Polekhin, Ivan Yur'evich

Total publications: 29 (28)
in MathSciNet: 19 (19)
in zbMATH: 6 (6)
in Web of Science: 17 (17)
in Scopus: 22 (22)
Cited articles: 16
Citations: 66
Presentations: 30

Number of views:
This page:3738
Abstract pages:3957
Full texts:535
Polekhin, Ivan Yur'evich
Senior Researcher
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2015)
Speciality: 01.02.01 (Theoretical mechanics)

List of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. I. Yu. Polekhin, “Remarks on forced oscillations on manifolds”, Mathematical Aspects of Mechanics, Collected papers. Dedicated to Dmitry Valerevich Treschev on the occasion of his 60th birthday and to Sergey Vladimirovich Bolotin on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 327, Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow, 2024 (to appear)  mathnet  crossref
2. Ivan Yu. Polekhin, “On the dynamics and integrability of the Ziegler pendulum”, Nonlinear Dyn., 112 (2024), 6847–6858 , arXiv: 2209.03724  mathnet  crossref; 3
3. Matematicheskie aspekty mekhaniki, Sbornik statei. K 60-letiyu akademika Dmitriya Valerevicha Trescheva i 70-letiyu chlena-korrespondenta RAN Sergeya Vladimirovicha Bolotina, Trudy MIAN, 327, ed. V. V. Kozlov, I. A. Taimanov, A. T. Ilichev, A. P. Chugainova, I. Yu. Polekhin, MIAN, M., 2024 , 300 pp.  mathnet

4. Ivan Yu. Polekhin, “A Topological–Analytical Method for Proving Averaging Theorems on an Infinite Time Interval in a Degenerate Case”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 322 (2023), 188–197  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  scopus
5. Ivan Yu. Polekhin, “A Note on Forced Oscillations in Systems on a Plane”, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 19:3 (2023), 383–388  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet;
6. Ivan Polekhin, “Asymptotically stable non-falling solutions of the Kapitza–Whitney pendulum”, Meccanica, 58 (2023), 1205–1215 , arXiv: 2205.12057  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet;

7. I. Yu. Polekhin, “The existence proof for forced oscillations by adding dissipative forces in the example of a spherical pendulum”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 211:2 (2022), 692–700  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  scopus
8. Ivan Yu. Polekhin, “The Spherical Kapitza – Whitney Pendulum”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 27:1 (2022), 65–76  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus; 4

9. Ivan Polekhin, “On the application of the Ważewski method to the problem of global stabilization”, Systems Control Lett., 153 (2021), 104953 , 7 pp., arXiv: 1912.04027  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus; 1
10. Valery Kozlov, Ivan Polekhin, “On the non-integrability and dynamics of discrete models of threads”, Nonlinearity, 34:9 (2021), 6398–6416 , arXiv: 2009.09517  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus;

11. I. Yu. Polekhin, “Nekotorye rezultaty o vynuzhdennykh kolebaniyakh v mekhanicheskikh sistemakh”, Izbrannye voprosy matematiki i mekhaniki, Sbornik statei. K 70-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika Valeriya Vasilevicha Kozlova, Tr. MIAN, 310, MIAN, M., 2020, 267–279  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi 2
12. Ivan Polekhin, “Remarks on Forced Oscillations in Some Systems with Gyroscopic Forces”, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 16:2 (2020), 343–353 , arXiv: 1912.04076  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  scopus
13. Ivan Yu. Polekhin, “The Method of Averaging for the Kapitza – Whitney Pendulum”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 25:4 (2020), 401–410 , arXiv: 2006.03406  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus; 5
14. Ivan Polekhin, “Topological considerations and the method of averaging: A connection between local and global results”, 2020 International Conference Nonlinearity, Information and Robotics, NIR 2020 (3 December 2020 - 6 December 2020), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020  crossref  scopus

