Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2021 |
1. |
V. I. Vasyunin, A. L. Volberg, F. L. Nazarov, “Bellman function related to the Chang–Wilson–Wolff theorem: a case study”, Algebra i Analiz, 33:4 (2021), 66–106 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 33:4 (2022), 633–659 |
2016 |
2. |
F. Nazarov, M. Sodin, “Asymptotic laws for the spatial distribution and the number of connected components of zero sets of Gaussian random functions”, Zh. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom., 12:3 (2016), 205–278 |
2013 |
3. |
F. Nazarov, A. Nishry, M. Sodin, “Log-integrability of Rademacher Fourier series, with applications to random analytic functions”, Algebra i Analiz, 25:3 (2013), 147–184 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 25:3 (2014), 467–494 |
2012 |
4. |
B. Jaye, F. Nazarov, A. Volberg, “The fractional Riesz transform and an exponential potential”, Algebra i Analiz, 24:6 (2012), 77–123 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 24:6 (2013), 903–938 |
2010 |
5. |
F. Nazarov, Y. Peres, A. Volberg, “The power law for the Buffon needle probability of the four-corner Cantor set”, Algebra i Analiz, 22:1 (2010), 82–97 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 22:1 (2011), 61–72 |
2009 |
6. |
A. Kiselev, F. Nazarov, “A variation on a theme of Caffarelli and Vasseur”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 370 (2009), 58–72 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 166:1 (2010), 31–39 |
2007 |
7. |
S. G. Bobkov, F. L. Nazarov, “Sharp dilation-type inequalities with fixed parameter of convexity”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 351 (2007), 54–78 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 152:6 (2008), 826–839 |
2005 |
8. |
J. Mashreghi, F. L. Nazarov, V. P. Havin, “Beurling–Malliavin multiplier theorem: the seventh proof”, Algebra i Analiz, 17:5 (2005), 3–68 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 17:5 (2006), 699–744 |
9. |
F. L. Nazarov, N. A. Shirokov, “On the decay rate of $(p,A)$-lacunary series”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 327 (2005), 135–149 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 139:2 (2006), 6437–6446 |
2004 |
10. |
Fëdor Nazarov, Mikhail Sodin, “Coarse equidistribution of the argument of entire functions of finite order”, Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom., 11:4 (2004), 492–506 |
2003 |
11. |
A. L. Vol'berg, F. L. Nazarov, “Heating of the Beurling operator and the estimates of its norm”, Algebra i Analiz, 15:4 (2003), 142–158 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 15:4 (2004), 563–573 |
2002 |
12. |
F. Nazarov, M. Sodin, A. Vol'berg, “The geometric Kannan–Lovász–Simonovits lemma, dimension-free estimates for volumes of sublevel sets of polynomials, and distribution of zeros of random analytic functions”, Algebra i Analiz, 14:2 (2002), 214–234 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 14:2 (2003), 351–366 |
1997 |
13. |
F. L. Nazarov, “The Bang solution of the coefficient problem”, Algebra i Analiz, 9:2 (1997), 272–287 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 9:2 (1998), 407–419 |
1996 |
14. |
F. L. Nazarov, S. R. Treil', “The hunt for a Bellman function: applications to estimates for singular integral operators and to other classical problems of harmonic analysis”, Algebra i Analiz, 8:5 (1996), 32–162 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 8:5 (1997), 721–824 |
1995 |
15. |
F. L. Nazarov, A. N. Podkorutov, “The behavior of the Lebesgue constants of two-dimensional Fourier sums over polygons”, Algebra i Analiz, 7:4 (1995), 214–238 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 7:4 (1996), 663–680 |
16. |
F. L. Nazarov, “On a proof of the Littlewood conjecture by McGehee, Pigno and Smith”, Algebra i Analiz, 7:2 (1995), 106–120 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 7:2 (1996), 265–275 |
1993 |
17. |
F. L. Nazarov, “Local estimates for exponential polynomials and their applications to inequalities of the uncertainty principle type”, Algebra i Analiz, 5:4 (1993), 3–66 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 5:4 (1994), 663–717 |
1992 |
18. |
F. L. Nazarov, “On the theorems of Turan, Amrein–Berthier and Zigmund”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 201 (1992), 117–123 ; J. Math. Sci., 78:2 (1996), 195–198 |
1988 |
19. |
A. V. Bogomol'naya, F. L. Nazarov, S. E. Rukshin, “Covering a convex polygon by triangles with fixed vertices”, Mat. Zametki, 44:2 (1988), 191–195 ; Math. Notes, 44:2 (1988), 586–589 |
1986 |
20. |
F. L. Nazarov, “On the Reinhardt problem of the lattice packings of convex plots. The local extremality of the Reinhardt octagon”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 151 (1986), 104–114 |
Organisations |