List of scientific publications: |
Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
2023 |
1. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Examples of finite generated metabelian groups not residually finite with respect to conjugacy and occurrence, and representation of groups of the form $F/R'\gamma_m(F)$”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 64:3 (2023), 686–690 |
2022 |
2. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Mal’tsev bases for partially commutative nilpotent groups”, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, Volume 32:Issue 01 (2022), 1–9
3. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Group signature formulas constrauted from graphs”, Algebra and Logic, 61:2 (2022), 139–152 |
4. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “On partially commutative groups and the relevant algebras with commutation”, Sibirian Mathematical Journal, 63:5 (2022), 967–973 |
5. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Intersection of centralizers in a partially commutative metabelian group”, Algebra and Logic, 61:4 (2022), 328–340 |
6. |
Yu. L. Ershov, S. S. Goncharov, V. D. Mazurov, V. G. Bardakov, N. V. Bayanova, V. V. Bludov, L. A. Bokut', S. V. Varaksin, A. V. Vasil'ev, E. P. Vdovin, M. A. Grechkoseeva, A. V. Zenkov, P. S. Kolesnikov, L. L. Maksimova, I. A. Mal'tsev, A. S. Morozov, N. A. Peryazev, A. G. Pinus, K. N. Ponomarev, A. M. Popova, V. N. Remeslennikov, V. A. Roman'kov, N. S. Romanovskii, E. I. Timoshenko, V. A. Churkin, I. P. Shestakov, “In memory of Valeriy Matveevich Kopytov”, Algebra Logika, 61:6 (2022), I–IV |
2021 |
7. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “A basis for a partially commutative metabelian group”, Izv. Math., 85:4 (2021), 813–822 |
8. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Retracts and verbally closed subgroups with respect to relatively free soluble groups”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 62:3 (2021), 663-671 |
9. |
E. N. Poroshenko ,E. I. Timoshenko, “Partially commutative groups and Lie algebras”, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Repots, 18:1 (2021), 668–693 |
10. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “A basis for the commutator subgroup of partially commutative metabelian pro-p-group”, Algebra and Logic, 60:1 (2021), 53–63 |
11. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “On the decomposition of partially commutative groups of varieties and their defining graphs”, Sibirian Mathematical Journal, 62:4 (2021), 742–746 |
12. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Bases and representations of elements partially commutative groups”, Algebra and model theory, 13, NGTU, 2021, 156–166 |
2020 |
13. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “On primitive and inner endomorphisms of groups”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 61:2 (2020), 320–327 |
14. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Automorphismsof partially commutative metabelian groups”, Algebra and Logic, 59:2 (2020), 165–179 |
15. |
V. A. Roman'kov, E. I. Timoshenko, “Verbally closed subgroups of free solvable groups”, Algebra and Logic, 59:3 (2020), 253–265 |
16. |
N. S. Romanovskii, E. I. Timoshenko, Siberian Math. J., 61:3 (2020), 538–541 |
2019 |
17. |
V. A. Romankov, E. I. Timoshenko, “O verbalno zamknutykh podgruppakh svobodnykh razreshimykh grupp”, Vestnik Omskogo universiteta, 2019, no. 1, 9-16 |
18. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Universal Theories and Centralizer Dimensions of Groups”, Algebra and Logic, 58:3 (2019), 268–281 |
19. |
S. G. Afanaseva, E. I. Timoshenko, “Partially commutative metabelian pro-P-groups”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 60:4 (2019), 559–564 |
20. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Prime and homogeneous rings and algebras”, Algebra and Logic, 58:4 (2019), 345–355 |
21. |
E. N. Poroshenko, E .I .Timoshenko, “Survey on partially commutative metabelian groups and partially commutative (metabelian) Lee algebras”, Algebra and model theory, 12, NGTU, 2019, 70–86 |
22. |
