A. M. Bikchentaev, “The trace and integrable commutators of the measurable operators affiliated to a semifinite von Neumann algebra”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 65:3 (2024), 455–468
A. M. Bikchentaev, O. E. Tikhonov, “Continuity of Operator Functions in the Topology of Local Convergence in Measure”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 324 (2024), 51–59; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 324 (2024), 44–52
G. G. Amosov, A. M. Bikchentaev, V. Zh. Sakbaev, “On Extreme Points of Sets in Operator Spaces and State Spaces”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 324 (2024), 10–23; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 324 (2024), 4–17
A. M. Bikchentaev, “A block projection operator in the algebra of measurable operators”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2023, no. 10, 77–82
A. M. Bikchentaev, “The topologies of local convergence in measure on the algebras of measurable operators”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 64:1 (2023), 17–27; Siberian Math. J., 64:1 (2023), 13–21
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Invertibility of the Operators on Hilbert Spaces and Ideals in $C^*$-Algebras”, Mat. Zametki, 112:3 (2022), 350–359; Math. Notes, 112:3 (2022), 360–368
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Essentially invertible measurable operators affiliated to a semifinite von Neumann algebra and commutators”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 63:2 (2022), 272–282; Siberian Math. J., 63:2 (2022), 224–232
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Convergence in measure and $\tau$-compactness of $\tau$-measurable operators, affiliated with a semifinite von Neumann algebra”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2020, no. 5, 89–93; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 64:5 (2020), 79–82
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Seminorms Associated with Subadditive Weights on $C^*$-Algebras”, Mat. Zametki, 107:3 (2020), 341–350; Math. Notes, 107:3 (2020), 383–391
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Inequalities for determinants and characterization of the trace”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 61:2 (2020), 314–321; Siberian Math. J., 61:2 (2020), 248–254
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Metrics on projections of the von neumann algebra associated with tracial functionals”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 60:6 (2019), 1223–1228; Siberian Math. J., 60:6 (2019), 952–956
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Trace and Commutators of Measurable Operators Affiliated to a von Neumann Algebra”, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 151 (2018), 10–20; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 252:1 (2021), 8–19
A. M. Bikchentaev, S. A. Abed, “Paranormal elements in normed algebra”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2018, no. 5, 13–19; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 62:5 (2018), 10–15
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Ideal spaces of measurable operators affiliated to a semifinite von Neumann algebra”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 59:2 (2018), 309–320; Siberian Math. J., 59:2 (2018), 243–251
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Differences of idempotents in $C^*$-algebras and the quantum Hall effect”, TMF, 195:1 (2018), 75–80; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 195:1 (2018), 557–562
A. M. Bikchentaev, “On an analog of the M. G. Krein theorem for measurable operators”, Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki, 160:2 (2018), 243–249
A. M. Bikchentaev, “On the $\tau$-compactness of products of $\tau$-measurable operators adjoint to semi-finite von Neumann algebras”, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 140 (2017), 78–87; Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 241:4 (2019), 458–468
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Two classes of $\tau$-measurable operators affiliated with a von Neumann algebra”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2017, no. 1, 86–91; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 61:1 (2017), 76–80
A. M. Bikchentaev, “On Idempotent $\tau$-Measurable Operators Affiliated to a von Neumann Algebra”, Mat. Zametki, 100:4 (2016), 492–503; Math. Notes, 100:4 (2016), 515–525
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Convergence of integrable operators affiliated to a finite von Neumann algebra”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 293 (2016), 73–82; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 293 (2016), 67–76
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Concerning the Theory of $\tau$-Measurable Operators Affiliated to a Semifinite von Neumann Algebra”, Mat. Zametki, 98:3 (2015), 337–348; Math. Notes, 98:3 (2015), 382–391
A. M. Bikchentaev, “On Normal $\tau$-Measurable Operators Affiliated with Semifinite Von Neumann Algebras”, Mat. Zametki, 96:3 (2014), 350–360; Math. Notes, 96:3 (2014), 332–341
A. M. Bikchentaev, “The Haagerup problem on subadditive weights on $W^*$-algebras. II”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2013, no. 12, 72–76; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 57:12 (2013), 66–69
A. M. Bikchentaev, A. A. Sabirova, “Dominated convergence in measure on semifinite von Neumann algebras and arithmetic averages of measurable operators”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 53:2 (2012), 258–270; Siberian Math. J., 53:2 (2012), 207–216
A. M. Bikchentaev, “The Haagerup problem on subadditive weights on $W^*$-algebras”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2011, no. 10, 94–98; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 55:10 (2011), 82–85
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Commutation of Projections and Trace Characterization on von Neumann Algebras. II”, Mat. Zametki, 89:4 (2011), 483–494; Math. Notes, 89:4 (2011), 461–471
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Commutativity of projections and characterization of traces on von Neumann algebras”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 51:6 (2010), 1228–1236; Siberian Math. J., 51:6 (2010), 971–977
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Commutativity of projectors and trace characterization on von Neumann algebras. I”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2009, no. 12, 80–83; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 53:12 (2009), 68–71
A. M. Bikchentaev, “On the representation of elements of a von Neumann algebra
in the form of finite sums of products of projections.
