D. A. Balint, M. Schweizer, “Large financial markets, discounting, and no asymptotic arbitrage”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 65:2 (2020), 237–280; Theory Probab. Appl., 65:2 (2020), 191–223
M. Schweizer, “Semimartingales and Hedging in Incomplete Markets”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 37:1 (1992), 221–224; Theory Probab. Appl., 37:1 (1993), 169–171
Arbitrage theory without asymmetry Martin Schweizer International Conference "Theory of Probability and Its Applications: P. L. Chebyshev – 200" (The 6th International Conference on Stochastic Methods) May 20, 2021 11:00
A new approach for stochastic Fubini theorems M. Schweizer Conference "Stochastics, Statistics, Financial Mathematics" in honor of Professor Albert Shiryaev's 80th anniversary October 13, 2014 11:45