev, “Topology in Arnold's Work”, Arnold: Swimming Against the Tide, eds. B. A. Khesin and S. L. Tabachnikov, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2014, 165–171
A. I. Bufetov, A. A. Glutsyuk, S. M. Gusein-Zade, A. S. Gorodetski, V. Yu. Kaloshin, A. G. Khovanskii, V. A. Kleptsyn, S. Yu. Nemirovskii, A. B. Sossinsky, M. A. Tsfasman, V. A. Vassiliev, S. Yu. Yakovenko, “Yulij Sergeevich Ilyashenko”, Mosc. Math. J., 14:2 (2014), 173–179
V. A. Vasilev, N. M. Karpushina, S. N. Fedin, “Glavnyi element ucheby – eto opyt obscheniya s umnymi lyudmi! (Intervyu s V. A. Vasilevym)”, Matematika v shkole, 2014, no. 6, 3–8
V. A. Vasilev, “Bez samoobrazovaniya - nikak”, Troitskii variant, 2013, no. 22(141) (5.11.2013), 8
V. A. Vasilev, “Pamyati Andreya Zelevinskogo”, Troitskii variant, 2013, no. 8(127) (23.04.2013), 14
V. A. Vasilev, “Finalnyi variant tumanen”, Troitskii variant, 2013, no. 21(140) (22.10.2013), 2
V. I. Arnold, Collected works, v. 2, Hydrodynamics, Bifurcation Theory, and Algebraic Geometry, 1965–1972, eds. A. B. Givental, B. A. Khesin, A. N. Varchenko, V. A. Vassiliev, O. Ya. Viro, Springer-Verlag, Berlin–Heidelberg, 2013 , 466 pp.
V. A. Vassiliev, Vvedenie v topologiyu [Introduction to Topology], Extended Chinese translation of the 1997 textbook, International Press of Boston/Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2013 , 150 pp.
V. A. Vasilev, “Uchitelya”, v kn.: M. M. Yudkevich, Yu. V. Ivanova, L. F. Borusyak, V. V. Seliverstov, Pokoleniya VShE. Uchitelya ob uchitelyakh, Izdatelskii dom NIU VShE, M., 2013, 15–19
A. A. Agrachev, D. V. Anosov, I. A. Bogaevskii, A. S. Bortakovskii, A. B. Budak, V. A. Vassiliev, V. V. Goryunov, S. M. Gusein-Zade, A. A. Davydov, V. R. Zarodov, V. D. Sedykh, D. V. Treshchev, V. N. Chubarikov, “Vladimir Mikhailovich Zakalyukin (obituary)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 67:2 (2012), 375–379
D. V. Anosov, V. A. Vassiliev, V. S. Vladimirov, R. V. Gamkrelidze, A. A. Gonchar, V. A. Il'in, V. V. Kozlov, A. V. Kryazhimskiy, S. M. Nikol'skii, A. N. Parshin, V. M. Filippov, I. R. Shafarevich, “Lev Dmitrievich Kudryavtsev (obituary)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 67:3 (2012), 569–571
V. A. Vasilev, “Novoe vino? Starye mekhi? (Podborka kommentariev k state A. Volkova i D. Livanova «Stavka na novoe soderzhanie»)”, Troitskii variant, 2012, no. 18(112), 2
S. A. Grishanov, V. A. Vassiliev, “Invariants of links in 3-manifolds and splitting problem of textile structures”, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 20:3 (2011), 345–370
S. A. Grishanov, V. A. Vassiliev, “Gauss diagram invariants of links in $M^2\times\mathbf R^1$”, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 20:3 (2011), 371–387ãrnsem/papers/5gv.pdf
V. A. Vassiliev, “Topological complexity and Schwarz genus of general real polynomial equation”, Mosc. Math. J., 11:3 (2011), 617–625
V. A. Vasilev, “Integriruemye ovaly i monodromiya. Annotatsiya doklada 10.12.2009”, Trudy seminara po vektornomu i tenzornomu analizu, XXVII, Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 2011, 18
S. B. Artemov, A. A. Belavin, V. M. Buchstaber, A. I. Esterov, B. L. Feigin, V. A. Ginzburg, E. A. Gorsky, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, A. A. Kirillov, A. G. Khovanskii, S. K. Lando, G. A. Margulis, Yu. A. Neretin, S. P. Novikov, S. B. Shlosman, A. B. Sossinsky, M. A. Tsfasman, A. N. Varchenko, V. A. Vassiliev, S. G. Vlăduţ, “Sabir Medgidovich Gusein-Zade”, Mosc. Math. J., 10:4 (2010), 831–832
D. Anosov, V. Buchstaber, S. Gusein-Zade, Yu. Ilyashenko, A. Khovanskii, S. Lando, S. Novikov, A. Sossinsky, M. Tsfasman, V. Vassiliev, “Vladimir Igorevich Arnold”, Mosc. Math. J., 10:3 (2010), 481–483
