Mukminov, Farit Khamzaevich

Total publications: 73 (73)
in MathSciNet: 40 (40)
in zbMATH: 33 (33)
in Web of Science: 26 (26)
in Scopus: 26 (26)
Cited articles: 37
Citations: 220
Presentations: 4

Number of views:
This page:6371
Abstract pages:19171
Full texts:5189
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1994)
Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Keywords: symmetries, Lie algebras, integrability, parabolic equation, the Navier–Stokes equations, stabilization of solutions.


The criterion of uniform stabilization of solutions to the first mixed problem for a parabolic equation in unbounded domain was established. The decay rate of solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations in unbounded three dimensional domain was established. Jointly with A. A. Bormisov and E. S. Gudkova it was shown that for every hiperbolic system of Riccati type is corresponded by natural way a $Z$-graded Lie algebra. This result permited (jointly with A. A. Bormisov) to describe the symmetries of hiperbolic system of Riccati type corresponded to the affine Kac-Moody algebras.


Graduated from Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) in 1977 (department of differential equations). Ph. D. thesis was defended in 1981. D. Sci. thesis was defended in 1994. A list of my works contains more than 100 titles. Since 1978 I and K. B. Sabitov have led the research seminar at MSU on differential equations.

Main publications:
  1. F.Kh. Mukminov, V.V. Sokolov, “Integriruemye evolyutsionnye uravneniya so svyazyami”, Matem. sb., 133:3 (1987), 392–414  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
  2. F.Kh. Mukminov, “O ravnomernoi stabilizatsii reshenii pervoi smeshannoi zadachi dlya parabolicheskogo uravneniya”, Matem. sb., 181:11 (1990), 1486–1509  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
  3. F.Kh. Mukminov, “O skorosti ubyvaniya resheniya pervoi smeshannoi zadachi dlya sistemy uravnenii Nave–Stoksa v oblastyakh s nekompaktnymi granitsami”, Matem. sb., 184:4 (1993), 139–160  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
  4. A.A. Bormisov, E.S. Gudkova, F.Kh. Mukminov, “Ob integriruemosti giperbolicheskikh sistem tipa uravneniya Rikkati”, TMF, 113:2 (1997), 261–275  mathnet  mathscinet
  5. A.A. Bormisov, F.Kh. Mukminov, “Simmetrii giperbolicheskikh sistem tipa uravneniya Rikkati”, TMF, 127:1 (2001), 47–62  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
List of publications on Google Scholar

List of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. V. F. Vildanova, F. Kh. Mukminov, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat. (to appear)  mathnet  crossref

2. F. Kh. Mukminov, O. S. Stekhun, “Existence and uniqueness of solutions to outer Zaremba problem for elliptic equations with measure–valued potential”, Ufa Math. J., 16:4 (2024), 53–75  mathnet  crossref

3. V. F. Vil'danova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Entropy solution for an equation with measure-valued potential in a hyperbolic space”, Sb. Math., 214:11 (2023), 1534–1559  mathnet  crossref  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus

4. N. A. Vorobev, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Existence of a Renormalized Solution of a Parabolic Problem in Anisotropic Sobolev–Orlicz Spaces”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 258:3 (2021), 37–64  crossref  scopus 2
5. V. F. Vil’danova and F. Kh. Mukminov, “Perturbations of Nonlinear Elliptic Operators by Potentials in the Space of Multiplicators”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 257:5 (2021), 569–578  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 3
6. V. F. Vil’danova and F. Kh. Mukminov, “Existence of Weak Solutions of the Aggregation Equation with the p(·)-Laplacian”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 252:2 (2021), 156-167  crossref  zmath  scopus
7. V. F. Vilfanova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Existence of Weak Solutions of Aggregation Integro-Differential Equations”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 259:6 (2021), 775-790  crossref  scopus

8. F. Kh. Mukminov, “Existence and Uniqueness of Renormalized Solutions to Parabolic Problems for Equations with Diffuse Measure”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 247:6 (2020), 900-925  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  scopus

9. F. Kh. Mukminov, “Existence of a Renormalized Solution to an Anisotropic Parabolic Problem for an Equation with Diffuse Measure”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 306 (2019), 178–195  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
10. N. A. Vorobyev, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Existence of a renormalized solution of a parabolic problem in anisotropic Sobolev–Orlicz spaces”, Differential Equations, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 163, VINITI, Moscow, 2019, 39–64  mathnet  mathscinet