15. Ivan Yu. Polekhin, “Precession of the Kovalevskaya and Goryachev – Chaplygin Tops”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 24:3 (2019), 281–297  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 1
16. Ivan Polekhin, Averaging method and asymptotic solutions in some mechanical problems, 2019 , 13 pp., arXiv: 1912.04626
17. Ivan Polekhin, “Remarks on the Covering of the Possible Motion Area by Solutions in Rigid Body Systems”, Int. J. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 20:3-4 (2019), 293–302  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus;

18. Ivan Polekhin, “On impulsive isoenergetic control in systems with gyroscopic forces”, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 100 (2018), 1–5  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus 1
19. Ivan Polekhin, “On topological obstructions to global stabilization of an inverted pendulum”, Systems Control Lett., 113 (2018), 31–35  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 12
20. I. Yu. Polekhin, “On motions without falling of an inverted pendulum with dry friction”, J. Geometric Mech., 10:4 (2018), 411–417  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 1
21. I. Yu. Polekhin, “On the Impossibility of Global Stabilization of the Lagrange Top”, Mechanics of Solids, 53:2 (2018), 71–75  mathnet  crossref  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus

22. Valery Kozlov, Ivan Polekhin, “On the covering of a Hill’s region by solutions in systems with gyroscopic forces”, Nonlinear Anal., 148 (2017), 138–146  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 4
23. Ivan Yu. Polekhin, “Classical Perturbation Theory and Resonances in Some Rigid Body Systems”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 22:2 (2017), 136–147  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
24. Valery Kozlov, Ivan Polekhin, “On the covering of a Hill's region by solutions in the restricted three-body problem”, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr., 127:3 (2017), 331–341  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus 3
25. Ivan Polekhin, “A Topological View on Forced Oscillations and Control of an Inverted Pendulum”, Geometric Science of Information. GSI 2017, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 10589, Springer, Cham, 2017, 329–335  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 1

26. Ivan Polekhin, “On forced oscillations in groups of interacting nonlinear systems”, Nonlinear Anal., 135 (2016), 120–128  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 6

27. Ivan Polekhin, “Forced oscillations of a massive point on a compact surface with a boundary”, Nonlinear Anal., 128 (2015), 100–105  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 9

28. Ivan Yu. Polekhin, “Examples of topological approach to the problem of inverted pendulum with moving pivot point”, Nelin. Dinam., 10:4 (2014), 465–472  mathnet  zmath  elib

29. I. Yu. Polekhin, “O gamiltonovykh sistemakh s malymi neavtonomnymi vozmuscheniyami”, Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Ser. 1. Matem., mekh., 2012, no. 1, 47–53  mathnet

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Об одном новом методе доказательства существования вынужденных колебаний
I. Yu. Polekhin
Modern geometry methods
November 20, 2024 18:30
2. On some geometric ideas in the method of averaging
I. Yu. Polekhin
Dynamics days in Sirius. On the occasion of academician Dmitry V. Treschev’s anniversary
October 29, 2024 12:00
3. Об одном новом методе доказательства существования вынужденных колебаний
I. Yu. Polekhin
School of Young Mechanics and Mathematicians SYMM 2024
October 11, 2024 12:00   
4. Замечания о вынужденных колебаниях на многообразиях
I. Yu. Polekhin
Hamiltonian systems and statistical mechanics
April 22, 2024 16:30   
5. Интегрируемость маятника Циглера
I. Yu. Polekhin