Yu. L. Ershov, S. S. Goncharov, V. D. Mazurov, B. S. Baizhanov, B. Sh. Kulpeshov, P. E. Alaev, A. V. Vasil'ev, E. V. Vasil'ev, E. P. Vdovin, V. V. Verbovskii, A. A. Vikent'ev, D. Yu. Vlasov, M. A. Grechkoseeva, V. N. Zhelyabin, P. S. Kolesnikov, V. M. Kopytov, L. L. Maksimova, I. A. Mal'tsev, A. S. Morozov, A. A. Nikitin, E. V. Ovchinnikova, S. P. Odintsov, D. E. Pal'chunov, N. A. Peryazev, A. G. Pinus, L. N. Pobedin, A. P. Pozhidaev, B. Poizat, V. G. Puzarenko, D. O. Revin, V. N. Remeslennikov, N. S. Romanovskii, A. N. Ryaskin, S. S. Starchenko, A. A. Stepanova, S. V. Sudoplatov, E. I. Timoshenko, D. A. Tusupov, N. G. Khisamiev, V. A. Churkin, Z. Chatzidakis, M. V. Schwidefsky, K. M. Shegirov, I. P. Shestakov, “Evgenii Andreevich Palyutin (1945–2018)”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 16 (2019), 1–10 |
2018 |
23. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “On embedding of partially commutative metsbelian groups to matrix groups”, International Journal of Group Theory, 7:4 (2018), 17-26 |
24. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Centralizer dimensions of partially commutative metabelian groups”, Algebra and Logic, 57:1 (2018), 69–80 |
25. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “On splittings, subgroups, and theories of partially commutative metabelian groups”, Siberian Math. J., 59:3 (2018), 536–541 |
26. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “O fragmentakh teorii nekotorykh razreshimykh ili nilpotentnykh grupp”, Vestnik Omskogo universiteta, 2018, no. 2, 53-60 |
27. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Theories of relatively free groups with extra predicate”, Algebra and Logic, 57:4 (2018), 295-308 |
2017 |
28. |
V. Ja. Bloshchitsyn, E. I. Timoshenko, “Comparision of the universal theories of partially commutative metabelian groups”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 58:3 (2017), 382–391 |
29. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Centralizer Dimensions and Universal Theories for Partially Commutative Metabelian Groups”, Algebra and Logic, 56:2 (2017), 149-170 |
30. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “A remark on spherical equations in free metabelian groups”, Groups Comlex. Cryptol, 9:2 (2017), 155–158 |
31. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “On formulas on soluble and nilpotent groups”, Algebra and model theory, 11, NGTU, 2017, 154–161 |
2016 |
32. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Universal theory of a free polynilpotent group”, Izv. Math., 80:3 (2016), 623–632 |
33. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Two remarkes on matrices over group rings”, Math. Notes, 99:1 (2016), 136–138 |
34. |
E. N. Poroshenko, E. I. Timoshenko, “Uniformly distributed systems of elements on metabelian Lie rings”, Communications in Algebra, 44:4 (2016), 1531–1547 |
35. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “O sootnosheniyakh i modulyakh sootnoshenii razreshimykh grupp”, Vestnik Omskogo universiteta, 2016, no. 4, 18–20 |
2015 |
36. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Normalnye avtomorfizmy razreshimogo proizvedeniya abelevykh grupp”, Sibirskii matematicheskii zhurnal, 56:1 (2015), 227-236
37. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “On a Presentation of the Automorphism Group of a Partially Commutative Metabelian Group”, Math. Notes, 97:2 (2015), 275–283 |
38. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Distributions of elements on nilpotent varieties of groups”, Sb. Math., 206:3 (2015), 470–479 |
39. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Endomorphisms of free solvable groups preserving primitivity of systems of elements”, Algebra and Logic, 54:4 (2015), 323–335 |
40. |
E. !. Timoshenko, “On an embeddingof partially commutative metabelian group in a group of matrices”, Algebra and model theory, 10, NGTU, 2015, 179–191 |
2014 |
41. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Description of the centralizers of elements in the metabelian products of abelian groups”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 55:1 (2014), 171-177 |
42. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Nepodvizhnye tochki endomorfizmov svobodnykh metabelevykh grupp”, Vestnik Omskogo universiteta, 2014, no. 2, 37–41 |
43. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Distribution of Elements on Nilpotent Groups”, Doklady Mathematics, 90:1 (2014), 507–508 |
2013 |
44. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Primitive and measure-preserving systems of elements on the varieties of metabelian and metabelian profinite groups”, Siberian Math. J., 54:1 (2013), 152–158 |
