Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2022 |
1. |
V. N. Baryshev, G. V. Osipenko, A. V. Novoselov, A. G. Sukhoverskaya, A. I. Boyko, M. S. Aleynikov, “Rubidium frequency standard with pulsed optical pumping and frequency instability of 2.5 × 10<sup>-13</sup>τ<sup>-1/2</sup>”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 52:6 (2022), 538–543 [Quantum Electron., 52:6 (2022), 538–543 ] |
2019 |
2. |
V. N. Baryshev, G. V. Osipenko, M. S. Aleynikov, I. Yu. Blinov, “Raman–Ramsey pulsed excitation of coherent population trapping resonances in a <sup>87</sup>Rb cell with a buffer gas”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 49:3 (2019), 283–287 [Quantum Electron., 49:3 (2019), 283–287 ] |
2018 |
3. |
V. N. Baryshev, M. S. Aleynikov, G. V. Osipenko, I. Yu. Blinov, “Technique of pulsed optical pumping and pulsed excitation of microwave resonances using the Ramsey scheme in a <sup>87</sup>Rb cell with a buffer gas”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 48:5 (2018), 443–447 [Quantum Electron., 48:5 (2018), 443–447 ] |
2011 |
4. |
A. E. Antipov, M. S. Aleinikov, V. I. Anisimov, “Role of rotational symmetry in magnetism of multiband models”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 94:2 (2011), 130–132 ; JETP Letters, 94:2 (2011), 126–128 |
Organisations |