11. F. Kh. Mukminov, “Existence of a renormalized solution to an anisotropic parabolic problem with variable nonlinearity exponents”, Sb. Math., 209:5 (2018), 714–738  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
12. T. R. Gadyl'shin, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Perturbation of second order nonlinear equation by delta-like potential”, Ufa Math. Journal, 10:2 (2018), 31–43  mathnet  crossref  zmath  isi  scopus

13. V. F. Vil'danova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Existence of Weak Solutions of Aggregation Equation with the $p(\cdot)$-Laplacian”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 252:2 (2021), 156–167  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  scopus

14. I. I. Kiryanov, F. H. Mukminov, A. R. Tulyabaev, L. M. Khalilov, “Neural network for prediction of C-13 NMR chemical shifts of fullerene C-60 mono-adducts”, JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICS, 32:9 (2018), e3037  crossref  isi  scopus 3
15. F .Kh. Mukminov, “Suschestvovanie renormalizovannogo resheniya anizotropnoi parabolicheskoi zadachi dlya uravneniya s diffuznoi meroi”, Spektralnaya teoriya i smezhnye voprosy. Sbornik tezisov. (Ufa, 1-4 oktyabrya 2018 goda), eds. R. N. Garifullin, IPK BGPU, Ufa, 2018, c.119

16. F. Kh. Mukminov, “Uniqueness of the renormalized solution of an elliptic-parabolic problem in anisotropic Sobolev-Orlicz spaces”, Sb. Math., 208:8 (2017), 1187–1206  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus

17. F. Kh. Mukminov, È. R. Andriyanova, “Existence of weak solutions to an elliptic-parabolic equation with variable order of nonlinearity”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 241:3 (2019), 290–305  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus

18. F. Kh.Mukminov, V. F. Vildanova, “The existence of a unique weak solution to the problem for the aggregation equation with the p()-Laplacian”, The 8th International Conference on Differerential and Functional Equations (Moscow, Russia, August 13-20, 2017), Tipografiya RUDN, Moskva, 2017, 186  mathscinet
19. N. A. Vorobev, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Suschestvovanie renormalizovannogo resheniya parabolicheskoi zadachi v anizotropnykh prostranstvakh Soboleva-Orlicha”, Mezhdunarodnaya matematicheskaya konferentsiya po teorii funktsii, posvyaschennaya 100-letiyu chl.-korr. AN SSSR A.F.Leonteva (Ufa, 24-27 maya, 2017 g.), RITs BashGU, Ufa, 2017, 36-37
20. V. F. Vildanova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Suschestvovanie slabogo resheniya integro-differentsialnogo uravneniya agregatsii”, Sovremennaya matematika. Fundamentalnye napravleniya., 64:4 (2017), 557–572  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet 3

21. I. I. Kiryanov, F. H. Mukminov, A. R. Tulyabaev, L. M. Khalilov, “Prediction of^{13} C NMR chemical shifts by artificial neural network. I. Partial charge model as atomic descriptor”, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 152 (2016), 62–68  crossref  isi  scopus 5
22. F .Kh. Mukminov, E. R .Andriyanova, “Suschestvovanie i edinstvennost renormalizovannogo resheniya parabolicheskogo uravneniya s dvoinoi peremennoi nelineinostyu”, Ufimskaya matematicheskaya konferentsiya s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem, Sbornik tezisov (g.Ufa, 27–30 sentyabrya 2016g.), RITs BashGU, Ufa, 2016, 111–112
23. F. Kh .Mukminov, “Edinstvennost renormalizovannogo resheniya anizotropnoi parabolicheskoi zadachi s peremennymi nelineinostyami”, Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po differentsialnym uravneniyam i dinamicheskim sistemam, tezisy dokladov (Suzdal 8–12 iyulya 2016 goda), M.:MIAN, Moskva, 2016, 143–144
24. F. Kh .Mukminov, “Edinstvennost renormalizovannogo resheniya anizotropnoi elliptiko-parabolicheskoi zadachi”, Matematicheskoe modelirovanie i kraevye zadachi, Trudy desyatoi Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem (Samara 25–27 maya 2016 g.), SamGTU, Samara, 2016, 60–61
25. F. Kh .Mukminov, “Edinstvennost renormalizovannogo resheniya elliptiko-parabolicheskoi zadachi”, Sovremennye metody i problemy teorii operatorov i garmonicheskogo analiza i ikh prilozheniya, Tezisy konferentsii OTHA (Rostov-na-Donu 24–29 aprelya 2016 g.), Izdatelskii tsentr DGTU, Rostov-na-Donu, 2016, 108-109
26. È. R. Andriyanova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Existence and qualitative properties of a solution of the first mixed problem for a parabolic equation with non-power-law double nonlinearity”, Sb. Math., 207:1 (2016), 1–40  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
27. F. Kh. Mukminov, “Uniqueness of the renormalized solutions to the Cauchy problem for an anisotropic parabolic equation”, Ufa Math. Journal, 8:2 (2016), 44–57  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus

28. F. Kh .Mukminov, “Edinstvennost renormalizovannogo resheniya zadachi Koshi dlya anizotropnogo parabolicheskogo uravneniya”, Spektralnye zadachi, nelineinyi i kompleksnyi analiz, Sbornik tezisov (Ufa, 1–3 oktyabrya 2015 g.), RITs BashGU, Ufa, 2015, 107–109

29. F. Kh. Mukminov, T. R. Gadylshin, “Boundary-value problem for a second-order nonlinear equation with delta-like potential”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 292, suppl. 1 (2016), 216–230  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus

30. V. F. Vil'danova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Täcklind uniqueness classes for heat equation on noncompact Riemannian manifolds”, Ufa Math. Journal, 7:2 (2015), 55–63  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus

31. E. R. Andriyanova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Existence of solution for parabolic equation with non-power nonlinearities”, Ufa Math. Journal, 6:4 (2014), 31–47  mathnet  crossref  elib  elib  scopus
32. F. Kh. Mukminov, E. R. Andriyanova, “Parabolicheskoe uravnenie s nestepennymi nelineinostyami: suschestvovanie, edinstvennost i svoistva resheniya”, Spektralnye zadachi, nelineinyi i kompleksnyi analiz, Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii (Ufa, 24-26 sentyabrya 2014 g.), RITs BashGU, Ufa, 2014, 53–55
33. F. Kh. Mukminov, E. R. Andriyanova, “Kachestvennye svoistva parabolicheskogo uravneniya s nestepennymi nelineinostyami”, Matematicheskoe modelirovanie protsessov i sistem, Materialy III Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem (Sterlitamak, 4–6 dekabrya 2014 g.), RIZO Sterlitamakskogo filiala BashGU, Sterlitamak, 2014, 115–117

34. V. F. Vil'danova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Anisotropic uniqueness classes for a degenerate parabolic equation”, Sb. Math., 204:11 (2013), 1584–1597  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
35. È. R. Andriyanova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Stabilization of the solution of a doubly nonlinear parabolic equation”, Sb. Math., 204:9 (2013), 1239–1263  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus

36. F. Kh .Mukminov, V. F. Gilimshina, “Teklindovskie klassy edinstvennosti dlya neravnomerno parabolicheskogo uravneniya”, Tretya mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya "Matematicheskaya fizika i ee prilozheniya (Samara, 27 avgusta–1 sentyabrya 2012g.), SamGTU, Samara, 2012, 96–97
37. L. M. Kozhevnikova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Stabilization of solutions of an anisotropic quasilinear parabolic equation in unbounded domains”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 278 (2012), 106–120  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus

38. V. F. Gilimshina, F. Kh. Mukminov, “On the decay of solutions of non-uniformly elliptic equations”, Izv. Math., 75:1 (2011), 53–71  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
39. V. F. Gilimshina, F. Kh. Mukminov, “On decay rate of solution to degenerating linear parabolic equations”, Ufimsk. Mat. Zh., 3:4 (2011), 43–56  mathnet  zmath  elib
40. E. R. Andriyanova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “The lower estimate of decay rate of solutions for doubly nonlinear parabolic equations”, Ufimsk. Mat. Zh., 3:3 (2011), 3–14  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib
41. F. Kh. Mukminov, E. R. Andriyanova, “O suschestvovanii resheniya parabolicheskogo uravneniya s dvoinoi nelineinostyu v neogranichennykh oblastyakh”, International conference dedicated to Ivan G. Petrovskii (Moskow, May 30-June 4 2011), Izd-vo MGU, Moskva, 2011, 136–137
42. F. Kh. Mukminov, E. R. Andriyanova, “Ob otsenke snizu reshenii parabolicheskogo uravneniya s dvoinoi nelineinostyu”, Materialy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, posvyaschennoi pamyati A. G. Kostyuchenko. Spektralnaya teoriya operatorov i ee prilozheniya (Ufa, iyun 2011), RITs BashGU, Ufa, 2011, 13  mathscinet