45. |
E. N. Poroshenko, E. I. Timoshenko, “Universal equivalence of partially commutative metabelian Lie algebras”, Journal of Algebra, 384 (2013), 143–168
46. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Quasivarieties generated by partially commutative groups”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 54:4 (2013), 722–730 |
47. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “The commutator width of elements in a wreath product of free abelian groups”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 2013, no. 5, 926–930 |
48. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Systems of elements preserving measure on varieties of groups”, Sb. Math., 204:12 (2013), 1811–1818 |
49. |
E. I .Timoshenko, “On one problem on metabelian groups posed by Bardakov and Neshchadim”, Algebra and model theory, 9, NGTU, 2013, 101–105 |
2012 |
50. |
Ch. K. Gupta, E. I. Timoshenko, “Properties and universal theories for partially commutative nilpotent metabelian groups”, Algebra and Logic, 51:4 (2012), 285–305 |
2011 |
51. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “A Mal'tsev basis for a partially commutative nilpotent metabelian group”, Algebra and Logic, 50:5 (2011), 439–446 |
52. |
Ch. K. Gupta, E. I. Timoshenko, “Universal theories for partially commutative metabelian groups”, Algebra and Logic, 50:1 (2011), 1–16 |
53. |
A. A. Mishchenko, E. I. Timoshenko, “Universal equivalence of partially commutative nilpotent groups”, Siberian Math. J., 52:5 (2011), 884–891 |
54. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Identities of the soluble product of abelian groups”, Siberian Math. J., 52:2 (2011), 372–376 |
55. |
E. I. Timoshenko, Endomorfizmy i universalnye teorii razreshimykh grupp, Monografii NGTU, Novosibirskii gosudarstvennyi tekhnicheskii universitet, Novosibirsk, 2011 , 327 pp. |
56. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “On Remeslennikov's conjecture for partially commutative metabelian groups”, Algebra and model theory 8, Collection of papers from 9th summer school “Frontiers in model theory and universal algebra” Erlagol, Russia, June 22-28, Novosibirsk State Technical University, 2011, 105–115 |
2010 |
57. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Universal equivalence of partially commutative metabelian groups”, Algebra and Logic, 49:2 (2010), 177–196 |
2009 |
58. |
Ch. K. Gupta, E. I. Timoshenko, “Partially commutative metabelian groups: centralizers and elementary equivalence”, Algebra and Logic, 48:3 (2009), 173–192 |
59. |
N. S. Romanovskii, E. I. Timoshenko, “A Freiheitssatz for centre-by-soluble groups”, Algebra and model theory 7, Collection of papers from 8th summer school “Frontiers in model theory and universal algebra” Erlagol, Russia, June 22-27, 7, Novosibirsk State Technical University, 2009, 141-148 |
2008 |
60. |
Ch. K. Gupta, E. I. Timoshenko, “The test rank of a soluble product of free Abelian groups”, Sb. Math., 199:4 (2008), 495–510 |
61. |
E. I. Timoshenko, M. A. Shevelin, “Computing the test rank of a free solvable Lie algebra”, Siberian Math. J., 49:6 (2008), 1131–1135 |
2006 |
62. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Computing Test Rank for a Free Solvable Group”, Algebra and Logic, 45:4 (2006), 254–260 |
63. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Using Fox Derivatives in Treating Groups of the Form $F/[R',F]$”, Algebra and Logic, 45:1 (2006), 67–74 |
64. |
Ch. K. Gupta, E. I. Timoshenko, “First-order definability and algebraicity of the sets of annihilating and generating collections of elements for some relatively free solvable groups”, Siberian Math. J., 47:4 (2006), 634–642 |
65. |
V. N. Remeslennikov, E. I. Timoshenko, “Topological dimensions for $u$-groups”, Siberian Math. J., 47:2 (2006), 341–354 |
2005 |
66. |
C. K. Gupta, V. A. Roman'kov, E. .I. Timoshenko, “Test ranks of free nilpotent groups”, Communications in Algebra, 33:5 (2005), 1627–1634
67. |
V. A. Roman'kov, E. I. Timoshenko, “Endomorphisms preserving an orbit in a relatively free metabelian group”, J. Group Theory, 8 (2005), 769–779 |
2004 |
68. |
Ch. K. Gupta, E. I. Timoshenko, “Criterion for Invertibility of Endomorphisms and Test Rank of Metabelian Products of Abelian Groups”, Algebra and Logic, 43:5 (2004), 316–326 |
2003 |
69. |