S. A. Grishanov, V. A. Vassiliev, “Fiedler type combinatorial formulas for generalized Fiedler type invariants of knots in $M^2\times\mathbf R^1$”, Topology Appl., 156:14 (2009), 2307–2316ãrnsem/papers/3gv.pdf
S. A. Grishanov, V. R. Meshkov, V. A. Vassiliev, “Recognizing textile structures by finite type knot invariants”, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 18:2 (2009), 209–235ãrnsem/papers/1gmv.pdf
S. Gusein-Zade, Yu. Ilyashenko, D. Kaledin, A. Kuznetsov, S. Lando, A. Sossinski, M. Tsfasman, V. Vassiliev, A. Vershik, “A tribute to Pierre Deligne”, Mosc. Math. J., 9:1 (2009), 1–2
A. Némethi, D. van Straten, V. A. Vassiliev, “Introduction by the Organisers of the workshop “Singularities””, Oberwolfach Reports, 6:3 (2009), 2405–2406
S. A. Grishanov, V. A. Vassiliev, “Two constructions of weight systems for invariants of knots in non-trivial 3-manifolds”, Topology Appl., 155:16 (2008), 1757–1765ãrnsem/papers/2gv.pdf
V. A. Aleksandrov, Yu. A. Aminov, V. M. Buchstaber, V. A. Vassiliev, N. P. Dolbilin, S. P. Novikov, Yu. G. Reshetnyak, V. A. Sadovnichii, V. T. Fomenko, “Idzhad Khakovich Sabitov (on his 70th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 63:6 (2008), 1173–1177
V. A. Vasilev, “Prodolzhenie razgovora ob ekspertize uchebnikov”, Matematika (matematicheskaya seriya gazety «Pervoe Sentyabrya»), 2008, no. 4, 4–6
A. V. Chernavskii, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, S. K. Lando, S. V. Matveev, M. A. Tsfasman, V. A. Vassiliev, “Alexei B. Sossinsky”, Mosc. Math. J., 7:4 (2007), 763–764
S. M. Gusein-Zade, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, M. E. Kazarian, A. G. Khovanskii, S. K. Lando, A. B. Sossinski, M. A. Tsfasman, V. A. Vassiliev, V. M. Zakalyukin, “Vladimir Igorevich Arnold”, Mosc. Math. J., 7:3 (2007), 571
V. A. Vassiliev, Yu. G. Zarhin, V. A. Iskovskikh, D. B. Kaledin, Vik. S. Kulikov, Yu. I. Manin, D. O. Orlov, A. N. Parshin, I. R. Shafarevich, “Fedor Alekseevich Bogomolov (on his 60th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 62:6 (2007), 1233–1237
A. N. Varchenko, V. A. Vassiliev, S. M. Gusein-Zade, A. A. Davydov, V. M. Zakalyukin, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, M. E. Kazarian, A. G. Kushnirenko, S. K. Lando, A. G. Khovanskii, “Vladimir Igorevich Arnold in the Eyes of His Students: On the occasion of his 70th birthday”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 259 (2007), 1–5
V. A. Vasilev, “Matematiki RAN o shkolnykh uchebnikakh po matematike”, Matematika (matematicheskaya seriya gazety «Pervoe Sentyabrya»), 2007, no. 1, 3–6
“Invisible member of the Russian education”, 2007
“On the program of PhD exams on history and philosophy of science (in application to mathematical sciences)”, Vestnik MSU, ser. 20, 2 (2006), 35–39
J. Steenbrink, D. van Straten, V. Vassiliev, “Introduction by the Organisers of the workshop “Singularities””, Oberwolfach Reports, 3:3 (2006), 2505–2506
V. A. Vassiliev, “First-order invariants and cohomology of spaces of embeddings of self-intersecting curves in $\mathbb R^n$”, Izv. Math., 69:5 (2005), 865–912ãrnsem/papers/
V. I. Arnold, A. A. Davydov, V. A. Vassiliev, V. M. Zakalyukin, “Mathematical models and control of catastrophic processes”, UNESCO Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems, v. II, eds. V. I. Agoshkov, J.-P. Puel, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK, 2005, 3–46
V. A. Vassiliev, “Combinatorial formulas for cohomology of spaces of knots”, Advances in topological quantum field theory, NATO Sci. Ser. II Math. Phys. Chem., 179, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dorderecht, 2004, 1–21ãrnsem/papers/