September 22, 2023 11:40
6. О неинтегрируемости и динамике дискретных нитей
I. Yu. Polekhin
Traditional session of MIAN-PDMI "Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems"
May 14, 2023 12:35   
7. Геометрия метода малого параметра
I. Yu. Polekhin
Hamiltonian systems and statistical mechanics
April 10, 2023 16:30   
8. Об интегрируемости маятника Циглера
I. Yu. Polekhin
International Conference "Mathematical Methods of Mechanics" dedicated to the anniversary of academician A. G. Kulikovskii
March 23, 2023 16:20   
9. Some problems on the inverted pendulum dynamics
I. Yu. Polekhin
Iskovskikh Seminar
November 17, 2022 18:00   
10. О глобальной динамике маятника Циглера
I. Yu. Polekhin
Hamiltonian systems and statistical mechanics
October 10, 2022 16:30   
11. О интегрируемости и неинтегрируемости маятника Циглера
I. Yu. Polekhin
School of Young Mechanics and Mathematicians SYMM 2022
October 6, 2022 12:40   
12. Маятник Капицы-Уитни и некоторые смежные системы
I. Yu. Polekhin
Seminar of the Department of Geometry and Topology "Geometry, Topology and Mathematical Physics", Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS (Novikov Seminar)
April 6, 2022 18:30
13. The Kapitza-Whitney pendulum
I. Yu. Polekhin
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
November 25, 2021 14:40   
14. The Brockett integrator
I. Yu. Polekhin
School of Young Scientists "Mathematical Methods of Mechanics"
November 3, 2021 15:30   
15. О применении топологического метода Важевского для исследования глобальной стабилизируемости
I. Yu. Polekhin

August 13, 2021 16:10
16. On the application of the Ważewski method to the problem of global stabilization
I. Yu. Polekhin
Beijing–Moscow Mathematics Colloquium
May 21, 2021 11:00
17. Averaging meets Topology
I. Yu. Polekhin
School for Young Mechanicians and Mathematicians “Mathematical Methods of Mechanics”
November 12, 2020 11:00   
18. On the non-integrability and dynamics of discrete models of threads
I. Yu. Polekhin
Steklov Mathematical Institute Seminar
September 17, 2020 16:00   
19. Isolating segments, dynamical convexity, control and periodic solutions in mechanical systems
I. Yu. Polekhin
International Conference "Classical Mechanics, Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Physics" on the occasion of V. V. Kozlov 70th birthday
January 20, 2020 17:35   
20. Топологические соображения в управляемых системах и системах, явно зависящих от времени
I. Yu. Polekhin
International School of Young Mechanics and Mathematicians "Modern nonlinear dynamics"
November 6, 2019 10:00   
21. Прецессия волчков Ковалевской и Горячева-Чаплыгина
I. Yu. Polekhin
IX Internet video conference "Day of Mathematics and Mechanics"
September 9, 2019 10:15   
22. On topological obstructions to global stabilization of an inverted pendulum
I. Yu. Polekhin
Scientific session of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS dedicated to the results of 2018
November 21, 2018 11:00   
23. A topological method for proving the impossibility of global stabilization of controlled systems
I. Yu. Polekhin
Conference «Contemporary Mathematics and its applications» dedicated to the results of research supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant 14-50-00005
November 19, 2018 10:20   
24. О качественной картине поведения решений в системах с гироскопическими силами
I. Yu. Polekhin
Geometric Theory of Optimal Control
February 14, 2018 18:30
25. О невозможности глобальной стабилизации перевернутого маятника с ударами и о близких задачах
I. Yu. Polekhin
Geometric Theory of Optimal Control
October 4, 2017 18:30
26. Forced oscillations and control of an inverted pendulum
I. Yu. Polekhin
Colloquium of Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
May 31, 2017 16:00   
27. Классическая схема теории возмущений и резонансные множества некоторых задач динамики твердого тела
I. Yu. Polekhin
Hamiltonian systems and statistical mechanics
November 28, 2016
28. Некоторые задачи, связанные с движением перевернутого маятника на подвижном основании
I. Yu. Polekhin
Seminar of the Department of Mechanics
October 31, 2016 12:00
29. О заметании областей Хилла в системах с гироскопическими силами
I. Yu. Polekhin
Hamiltonian systems and statistical mechanics
March 21, 2016
30. Вынужденные колебания в системах материальных точек
I. Yu. Polekhin
Hamiltonian systems and statistical mechanics
October 12, 2015

Books in Math-Net.Ru
  1. Mathematical Aspects of Mechanics, Collected papers. Dedicated to Dmitry Valerevich Treschev on the occasion of his 60th birthday and to Sergey Vladimirovich Bolotin on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 327, ed. V. V. Kozlov, I. A. Taimanov, A. T. Il'ichev, A. P. Chugainova, I. Yu. Polekhin, 2024, 300 с.

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