43. I. M. Bikkulov, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Classes of uniqueness for solutions of the Rickyies problem to fourth and sixth order elliptic equations”, Ufimsk. Mat. Zh., 2:1 (2010), 35–51  mathnet  zmath  elib

44. A. R. Gerfanov, F. H. Mukminov, “A wide class of uniqueness of the solution for non-uniformly elliptic equation in unbounded domain”, Ufimsk. Mat. Zh., 1:3 (2009), 11–27  mathnet  zmath  elib

45. F. Kh. Mukminov, I. M. Bikkulov, “Ob ubyvanii reshenii zadachi Rikke dlya ellipticheskikh uravnenii shestogo poryadka v neogranichennoi oblasti”, Ufimskaya mezhdunarodnaya matematicheskaya konferentsiya “Teoriya funktsii, differentsialnye uravneniya, vychislitelnaya matematika”, Tezisy dokladov (Ufa, 2 – 5 iyunya 2007), RITs BashGU, Ufa, 2007, 95–96
46. F. Kh. Mukminov, I. M. Bikkulov, “Ob ubyvanii reshenii zadachi Rikke dlya ellipticheskikh uravnenii chetvertogo poryadka v neogranichennoi oblasti”, Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya, posvyaschennaya pamyati I. G. Petrovskogo, Tezisy dokladov (Moskva, 2007), Izd-vo MGU, Moskva, 2007, 187
47. F. Kh. Mukminov, A. R. Gerfanov, “Neravenstvo Fridrikhsa dlya odnogo psevdodifferentsialnogo operatora”, Sbornik nauchnykh statei fiziko-matematicheskogo fakulteta BGPU, Uchenye zapiski, vyp.8, Izd-vo BGPU, Ufa, 2007, 18–21

48. L. M. Kozhevnikova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Decay of the solution of the first mixed problem for a high-order parabolic equation with minor terms”, J. Math. Sci., 150:5 (2008), 2369–2383  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  elib  scopus

49. F. Kh. Mukminov, I. M. Bikkulov, “Stabilization of the norm of the solution of a mixed problem in an unbounded domain for parabolic equations of orders 4 and 6”, Sb. Math., 195:3 (2004), 413–440  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus

50. L. M. Kozhevnikova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “On the Decay of the $\mathbf L_2$-Norm of the Solution of the First Mixed Problem for a Nonlinear System of Parabolic Equations in a Domain with Nonregular Boundary”, Differ. Equ., 38:8 (2002), 1149–1154  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet

51. A. A. Bormisov, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Symmetries of Systems of the Hyperbolic Riccati Type”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 127:1 (2001), 446–459  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib

52. K. B. Sabitov, F. Kh. Mukminov, “The sign of the conormal derivative of a solution to a degenerating elliptic equation near a point of maximum”, Differ. Equ., 36:6 (2000), 938–942  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
53. L. M. Kozhevnikova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Estimates of the stabilization rate as $t\to\infty$ of solutions of the first mixed problem for a quasilinear system of second-order parabolic equations”, Sb. Math., 191:2 (2000), 235–273  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus

54. F. Kh. Mukminov, “On the set of limit functions for solutions of the nonstationary exterior Stokes problem”, Differ. Equ., 33:8 (1997), 1108–1112  mathnet  mathscinet
55. A. A. Bormisov, E. S. Gudkova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “On integrability of Rikkati-type systems of hyperbolic equations”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 113:2 (1997), 1418–1430  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi
56. F. Kh. Mukminov, K. B. Sabitov, “O znake kosoi proizvodnoi resheniya vyrozhdayuschikhsya ellipticheskikh uravnenii i ego primeneniya v uravneniyakh smeshannogo tipa”, Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya, posvyaschennaya 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya prof. S. P. Pulkina, Tezisy dokladov (Samara, 27-30 maya 1997g.,), SamGPU, Samara, 1997, 54–55
57. F. Kh. Mukminov, E. S. Gudkova, V. V. Sokolov, “Zadacha Gursa dlya integriruemoi sistemy nelineinykh uravnenii giperbolicheskogo tipa”, Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya, posvyaschennaya 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya prof. S. P. Pulkina, Tezisy dokladov (Samara, 27-30 maya 1997g.), SamGPU, Samara, 1997, 23–24
58. F. Kh. Mukminov, E. S. Gudkova, “Ob integriruemosti po Darbu sistem giperbolicheskikh uravnenii, sootvetstvuyuschikh prostym algebram Li v standartnoi graduirovke”, Trudy vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii “Fizika kondensirovannogo sostoyaniya”, Tom I. Matematicheskie metody fiziki (Sterlitamak, 1997), Sterlitamakskii GPI, Sterlitamak, 1997, 45–50