III. Commutators in $C^*$-algebras”, Mat. Sb., 199:4 (2008), 3–20; Sb. Math., 199:4 (2008), 477–493
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Local Convergence in Measure on Semifinite von Neumann Algebras, II”, Mat. Zametki, 82:5 (2007), 783–786; Math. Notes, 82:5 (2007), 703–707
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Projection-Convex Combinations in $C^*$-Algebras and the Invariant Subspace Problem, I”, Mat. Zametki, 79:2 (2006), 311–315; Math. Notes, 79:2 (2006), 285–290
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Local Convergence in Measure on Semifinite von Neumann Algebras”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 255 (2006), 41–54; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 255 (2006), 35–48
A. M. Bikchentaev, “On representation of elements of a Von Neumann algebra in the form of finite sums of products of projections”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 46:1 (2005), 32–45; Siberian Math. J., 46:1 (2005), 24–34
A. M. Bikchentaev, “The continuity of multiplication for two topologies associated with a Semifinite trace on von Neumann algebra”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 14 (2004), 17–24
A. M. Bikchentaev, A. N. Sherstnev, “Projective Convex Combinations in $C^*$-Algebras with the Unitary Factorization Property”, Mat. Zametki, 76:4 (2004), 625–628; Math. Notes, 76:4 (2004), 578–581
A. M. Bikchentaev, “Minimality of Convergence in Measure Topologies on Finite von Neumann Algebras”, Mat. Zametki, 75:3 (2004), 342–349; Math. Notes, 75:3 (2004), 315–321
A. M. Bikchentaev, “On a property of $L_p$ spaces on semifinite von Neumann algebras”, Mat. Zametki, 64:2 (1998), 185–190; Math. Notes, 64:2 (1998), 159–163
N. R. Abubakirov, F. G. Avkhadiev, A. V. Aminova, M. M. Arslanov, A. M. Bikchentaev, V. V. Vasin, F. N. Garif'yanov, A. M. Denisov, A. M. Elizarov, N. K. Zamov, B. A. Kats, O. A. Kashina, D. V. Maklakov, V. P. Maksimov, S. R. Nasyrov, N. I. Popov, L. G. Salekhov, R. B. Salimov, S. G. Samko, N. Temirgaliev, E. A. Turilova, Yu. E. Hohlov, P. L. Shabalin, L. N. Shevrin, A. N. Sherstnev, E. A. Shirokova, V. V. Shurygin, “Leonid Aleksandrovich Aksent'ev”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2021, no. 3, 98–100
L. A. Aksent'ev, A. I. Aptekarev, A. M. Bikchentaev, V. V. Goryainov, V. N. Dubinin, A. M. Elizarov, I. R. Kayumov, A. Laptev, S. R. Nasyrov, D. V. Prokhorov, A. G. Sergeev, V. D. Stepanov, “Farit Gabidinovich Avkhadiev (on his 70th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 73:1(439) (2018), 187–190; Russian Math. Surveys, 73:1 (2018), 181–185
A. M. Bikchentaev, S. R. Nasyrov, E. A. Turilova, “Anatolij Nikolaevich Sherstnev (on 80th birthday anniversary)”, Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki, 160:3 (2018), 590–598
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
О классах симметричных и асимметричных логик множеств A. M. Bikchentaev, M. Mohamed Ali, Kh. Fawwaz International conference
“Theory of Functions, Operator Theory and Quantum Information Theory” June 11, 2024 16:50
Commutators in C*-algebras and traces A. M. Bikchentaev III International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Infinite-Dimensional Analysis”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.S. Vladimirov, the 100th anniversary of L.D. Kudryavtsev and the 85th anniversary of O.G. Smolyanov July 7, 2023 15:00