nonlinear waves,
internal and surface gravity waves.
monitoring and foracasting of sea waves
Main publications:
Badulin, S. I. & Zakharov, V. E., “Ocean swell within the kinetic equation for water waves”, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 24 (2017), 237-253
Zakharov, Vladimir E., Badulin, Sergei I., Geogjaev, Vladimir V. & Pushkarev, Andrey N., “Weak-turbulent theory of wind-driven sea”, Earth and Space Science, 6 (2019)
{Zakharov}, V. E., {Badulin}, S. I., {Hwang}, P. A. & {Caulliez}, G., “Universality of sea wave growth and its physical roots”, Journal of Flid Mechanics, 708 (2015), 503-535
A. N. Pushkarev, V. V. Geogdzhaev, S. I. Badulin, “Инвариантность эволюции спектров ветровых волн в океане как статистический аттрактор”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 120:12 (2024), 930–936
S. I. Badulin, V. E. Zakharov, “The Phillips spectrum and a model of wind-wave dissipation”, TMF, 202:3 (2020), 353–363; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 202:3 (2020), 309–318