Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2019 |
1. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Turbulent heat transfer upon the suppression of near-wall turbulence and the relation between heat transfer and friction drag”, TVT, 57:1 (2019), 94–100 ; High Temperature, 57:1 (2019), 83–88 |
2018 |
2. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Decreased turbulence in vertical pipes with thermograviation and weakly dust-filled gas flow”, TVT, 56:6 (2018), 963–965 ; High Temperature, 56:6 (2018), 941–943 |
2017 |
3. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Development of secondary turbulent circulation in horizontal pipes with local stable density stratification”, TVT, 55:5 (2017), 854–857 ; High Temperature, 55:5 (2017), 833–836 |
4. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Implementation of stable thermal stratification in tubes and near-wall turbulence suppression”, TVT, 55:4 (2017), 589–595 ; High Temperature, 55:4 (2017), 573–578 |
2016 |
5. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Attenuation of near-wall generation of turbulance under additional actions on a fluid flow”, TVT, 54:2 (2016), 273–276 ; High Temperature, 54:2 (2016), 257–260 |
2015 |
6. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Viscous-thermo-gravity convection and heat transfer in a vertical cavity under various thermal conditions”, TVT, 53:5 (2015), 758–764 ; High Temperature, 53:5 (2015), 719–725 |
2014 |
7. |
A. F. Polyakov, S. E. Frid, “Numerical Simulation of Temperature Stratification in an Accumulation-Type Solar Water-Heating Installation”, TVT, 52:3 (2014), 429–436 ; High Temperature, 52:3 (2014), 418–425 |
8. |
A. F. Polyakov, “A steady viscous-thermogravitational flow of capillary liquid and heat transfer in a vertical cavity under asymmetric heat conditions”, TVT, 52:1 (2014), 78–83 ; High Temperature, 52:1 (2014), 72–77 |
2013 |
9. |
V. I. Artemov, A. F. Polyakov, “Free convection and heat transfer in a near-supercritical fluid in a horizontal square cavity with lateral heating”, TVT, 51:5 (2013), 724–737 ; High Temperature, 51:5 (2013), 652–664 |
10. |
A. F. Polyakov, “The thermal state and the heat transfer in a porous metal shell upon penetration cooling”, TVT, 51:4 (2013), 571–577 ; High Temperature, 51:4 (2013), 513–518 |
2012 |
11. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Numerical realization of viscous-thermogravity regimes in microchannels and under the microgravity conditions at near-critical liquid properties”, TVT, 50:4 (2012), 575–584 ; High Temperature, 50:4 (2012), 536–544 |
2011 |
12. |
A. I. Leont'ev, A. F. Polyakov, “Heat Transfer through a Porous Plate at Cooling Gas Supply in an Asymptotic Suction Regime”, TVT, 49:4 (2011), 568–575 ; High Temperature, 49:4 (2011), 550–557 |
2010 |
13. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Generalized relations for the calculation of heat transfer at the entry of gas to a porous layer”, TVT, 48:5 (2010), 725–733 ; High Temperature, 48:5 (2010), 691–698 |
14. |
N. N. Zubkov, A. F. Polyakov, Yu. L. Shekhter, “The hydraulic characteristics of porous materials for a system of transpiration cooling”, TVT, 48:2 (2010), 250–256 ; High Temperature, 48:2 (2010), 231–237 |
2009 |
15. |
O. A. Sinkevich, V. M. Potsepkin, A. F. Polyakov, “The instability of laminar pipe flow of gas relative to certain axisymmetric disturbances in view of compressibility”, TVT, 47:4 (2009), 575–583 ; High Temperature, 47:4 (2009), 545–553 |
2008 |
16. |