“Ramified integals and Picard-Lefschetz theories”, Globus. Seminar of the Moscow Independent University, 2004, 22–58
V. A. Vassiliev, “Role of mathematics, as they think of it”, Notices of the AMS, 51:8 (2004), 870–871
V. A. Vasilev, “Algoritmy dlya kombinatornoi realizatsii kogomologii prostranstv uzlov”, Fundamentalnaya matematika segodnya, NMU, M., 2003, 10–31
S. M. Gusein-Zade, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, A. G. Khovanskii, M. A. Tsfasman, V. A. Vassiliev, “Vladimir Igorevich Arnold”, Mosc. Math. J., 3:2 (2003), 261
Yu. S. Ilyashenko, I. M. Krichever, S. P. Novikov, M. A. Tsfasman, V. A. Vassiliev, “Victor Buchstaber”, Mosc. Math. J., 3:1 (2003), 257
B. L. Feigin, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, S. K. Lando, A. B. Sossinski, M. A. Tsfasman, V. A. Vassiliev, “Alexander Belavin”, Mosc. Math. J., 3:1 (2003), 255–256
V. A. Vassiliev, Applied Picard–Lefschetz theory, Math. Surveys Monogr., 97, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2002 , xii+324 pp.
V. Vassiliev, “Resolutions of discriminants and topology of their complements”, New developments in singularity theory (Cambridge, 2000), NATO Sci. Ser. II Math. Phys. Chem., 21, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dorderecht, 2001, 87–115
V. A. Vasilev, Lagranzhevy i lezhandrovy kharakteristicheskie klassy, MTsNMO, M., 2000 , 312 pp.
V. A. Vasilev, Vetvyaschiesya integraly, MTsNMO, M., 2000 , 432 pp.
V. A. Vassiliev, Comments to some 32 problems: V. I. Arnold and his seminar, Arnold's problems, Springer, Berlin, 2004, 238–241, 263, 265–267, 284, 299–300, 310, 313, 316–317, 347, 371–372, 388–389, 394, 407, 416, …
V. A. Vassiliev, “Topological order complexes and resolutions of discriminant sets”, Publ. de l'institut mathematique (Beograd), Nouvelle serie,, Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) (N.S.), 66(80), 1999, 165–185
V. A. Vassiliev, “Homology of $i$-connected graphs and invariants of knots, plane arrangements, etc.”, The Arnoldfest (Toronto, ON, 1997), Fields Inst. Commun., 24, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1999, 451–469
V. A. Vassiliev, “Topology of two-connected graphs and homology of spaces of knots”, Differential and symplectic topology of knots and curves, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, 190, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1999, 253–286
V. A. Vassiliev, “On a Problem by M. Kazarian”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 33:3 (1999), 220–221
V. A. Vassiliev, “How to Calculate Homology Groups of Spaces of Nonsingular Algebraic Projective Hypersurfaces”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 225 (1999), 121–140 , arXiv: 1407.7229
V. A. Vassiliev, “On invariants and homology of spaces of knots in arbitrary manifolds”, Topics in quantum groups and finite-type invariants, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, 185, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1998, 155–182 , arXiv: math/9703207
V. A. Vasilyev, “Ramification in integral geometry and monodromy of complex links”, Dynamical systems, 3, J. Math. Sci. (New York), 83:4 (1997), 554–558
D. V. Anosov, A. A. Bolibrukh, V. A. Vassiliev, A. M. Vershik, A. A. Gonchar, M. L. Gromov, S. M. Gusein-Zade, V. M. Zakalyukin, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, V. V. Kozlov, M. L. Kontsevich, Yu. I. Manin, A. I. Neishtadt, S. P. Novikov, Yu. S. Osipov, M. B. Sevryuk, Ya. G. Sinai, A. N. Tyurin, L. D. Faddeev, B. A. Khesin, A. G. Khovanskii, “Vladimir Igorevich Arnol'd (on his 60th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 52:5 (1997), 1117–1139
