Levin, Sergei Borisovich

Statistics Math-Net.Ru
Total publications: 19
Scientific articles: 19
Presentations: 2

Number of views:
This page:471
Abstract pages:4657
Full texts:1302
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. A. M. Budylin, S. B. Levin, “Interaction of $N$ charged particles in the frame of the modified $\mathrm{ВВК}$ approximation: $(N-1)$-particle cluster and a distant particle”, Algebra i Analiz, 36:6 (2024),  1–15  mathnet
2. A. M. Budylin, S. B. Levin, T. S. Yurova, “Asymptotics of the solution of the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in a strip with thin branches”, Mat. Zametki, 116:3 (2024),  355–371  mathnet; Math. Notes, 116:3 (2024), 432–445
3. A. M. Budylin, S. B. Levin, “Solution of the Quantum Three-Body Problem in a Neighborhood of Three-Particle Forward Scattering Direction”, Mat. Zametki, 113:3 (2023),  332–346  mathnet  mathscinet; Math. Notes, 113:3 (2023), 327–338  scopus
4. S. Yu. Dobrokhotov, S. B. Levin, A. A. Tolchennikov, “Keplerian orbits and global asymptotic solution in the form of an Airy function for the scattering problem on a repulsive Coulomb potential”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 78:4(472) (2023),  205–206  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Russian Math. Surveys, 78:4 (2023), 788–790  isi  scopus
5. A. M. Budylin, S. B. Levin, “On the main term of the asymptotics of the problem of few charged particles in the presence of bound states”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 521 (2023),  59–78  mathnet 1
6. S. B. Levin, “Clarification of the distorted six-dimensional plane wave type solution asymptotics of the quantum scattering problem of three charged particles”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 506 (2021),  89–97  mathnet
7. S. B. Levin, “Diffraction Approach in the Scattering Problem for Three Charged Quantum Particles”, Mat. Zametki, 108:3 (2020),  469–473  mathnet  elib; Math. Notes, 108:3 (2020), 457–461  isi  scopus 3
8. A. M. Budylin, S. B. Levin, “The scattering problem of three one-dimensional quantum particles. The case of pair Coulomb potentials of repulsion at large distances”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 493 (2020),  88–101  mathnet 1
9. I. V. Baibulov, A. M. Budylin, S. B. Levin, “The scattering problem of three one-dimensional short-range quantum particles involving bound states in pair subsystems. The coordinate asymptotics of the resolvent kernel and absolutely continuous spectrum eigenfunctions”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 483 (2019),  5–18  mathnet 1
10. I. V. Baibulov, A. M. Budylin, S. B. Levin, “The absolutely continuous spectrum eigenfunctions asymptotics of the three one-dimensional quantum particles scattering problem”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 471 (2018),  15–37  mathnet; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 243:5 (2019), 640–655  scopus 2
11. A. M. Budylin, Ya. U. Koptelov, S. B. Levin, “Some aspects of the scattering problem for the system of three charged particles”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 461 (2017),  65–94  mathnet; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 238:5 (2019), 601–620 3
12. I. V. Baybulov, A. M. Budylin, S. B. Levin, “Few one-dimensional quantum particles scattering problem. The structure and asymptotics of the resolvent kernel limit values”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 461 (2017),  14–51  mathnet; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 238:5 (2019), 566–590 8
13. S. B. Levin, “On continuous spectrum eigenfunctions asymptotic behaviour at infinity in configuration space for the system of three three-dimensional like-charged quantum particles”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 451 (2016),  79–115  mathnet  mathscinet; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 226:6 (2017), 744–767  scopus 9
14. A. M. Budylin, S. B. Levin, “To the question of Schröedinger operator kernel resolvent asymptotics construction in the three one-dimensional quantum particles scattering problem interacting by finite repulsive pair potentials”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 438 (2015),  95–103  mathnet  mathscinet; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 224:1 (2017), 63–68 1
15. A. M. Budylin, S. B. Levin, “The equation of convolution on a large finite interval with the symbol which has zeros of nonintegral powers”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 438 (2015),  83–94  mathnet  mathscinet; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 224:1 (2017), 54–62 1
16. V. M. Babich, A. M. Budylin, L. A. Dmitrieva, A. I. Komech, S. B. Levin, M. V. Perel', E. A. Rybakina, V. V. Sukhanov, A. A. Fedotov, “On the mathematical work of Vladimir Savel'evich Buslaev”, Algebra i Analiz, 25:2 (2013),  3–36  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; St. Petersburg Math. J., 25:2 (2014), 151–174  isi  scopus
17. V. S. Buslaev, S. B. Levin, “A System of Three Three-Dimensional Charged Quantum Particles: Asymptotic Behavior of the Eigenfunctions of the Continuous Spectrum at Infinity”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 46:2 (2012),  83–88  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Funct. Anal. Appl., 46:2 (2012), 147–151  isi  elib  scopus 14
18. V. S. Buslaev, S. B. Levin, “Asymptotic behavior of eigenfunctions of the three-particle Schrödinger operator. II. Charged one-dimensional particles”, Algebra i Analiz, 22:3 (2010),  60–79  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; St. Petersburg Math. J., 22:3 (2011), 379–392  isi  scopus 15
19. Yu. A. Kuperin, S. B. Levin, “Extension theory approach to scattering and annihilation in the $\bar pd$ system”, TMF, 118:1 (1999),  74–94  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 118:1 (1999), 60–76  isi 1

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Effective asymptotics of the solution of the scattering problem for the Schrödinger equation with a repulsive Coulomb potential and Keplerian trajectories
S. Yu. Dobrokhotov, S. B. Levin, A. A. Tolchennikov
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equations
September 20, 2022 12:00   
2. Кеплеровы траектории и эффективная асимптотика решения задачи рассеяния для уравнения Шредингера с отталкивающим кулоновским потенциалом
S. Yu. Dobrokhotov, S. B. Levin, A. A. Tolchennikov
Seminar of the Department of Geometry and Topology "Geometry, Topology and Mathematical Physics", Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS (Novikov Seminar)
June 8, 2022 14:00   

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