A. I. Leont'ev, A. F. Polyakov, “Simulation of internal heat transfer in a porous permeable envelope at low values of Reynolds number”, TVT, 46:6 (2008), 881–896 ; High Temperature, 46:6 (2008), 811–826 |
17. |
O. A. Sinkevich, V. M. Potsepkin, A. F. Polyakov, “The stability of nonisothermal laminar flow of gas in a plane channel”, TVT, 46:5 (2008), 740–750 ; High Temperature, 46:5 (2008), 675–685 |
2007 |
18. |
A. Yu. Varaksin, M. V. Protasov, T. F. Ivanov, A. F. Polyakov, “An experimental investigation of the behavior of solid particles during their motion in smooth and dimpled pipes”, TVT, 45:2 (2007), 254–260 ; High Temperature, 45:2 (2007), 221–226 |
2006 |
19. |
A. F. Polyakov, “The limits and pattern of the onset of the effect of thermogravitation on the flow and heat transfer in pipes”, TVT, 44:4 (2006), 552–559 ; High Temperature, 44:4 (2006), 548–555 |
20. |
M. V. Protasov, A. Yu. Varaksin, T. F. Ivanov, A. F. Polyakov, “Analysis of the possibility of using laser Doppler anemometer for the investigation of highly dust-laden flows”, TVT, 44:2 (2006), 298–303 ; High Temperature, 44:2 (2006), 296–301 |
21. |
A. I. Leont'ev, A. F. Polyakov, “The thermal state of a porous wall under conditions of transpiration cooling”, TVT, 44:1 (2006), 98–106 ; High Temperature, 44:1 (2006), 99–107 |
2005 |
22. |
V. I. Artemov, A. I. Leont'ev, A. F. Polyakov, “Numerical Simulation of Convection-Conduction Heat Transfer in a Block of Rectangular Microchannels”, TVT, 43:4 (2005), 580–593 ; High Temperature, 43:4 (2005), 580–594 |
2002 |
23. |
A. Yu. Varaksin, A. F. Polyakov, D. L. Reviznikov, V. K. Strat'ev, A. F. Tret'yakov, “Investigation of Flow in the Vicinity of Porous Material on a Cylindrical Body Subjected to Flow”, TVT, 40:6 (2002), 909–915 ; High Temperature, 40:6 (2002), 843–849 |
24. |
A. I. Leont'ev, A. F. Polyakov, “Formulation and Solution of the Problem on Convection-Conduction Heat Transfer in a System of Slotted Microchannels at a Uniform Temperature of the Frame”, TVT, 40:4 (2002), 623–632 ; High Temperature, 40:4 (2002), 577–585 |
2000 |
25. |
A. Yu. Varaksin, A. F. Polyakov, “Experimental study of fluctuations of particle velocity in a turbulent flow of air in a pipe”, TVT, 38:5 (2000), 792–798 ; High Temperature, 38:5 (2000), 764–770 |
26. |
A. Yu. Varaksin, A. F. Polyakov, “Some problems associated with experimental investigation of the structure of heterogeneous flows”, TVT, 38:4 (2000), 646–653 ; High Temperature, 38:4 (2000), 621–628 |
27. |
A. Yu. Varaksin, A. F. Polyakov, “The distribution of the velocities of doubly dispersed particles in a downward turbulent flow of air in a pipe”, TVT, 38:2 (2000), 343–346 ; High Temperature, 38:2 (2000), 324–326 |
28. |
A. F. Polyakov, S. Yu. Sukhoruchenko, Yu. L. Shekhter, “The structure of laminar flow of gas from a porous mesh insert”, TVT, 38:2 (2000), 284–292 ; High Temperature, 38:2 (2000), 264–272 |
1999 |
29. |
A. F. Polyakov, D. L. Reviznikov, “Singularities of thermal protection of the front edge under conditions of combination porous penetration and convection-conduction cooling”, TVT, 37:6 (1999), 928–931 ; High Temperature, 37:6 (1999), 895–898 |
30. |
A. F. Polyakov, D. L. Reviznikov, “Numerical simulation of conjugate heat and mass transfer under conditions of convection-and-curtain cooling”, TVT, 37:3 (1999), 420–426 ; High Temperature, 37:3 (1999), 393–400 |
31. |
A. Yu. Varaksin, Yu. V. Polezhaev, A. F. Polyakov, “The effect of the concentration of particles on the intensity of pulsations of their velocities under conditions of turbulent flow of suspension of matter in gas in a pipe”, TVT, 37:2 (1999), 343–346 ; High Temperature, 37:2 (1999), 321–323 |
1998 |
32. |