V. A. Vassiliev, “Topological complexity of root-finding algorithms”, The mathematics of numerical analysis (Park City, UT, 1995), Lectures in Appl. Math., 32, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1996, 831–856
V. A. Vassiliev, “Topological complexity and real roots of polynomials”, Math. Notes, 60:5 (1996), 503–509
V. A. Vassiliev, “On spaces of polynomial knots”, Sb. Math., 187:2 (1996), 193–213 , arXiv: q-alg/9505008
V. Vassiliev, “The mathematical legacy of “Lacunas for hyperbolic differential equations”. Comment on: “Lacunas for hyperbolic differential operators with constant coefficients. I, II” [Acta Math. 124 (1970), 109–189; ibid. 131 (1973), 145–206] by M. F. Atiyah, R. Bott and L. Gårding”, Raoul Bott: collected papers, v. 2, Contemp. Math., Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1994, xxiii–xxviii
V. A. Vassiliev, “Invariants of knots and complements of discriminants”, Developments in mathematics: the Moscow school, Chapman & Hall, London, 1993, 194–250
V. A. Vassiliev, “Complexes of connected graphs”, The Gel'fand Mathematical Seminars, 1990–1992, Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1993, 223–235ãrnsem/papers/congraph.pdf
V. A. Vassil’ev, “Cohomology of braid groups and complexity”, From Topology to Computation: Proceedings of the Smalefest (Berkeley, CA, 1990), Springer, New York, NY, 1993, 359–367
V. A. Vassil'ev, “The Smale-Hirsch principle in catastrophe theory”, From Topology to Computation: Proceedings of the Smalefest (Berkeley, CA, 1990), Springer, New York, 1993, 117–128
V. I. Arnol'd, V. V. Goryunov, O. V. Lyashko, V. A. Vassiliev, Singularity theory. II, Dynamical Systems, 39, Springer, Berlin–New York, 1993 , 233 pp.
V. Vasilev, V. Ginzburg, A. Kirillov, Nasha nauka sposobna k samovozrozhdeniyu, “Izvestiya” # 128, 10 iyulya 1993 g., s. 8., 1993
V. A. Vassiliev, Complements of discriminants of smooth maps: topology and applications, Translated from the Russian by B. Goldfarb, Trans. Math. Monogr., 98, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1992 , vi+208 pp. ; Second extended edition, 1994
V. A. Vassiliev, “On function spaces that are interpolating at any $k$ nodes”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 26:3 (1992), 209–210
V. A. Vassiliev, “Geometry of local lacunae of hyperbolic operators with constant coefficients”, Russian Acad. Sci. Sb. Math., 75:1 (1993), 111–123
V. A. Vassiliev, “Geometric realization of the homology of classical Lie groups, and complexes that are $S$-dual to flag manifolds”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 3:4 (1992), 809–815
V. A. Vassiliev, V. V. Serganova, “On the number of real and complex moduli of singularities of smooth functions and realizations of matroids”, Math. Notes, 49:1 (1991), 15–20
V. A. Vasilev, Kogomologii prostranstv uzlov, Preprint IPM AN SSSR, № 91, IPM AN SSSR, Moskva, 1990 , 29 pp.
V. A. Vasilev, Gomologicheskie invarianty uzlov: algoritmy i vychisleniya, Preprint IPM AN SSSR, № 90, 1990 , 23 pp.
V. A. Vassiliev, “Topology of complements to discriminants and loop spaces”, Theory of singularities and its applications, Adv. Soviet Math., 1, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1990, 9–21
V. A. Vassiliev, “Topological complexity of algorithms for the approximate solution of systems of polynomial equations”, Leningrad Math. J., 1:6 (1990), 1401–1417
V. A. Vassiliev, “Topology of spaces of functions without compound singularities”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 23:4 (1989), 277–286
V. I. Arnol'd, V. A. Vassiliev, V. V. Goryunov, O. V. Lyashko, “Singularities. II. Classification and applications”, Dynamical systems – 8, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Probl. Mat. Fund. Napr., 39, VINITI, Moscow, 1989, 5–249 , 256 pp.
