Glukhova, Ol'ga Evgen'evna

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Total publications: 38
Scientific articles: 38

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Abstract pages:3374
Full texts:1536
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. P. V. Barkov, O. E. Glukhova, “Effect of the size of nanocrystalline zinc oxide particles on the conductance of aminated graphene”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 66:8 (2024),  1431–1437  mathnet
2. P. V. Barkov, M. M. Slepchenkov, O. E. Glukhova, “Influence of functional groups on the electronic and energy characteristics of thin films of holey graphene: Results of DFTB simulation”, Izv. Sarat. Univ. Physics, 24:2 (2024),  114–125  mathnet
3. O. E. Glukhova, D. A. Kolosov, V. I. Shesterkin, T. M. Krachkovskaya, S. D. Zhuravlev, R. Yu. Bogachev, “Influence of barium adsorption on the work function of hafnium grids cathode-grid assembly”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 94:10 (2024),  1747–1755  mathnet  elib
4. P. V. Barkov, M. M. Slepchenkov, O. E. Glukhova, “Electrophysical properties of thin films of holey graphene functionalized with carbonyl groups”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 94:3 (2024),  426–432  mathnet  elib
5. M. M. Slepchenkov, D. A. Kolosov, O. E. Glukhova, “Controlling the electronic properties of quasi-2$D$ borophene/GaN and borophene/ZnO van der Waals heterostructures through deformation”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 94:3 (2024),  419–425  mathnet  elib
6. V. V. Shunaev, A. A. Petrunin, A. V. Ushakov, O. E. Glukhova, “A quantum capacitance of the graphene/Li$_3$V$_2$(PO$_4$)$_3$ composite during delithiation”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 94:3 (2024),  372–377  mathnet  elib
7. N. G. Bobenko, V. V. Shunaev, V. E. Egorushkin, O. E. Glukhova, “Wave-diffusion delivery of the HIF-1$\alpha$ protein onto COOH-MWCNTs and regulation of oxygen in biocells”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 94:3 (2024),  366–371  mathnet  elib
8. O. E. Glukhova, P. A. Kolesnichenko, “Electron transport control in quasi-2$D$-layered ZnO nanoflakes from the standpoint of their effective application in solid-state sensors”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 94:2 (2024),  315–321  mathnet  elib
9. M. M. Slepchenkov, D. A. Kolosov, O. E. Glukhova, “Optical and optoelectronic properties of oxidized borophene and oxidized borophene based van der Waals heterostructures”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 132:3 (2024),  222–229  mathnet  elib
10. A. V. Kuksin, A. Yu. Gerasimenko, Yu. P. Shaman, A. A. Shamanaev, A. V. Sysa, O. E. Glukhova, “Effect of functionalization on the electrical properties of laser-structured hybrid carbon nanomaterials”, Izv. Sarat. Univ. Physics, 23:4 (2023),  307–315  mathnet
11. M. V. Davidovich, O. E. Glukhova, “Correlation relations for graphene and its thermal radiation”, Izv. Sarat. Univ. Physics, 23:2 (2023),  167–178  mathnet
12. M. M. Slepchenkov, P. V. Barkov, O. E. Glukhova, “Influence of stretching and compression deformations on the electrical conductive properties of graphene-nanotube composites with an island-type topology”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 93:4 (2023),  481–487  mathnet  elib
13. V. V. Shunaev, A. P. Chetverikov, O. E. Glukhova, “Propagation of supersonic soliton in carbon nanotubes of armchair type”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 93:4 (2023),  458–462  mathnet  elib
14. M. M. Slepchenkov, D. A. Kolosov, O. E. Glukhova, “Optical properties of van der Waals heterostructures based on 2D monolayers of borophene, gallium nitride, and zinc oxide”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 131:6 (2023),  754–761  mathnet  elib
15. G. N. Ten, A. Yu. Gerasimenko, M. S. Savel'ev, N. E. Scherbakova, M. M. Slepchenkov, O. E. Glukhova, “Experimental and theoretical study of the effect of temperature on collagen in aqueous solution”, Izv. Sarat. Univ. Physics, 22:4 (2022),  338–349  mathnet
16. G. N. Ten, A. Yu. Gerasimenko, V. I. Kochubey, M. M. Slepchenkov, N. E. Scherbakova, O. E. Glukhova, “Effect of the mechanism of interaction between single-layer carbon nanotubes of different diameters and albumin in solid nanocomposites on fluorescence spectra”, Izv. Sarat. Univ. Physics, 22:3 (2022),  207–219  mathnet  mathscinet
17. O. E. Glukhova, M. M. Slepchenkov, P. A. Kolesnichenko, “Tunneling current between structural elements of thin graphene/nanotube films”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 63:12 (2021),  2198–2204  mathnet  elib
18. O. E. Glukhova, A. A. Petrunin, “Effect of a silicon oxide substrate on the electronic properties and the electrical conductivity of mono- and bilayer films of armchair single-wall carbon nanotubes: a quantum-mechanical study”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 63:10 (2021),  1668–1674  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 63:11 (2021), 1655–1661
19. M. M. Slepchenkov, P. V. Barkov, O. E. Glukhova, “Features of the atomic structure and electronic properties of hybrid films formed by single-walled carbon nanotubes and bilayer graphene”, Izv. Sarat. Univ. Physics, 21:4 (2021),  302–314  mathnet