59. N. M. Asadullin, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Uniqueness classes for a non-stationary system of Stokes equations in unbounded domains”, Sb. Math., 187:3 (1996), 315–333  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
60. F. Kh. Mukminov, “O zatukhanii ploskogo techeniya vyazkoi neszhimaemoi zhidkosti v neogranichennoi oblasti”, Kompleksnyi analiz, differentsialnye uravneniya, chislennye metody i prilozheniya, Trudy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii t3, DU (Ufa, 1996), RITs BashGU, Ufa, 1996, 122-130
61. F. Kh. Mukminov, K. B. Sabitov, “K voprosu o edinstvennosti resheniya zadachi Gellerstedta”, Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya, posvyaschennaya 60-letiyu akademika A. M. Nakhusheva, Tezisy dokladov (Nalchik, 3-7 dekabrya 1996 g.), Nalchik, 1996, 75–76

62. F. Kh. Mukminov, “On uniform stabilization of solutions of the exterior problem for the Navier–Stokes equations”, Russian Acad. Sci. Sb. Math., 81:2 (1995), 297–320  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi

63. F. Kh. Mukminov, “Of the first mixed problem for the system of Navier–Stokes equations in domains with noncompact boundaries”, Russian Acad. Sci. Sb. Math., 78:2 (1994), 507–524  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
64. F. Kh. Mukminov, “Uniform stabilization of the solutions of the exterior problem for Navier–Stokes equations”, Dokl. Math., 48:2 (1994), 248–250  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

65. F. Kh. Mukminov, “On the decay of a solution of a mixed problem for a linearized system of Navier–Stokes equations”, Differ. Equ., 28:8 (1992), 1156–1164  mathnet  mathscinet

66. F. Kh. Mukminov, “On decay of a solution of the first mixed problem for the linearized system of Navier–Stokes equations in a domain with noncompact boundary”, Russian Acad. Sci. Sb. Math., 77:1 (1994), 245–264  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi

67. F. Kh. Mukminov, “On the rate of decay of the solution of a mixed problem for a system of Navier–Stokes equations in a domain with a noncompact boundary”, Dokl. Math., 45:3 (1992), 688–691  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
68. F. Kh. Mukminov, “On uniform stabilization of solutions of the first mixed problem for a parabolic equation”, Math. USSR-Sb., 71:2 (1992), 331–353  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi

69. F. Kh. Mukminov, “On straightening the characteristics of a quasilinear second-order equation”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 75:1 (1988), 340–345  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi

70. F. Kh. Mukminov, Differ. Uravn., 23:10 (1987), 1772–1780  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

71. F. Kh. Mukminov, V. V. Sokolov, “Integrable evolution equations with constraints”, Math. USSR-Sb., 61:2 (1988), 389–410  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath

72. F. Kh. Mukminov, “Stabilization of solutions of the first mixed problem for a parabolic equation of second order”, Math. USSR-Sb., 39:4 (1981), 449–467  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi

73. F. Kh. Mukminov, Differ. Uravn., 15:11 (1979), 2021–2033  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Ýíòðîïèéíûå ðåøåíèÿ çàäà÷è Çàðåìáû (Íåéìàíà) â íåîãðàíè÷åííîé îáëàñòè äëÿ ýëëèïòè÷åñêîãî óðàâíåíèÿ ñ ìåðîçíà÷íûì ïîòåíöèàëîì
F. Kh. Mukminov, O. S. Stekhun
International conference “Theory of Functions, Operator Theory and Quantum Information Theory”
June 9, 2024 10:35   
2. Entropy solutions of the Zaremba (Neumann) problem in an unbounded domain for an elliptic equation with measure-valued potential.
F. Kh. Mukminov, Stekhun O.S.
Seminar on nonlinear problems of partial differential equations and mathematical physics
April 16, 2024 18:00   
3. The Dirichlet problem for a quasilinear elliptic equation with a measure-valued potential
F. Kh. Mukminov
Seminar on nonlinear problems of partial differential equations and mathematical physics
May 31, 2022 18:00   
4. The existence of a renormalized solution of anisotropic parabolic problem for equation with diffuse measure
F. Kh. Mukminov
Internaional conference «Modern Mathematical Physics. Vladimirov-95»
November 13, 2018 17:00   

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