V. A. Vassiliev, “On the topology of spaces of functions without complex singularities”, Russian Math. Surveys, 44:3 (1989), 218–219
V. A. Vassilyev, Lagrange and Legendre characteristic classes, Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math., 3, Frst edition, Gordon and Breach Sci. Publ., New York, 1988 , x+268 pp. ; Second revised edition, 1993 , x+267 pp.
V. A. Vassiliev, “Braid group cohomologies and algorithm complexity”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 22:3 (1988), 182–190
V. A. Vassiliev, “Stable cohomology of complements to the discriminants of deformations of singularities of smooth functions”, J. Soviet Math., 52:4 (1990), 3217–3230
V. I. Arnol'd, V. A. Vassiliev, V. V. Goryunov, O. V. Lyashko, “Singularities. I. Local and global theory”, Dynamical systems – 6, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Probl. Mat. Fund. Napr., 6, VINITI, Moscow, 1988, 5–250
V. A. Vassiliev, “Sharp and diffuse fronts of hyperbolic equations.”, Chapter 6 in the article: A. I. Komech, Linear partial differential equations, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical sciences, 31 (1994), 245–255 , Springer, Berlin
V. A. Vassiliev, I. M. Gel'fand, A. V. Zelevinskii, “General hypergeometric functions on complex Grassmannians”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 21:1 (1987), 19–31
V. A. Vassiliev, “Stable cohomologies of complements to discriminant manifolds of singularities of holomorphic functions”, Russian Math. Surveys, 42:2 (1987), 307–308
V. A. Vassiliev, “Sharpness and the local Petrovskii condition for strictly hyperbolic operators with constant coefficients”, Math. USSR-Izv., 28:2 (1987), 233–273
V. A. Vasilev, “Rezkie fronty giperbolicheskikh operatorov s postoyannymi koeffitsientami”, Sovmestnye zasedaniya seminara imeni I.G. Petrovskogo po differentsialnym uravneniyam i matematicheskim problemam fiziki i Moskovskogo matematicheskogo obschestva (Moskva, 20–23 yanvarya 1986 g.), UMN, 41:4 (1986), 162
V. A. Vassiliev, I. M. Gel'fand, A. V. Zelevinskii, “The behavior of general hypergeometric functions in a complex domain”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 290:2 (1986), 277–281
S. A. Nazarov, A. L. Krylov, A. E. Lifshits, V. A. Vassiliev, A. V. Mikhailov, B. A. Dubrovin, “Sessions of the Petrovskii Seminar on differential equations and mathematical problems of physics”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 39:2(236) (1984), 217–221
V. A. Vasilev, “Primechanie perevodchika k state M. F. Ati, R. Botta i L. Gordinga «Lakuny dlya giperbolicheskikh differentsialnykh operatorov s postoyannymi koeffitsientami. II»”, Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, 39:3 (1984), 221–223
V. A. Vassiliev, “Self-intersections of wave fronts and Legendre (Lagrangian) characteristic numbers”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 16:2 (1982), 131–133
V. A. Vassiliev, “Characteristic classes of Lagrangian and Legendre manifolds dual to singularities of caustics and wave fronts”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 15:3 (1981), 164–173
V. A. Vassiliev, “Asymptotic behavior of exponential integrals in the complex domain”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 13:4 (1979), 239–247
V. A. Vassiliev, “Affineness of normal forms of strata $\mu=\mathrm{const}$ of germs of smooth functions”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 12:3 (1978), 218–220
V. A. Vassiliev, “Asymptotic exponential integrals, Newton's diagram, and the classification of minimal points”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 11:3 (1977), 163–172
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
Algebraically integrable bodies V. A. Vassiliev Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar) February 26, 2020 16:45
Вступительное слово V. A. Vassiliev Conference "Moscow Mathematical Society and Lomonosov Moscow State University" dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Moscow Mathematical Society December 23, 2014 18:00
On $k$-convex submanifolds in Eucledean space V. A. Vassiliev General Mathematics Seminar of the St. Petersburg Division of Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences October 15, 1997