20. O. E. Glukhova, A. P. Chetverikov, V. V. Shunaev, “Dynamics of a localized ring nonlinear wave in a carbon nanotube”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 47:19 (2021),  15–18  mathnet  elib
21. O. E. Glukhova, M. M. Slepchenkov, K. R. Asanov, “Carbon nanotube nanomesh films with X-shaped junctions for electronic and photovoltaic applications”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 54:12 (2020),  1355–1363  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 54:12 (2020), 1616–1623 2
22. T. M. Krachkovskaya, L. A. Melnikov, O. E. Glukhova, V. V. Shunaev, P. D. Shalaev, “Nanocarbon-modified metal porous cathodes with high durability for application in microwave devices”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 46:13 (2020),  51–54  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 46:7 (2020), 673–676 3
23. O. E. Glukhova, M. M. Slepchenkov, V. V. Mitrofanov, P. V. Barkov, “Current-voltage characteristics of composite graphene-nanotube films with irregular arrangement of nanotubes”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 53:12 (2019),  1686–1691  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 53:12 (2019), 1677–1682
24. M. V. Davidovich, O. E. Glukhova, M. M. Slepchenkov, “The graphene based terahertz transistor”, Izv. Sarat. Univ. Physics, 17:1 (2017),  44–54  mathnet
25. G. N. Ten, O. E. Glukhova, M. M. Slepchenkov, N. E. Scherbakova, V. I. Baranov, “Modeling of vibrational spectra of L-tryptophan in condensed states”, Izv. Sarat. Univ. Physics, 17:1 (2017),  20–32  mathnet 3
26. N. A. Bushuev, O. E. Glukhova, Yu. A. Grigor'ev, D. V. Ivanov, A. S. Kolesnikova, A. A. Nikolaev, P. D. Shalaev, V. I. Shesterkin, “Emissivity of a multibeam electron gun with a glassy carbon field-emission cathode”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 86:2 (2016),  134–139  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys., 61:2 (2016), 290–295 10
27. O. E. Glukhova, A. S. Kolesnikova, M. M. Slepchenkov, “Influence of quantum effects on the parameters of a cold cathode with carbon nanotubes”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 86:1 (2016),  151–154  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys., 61:1 (2016), 149–152 1
28. O. E. Glukhova, V. A. Kondrashov, V. K. Nevolin, I. I. Bobrinetskii, G. V. Savost'yanov, M. M. Slepchenkov, “Prediction of the stability and electronic properties of carbon nanotori synthesized by a high-voltage pulsed discharge in ethanol vapor”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 50:4 (2016),  509–514  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 50:4 (2016), 502–507 4
29. O. E. Glukhova, G. V. Savost'yanov, M. M. Slepchenkov, V. V. Shunaev, “New graphene technologies of manipulation with molecular objects”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 42:11 (2016),  56–63  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 42:6 (2016), 581–584
30. O. E. Glukhova, A. S. Kolesnikova, M. M. Slepchenkov, G. V. Savostianov, “Influence Topology on Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotorov: Predictive Modeling”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 14:4(1) (2014),  448–455  mathnet  elib
31. O. E. Glukhova, A. V. Dol', A. S. Kolesnikova, V. V. Shunaev, “The new approach to investigation of multilayer graphene mechanical properties by the finite-element method”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 14:1 (2014),  73–77  mathnet  elib
32. O. E. Glukhova, I. V. Kirillova, A. N. Savin, K. A. Grebenyuk, M. M. Slepchenkov, A. S. Kolesnikova, A. A. Fadeev, D. S. Shmygin, “Methods for enhancing emissive ability of the carbon nanotubes”, Izv. Sarat. Univ. Physics, 14:2 (2014),  18–22  mathnet
33. O. E. Glukhova, A. S. Kolesnikova, I. S. Nefedov, M. M. Slepchenkov, “Nanoemitter of giga- and terahertz ranges based on a carbon peapod: Numerical simulation”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 99:6 (2014),  398–402  mathnet  elib; JETP Letters, 99:6 (2014), 349–352  isi  elib  scopus 4
34. O. E. Glukhova, A. S. Kolesnikova, M. M. Slepchenkov, G. V. Savostianov, “Technique of definition areas requiring a quantum description within of the hybrid method (quantum mechanics / molecular mechanics)”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 13:4(1) (2013),  59–66  mathnet
35. O. E. Glukhova, A. S. Kolesnikova, I. N. Saliy, M. M. Slepchenkov, “Theoretical study of stability of composite based on carbon nanotubes and rutile”, Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Estestvenno-Nauchnaya Seriya, 2013, no. 9/1(110),  102–111  mathnet
36. O. E. Glukhova, I. V. Kirillova, M. M. Slepchenkov, V. V. Shunaev, “Theoretical investigation of the deformed graphene nanostructures”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 12:4 (2012),  66–71  mathnet  elib
37. O. E. Glukhova, I. V. Kirillova, E. L. Kossovich, A. A. Fadeev, “Mechanical properties study for graphene sheets of various size”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 12:4 (2012),  63–66  mathnet  elib 2
38. O. E. Glukhova, I. V. Kirillova, I. N. Salii, A. S. Kolesnikova, E. L. Kossovich, M. M. Slepchenkov, A. N. Savin, D. S. Shmygin, “Theoretical methods of nanostructures investigation”, Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Estestvenno-Nauchnaya Seriya, 2012, no. 9(100),  106–117  mathnet

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