Ch. K. Gupta, E. I. Timoshenko, “Test Rank for Some Free Polynilpotent Groups”, Algebra and Logic, 42:1 (2003), 20–28 |
70. |
N. S. Romanovskii, E. I. Timoshenko, “On some elementary properties of soluble groups of derived length 2”, Siberian Math. J., 44:2 (2003), 350–354 |
2002 |
71. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “On the group of reduced identities of relatively free solvable groups”, Siberian Math. J., 43:5 (2002), 920–925 |
2001 |
72. |
Ch. K. Gupta, E. I. Timoshenko, “Generating Elements for Groups of the Form $F/R'$”, Algebra and Logic, 40:3 (2001), 137–143 |
73. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “On universal theories of metabelian groups and the Shmel'kin embedding”, Siberian Math. J., 42:5 (2001), 981–986 |
74. |
C. K. Gupta, E. I. Timoshenko, “On the test rank of some free polynilpotent groups”, Dokl. Math., 64:3 (2001), 388–389 |
2000 |
75. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “On universally equivalent solvable groups”, Algebra and Logic, 39:2 (2000), 131–138 |
76. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Test elements and test rank of a free metabelian group”, Siberian Math. J., 41:6 (2000), 1200–1204 |
77. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “On tame automorphisms of some metabelian groups”, Siberian Math. J., 41:2 (2000), 366–372 |
1999 |
78. |
C. K. Gupta, E. I. Timoshenko, “Primitive systems of elements in the varieties $\mathfrak A_m\mathfrak A_n$: Criterion and inducing”, Algebra and Logic, 38:5 (1999), 277–288 |
1998 |
79. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Center of some solvable groups with one defining relation”, Math. Notes, 64:6 (1998), 798–803 |
80. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Primitive systems of elements in the variety $\mathfrak A\mathfrak N_2$ and some locally finite varieties of groupsand some locally finite varieties of groups”, Algebra and Logic, 37:6 (1998), 391–398 |
1997 |
81. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “On the definability of endomorphisms of a free group of the variety $\mathfrak{AM}$ by a finite set of values”, Math. Notes, 62:6 (1997), 767–770 |
82. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Primitive elements of the free groups of the varieties $\mathfrak A\mathfrak N_n$”, Math. Notes, 61:6 (1997), 739–743 |
83. |
C. K. Gupta, E. I. Timoshenko, “Automorphic and endomorphic reducibility and primitive endomorphisms of free metabelian groups”, Communications in Algebra, 25:10 (1997), 3057–3070
1996 |
84. |
C. K. Gupta, E. I. Timoshenko, “Primitivity in the free groups of the variety $\mathfrak {A_m} \mathfrak {A_n}$”, Communications in algebra, 24:9 (1996), 2859–2876
1995 |
85. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Metabelian groups with a single defining relation and the Magnus embedding”, Math. Notes, 57:4 (1995), 414–420 |
86. |
G. G. Astashenkov, E. I. Timoshenko, Opredelenie optimalnogo polozheniya osei inzhenernykh ob'ektov, Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1995 |
1992 |
87. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Algorithmic solvability of the problem of inclusion in a basis of a free metabelian group”, Math. Notes, 51:3 (1992), 304–307 |
1979 |
88. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Elementary theories of wreath products”, Questions in Group Theory and Homological Algebra, 1979, no. 2, 169–174 |
1973 |
89. |
M. I. Kargapolov, E. I. Timoshenko, “On question about conjugacy separability of metabelian groups”, Procidings of 4th All-Union Simposium in Group Theory (Novosibirsk, 1973.), IM, Novosibirsk, 1973, 86-88 |
90. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Algorithmic problems for metabelian groups”, Algebra and Logic, 12:2 (1973), 132–137 |
91. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Center of a group with one defining relation in the variety of 2-stage solvable groups”, Sib. Math. J., 14:6 (1973), 954–957 |
1972 |
92. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “K voprosu ob elementarnoi ekvivalentnosti grupp”, Algebra, 1, Irkutskii gos.universitet (1972), 92-96 |
1968 |
93. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Preservation of elementary and universal equivalence under the wreath product”, Algebra and Logic, 7:4 (1968), 273–276 |
1967 |
94. |
E. I. Timoshenko, “Conjugacy in free metabelian groups”, Algebra and Logika, 6 (1967), 89–94 |