Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2022 |
1. |
V. Zaitchenko, A. L. Shevchenko, “Energy efficient torrefication using a controlled exothermal reaction”, TVT, 60:3 (2022), 448–454 ; High Temperature, 60:3 (2022), 403–408 |
2021 |
2. |
V. V. Khaskhachikh, O. M. Larina, G. A. Sychev, G. Ya. Gerasimov, V. Zaitchenko, “Пиролитические методы термической переработки твердых коммунальных отходов”, TVT, 59:3 (2021), 467–480 |
2020 |
3. |
V. Zaitchenko, V. A. Lavrenov, O. M. Larina, I. I. Lishchiner, O. V. Malova, “Biomass utilization for energy production. New technologies”, TVT, 58:4 (2020), 723–731 ; High Temperature, 58:4 (2020), 660–667 |
2018 |
4. |
M. F. Ivanov, A. D. Kiverin, A. E. Smygalina, V. M. Zaitchenko, “The use of hydrogen as a fuel for engines in the energy cycle of remote production facilities”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 88:1 (2018), 147–150 ; Tech. Phys., 63:1 (2018), 148–151 |
2017 |
5. |
L. B. Direktor, V. Zaitchenko, V. A. Sinel'shchikov, “Numerical simulation of power-engineering complex with torrefaction reactor”, TVT, 55:1 (2017), 133–140 ; High Temperature, 55:1 (2017), 124–130 |
2015 |
6. |
A. P. Antropov, V. M. Batenin, V. Zaitchenko, “New technologies for distributed energetics”, TVT, 53:1 (2015), 111–116 ; High Temperature, 53:1 (2015), 124–129 |
2014 |
7. |
V. V. Kosov, V. A. Sinel'shchikov, V. Zaitchenko, G. A. Sychev, “Effect of torrefaction on properties of solid granulated fuel of different biomass types”, High Temperature, 52:6 (2014), 907–912 |
2013 |
8. |
V. M. Zaichenko, I. L. Maikov, V. M. Torchinskii, “Features of hydrocarbon mixtures filtration in a porous medium”, TVT, 51:6 (2013), 855–863 ; High Temperature, 51:6 (2013), 776–784 |
9. |
I. L. Maikov, V. Zaitchenko, “Solving optimization problems in chemical reactions”, UBS, 42 (2013), 273–285 |
2011 |
10. |
L. E. Ukrainsky, V. Zaitchenko, O. R. Ganiev, A. V. Savenkov, “Effect of the Wave Action on the Hydrocarbon Filtration Flow in Gas Condensate Strata in the Presence of Retrograde Condensation”, TVT, 49:1 (2011), 122–125 ; High Temperature, 49:1 (2011), 123–126 |
11. |
I. L. Maikov, L. B. Director, V. Zaitchenko, “Methods of thermo-hydraulic optimization and management of heat supply networks”, UBS, 32 (2011), 205–220 |
2010 |
12. |
L. B. Direktor, V. Zaitchenko, I. L. Maikov, V. F. Kosov, V. A. Sinel'shchikov, V. M. Torchinskii, “Theoretical and experimental studies of hydrodynamics and heat exchange in porous media”, TVT, 48:6 (2010), 931–940 ; High Temperature, 48:6 (2010), 887–895 |
13. |
L. B. Direktor, V. Zaitchenko, I. L. Maikov, “An improved method of sessile drop for determining the surface tension of liquids”, TVT, 48:2 (2010), 193–197 ; High Temperature, 48:2 (2010), 176–180 |
14. |
I. Maikov, L. Director, V. Zaitchenko, “Solution Method for the optimization problem of power systems with seceral independent power sources”, UBS, 31 (2010), 110–129 |
2009 |
15. |
V. Zaitchenko, I. L. Maikov, V. M. Torchinskii, É. É. Shpil'rain, “Simulation of processes of filtration of hydrocarbons in a gas-condensate stratum”, TVT, 47:5 (2009), 701–706 ; High Temperature, 47:5 (2009), 669–674 |
2002 |
16. |
L. B. Director, V. M. Zaitchenko, I. L. Maikov, “Impact of the porous-medium microstructure on the rate of heterogeneous reactions”, Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 38:6 (2002), 46–50 ; Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 38:6 (2002), 646–650 |
2001 |
17. |
L. B. Direktor, V. Zaitchenko, I. L. Maikov, G. F. Sokol, Yu. L. Shekhter, É. É. Shpil'rain, “Investigation of pyrolysis of methane under conditions of filtering through a heated porous medium”, TVT, 39:1 (2001), 89–96 ; High Temperature, 39:1 (2001), 85–92 |
1983 |
18. |
V. G. Andrianova, A. Z. Zhuk, V. Zaitchenko, E. B. Zaretskii, V. A. Petukhov, V. Ya. Chekhovskoi, “Anomalous concentration-dependence of some physical-properties of tungsten rhenium alloys”, TVT, 21:1 (1983), 80–85 ; High Temperature, 21:1 (1983), 70–75 |
1977 |
19. |
V. Zaitchenko, E. B. Zaretskii, P. V. Makarov, K. B. Povarova, E. M. Savitskii, V. Ya. Chekhovskoi, “Некоторые особенности изменения физических свойств в системе вольфрам – цирконий”, TVT, 15:5 (1977), 1110–1112 |
1976 |
20. |
V. Zaitchenko, E. B. Zaretskii, “Measurement of resistivity of alloys”, TVT, 14:5 (1976), 1105–1107 ; High Temperature, 14:5 (1976), 985–987 |
21. |
V. A. Petukhov, V. Ya. Chekhovskoi, V. Zaitchenko, “Thermal expansion of molybdenum”, TVT, 14:4 (1976), 724–728 ; High Temperature, 14:4 (1976), 645–648 |
22. |
V. M. Zaitchenko, R. G. Mints, V. Ya. Chekhovskoi, “Electrical resistivity of tungsten-rhenium alloys in the region of a concentration anomaly”, TVT, 14:2 (1976), 290–294 ; High Temperature, 14:2 (1976), 263–267 |
1974 |
23. |
V. Zaitchenko, R. G. Mints, V. A. Petukhov, V. Ya. Chekhovskoi, “Исследование теплового расширения вольфрам-рениевых сплавов в области твердых растворов
при температурах $200$–$900^\circ$ С”, TVT, 12:5 (1974), 1015–1018 |
1973 |
24. |
V. E. Peletskii, V. Ya. Chekhovskoi, E. M. Savitskii, M. A. Tilkina, E. S. Amasovich, E. P. Arskaya, V. Zaitchenko, V. A. Petukhov, “Некоторые физические свойства нового сплава системы никель – рений – молибден”, TVT, 11:2 (1973), 435–436 |
Organisations |