A. L. Boiko, Yu. L. Dolinskii, Yu. A. Zeigarnik, V. L. Nizovskiy, V. P. Nuss, A. F. Polyakov, V. Yu. Teterin, L. S. Tolchinskii, Yu. L. Shekhter, “TURBINA test bed at IVTAN for investigation of the thermal state of high-temperature elements of gas turbines”, TVT, 36:6 (1998), 984–989 ; High Temperature, 36:6 (1998), 960–965 |
33. |
A. Yu. Varaksin, Yu. V. Polezhaev, A. F. Polyakov, “Experimental investigation of the effect of solid particles on turbulent flow of air in a pipe”, TVT, 36:5 (1998), 767–775 ; High Temperature, 36:5 (1998), 744–752 |
34. |
A. F. Polyakov, D. L. Reviznikov, “Numerical simulation of conjugate heat transfer under conditions of transpiration cooling of cylindrical front edge”, TVT, 36:4 (1998), 617–623 ; High Temperature, 36:4 (1998), 593–599 |
35. |
P. L. Komarov, A. F. Polyakov, “The structure of averaged flow behind a backward-facing step in a slotted channel”, TVT, 36:3 (1998), 411–417 ; High Temperature, 36:3 (1998), 389–394 |
36. |
A. Yu. Varaksin, Yu. V. Polezhaev, A. F. Polyakov, “Equations of pulsation motion and pulsation heat transfer of non-Stokes particles in turbulent flows”, TVT, 36:1 (1998), 154–157 ; High Temperature, 36:1 (1998), 152–155 |
1997 |
37. |
Yu. V. Polezhaev, A. F. Polyakov, “Parametric analysis of the thermal conditions of a porous wall under penetration cooling”, TVT, 35:4 (1997), 605–613 ; High Temperature, 35:4 (1997), 593–601 |
38. |
Yu. V. Polezhaev, A. F. Polyakov, V. M. Potsepkin, I. V. Repin, “Thermal conditions of a porous wall under penetration cooling: Formulation and solution
of the problem”, TVT, 35:1 (1997), 86–92 ; High Temperature, 35:1 (1997), 83–89 |
1996 |
39. |
Yu. A. Zeigarnik, A. F. Polyakov, S. Yu. Sukhoruchenko, Yu. L. Shekhter, “Hydraulic characteristics of envelopes made of porous mesh materials”, TVT, 34:6 (1996), 924–928 ; High Temperature, 34:6 (1996), 910–914 |
1995 |
40. |
A. Yu. Varaksin, D. S. Mikhatulin, Yu. V. Polezhaev, A. F. Polyakov, “Measurements of velocity fields of gas and solid particles in the boundary layer of turbulized heterogeneous flow”, TVT, 33:6 (1995), 915–921 ; High Temperature, 33:6 (1995), 911–917 |
41. |
R. B. Kuz'min, Yu. V. Polezhaev, A. F. Polyakov, D. L. Reviznikov, “Numerical simulation of conjugate heat transfer under conditions of flow around gas turbine blades”, TVT, 33:4 (1995), 608–615 ; High Temperature, 33:4 (1995), 602–608 |
1989 |
42. |
Yu. A. Zeigarnik, M. V. Polikovskii, A. F. Polyakov, Yu. L. Shekhter, “Experimental-study of local flow structure over a stationary packed-bed”, TVT, 27:2 (1989), 321–326 ; High Temperature, 27:2 (1989), 256–260 |
1987 |
43. |
A. F. Polyakov, V. V. Troitskii, Yu. L. Shekhter, “Метод измерения напряжения трения на теплообменной поверхности пленочным датчиком”, TVT, 25:6 (1987), 1221–1224 |
1986 |
44. |
A. F. Polyakov, S. A. Shindin, “Турбулентный перенос импульса и тепла при смешанной конвекции в вертикальных каналах”, TVT, 24:5 (1986), 1031–1033 |
1984 |
45. |
A. F. Polyakov, S. A. Shindin, “Application of pattern-recognition methods for the investigation of turbulent-flow structure”, TVT, 22:2 (1984), 372–376 ; High Temperature, 22:2 (1984), 309–313 |
1982 |
46. |
B. S. Petukhov, A. V. Karpukhin, V. V. Kirillov, A. I. Plavinskii, A. F. Polyakov, V. D. Semenov, Yu. N. Sokolov, Yu. V. Tsypulev, “Experimental-study of the heat fluxes in a MHD channel”, TVT, 20:4 (1982), 738–744 ; High Temperature, 20:4 (1982), 617–622 |
47. |
B. S. Petukhov, A. F. Polyakov, V. V. Troitskii, Yu. L. Shekhter, “Friction and heat-transfer during turbulent-flow in horizontal pipes in the field of gravity”, TVT, 20:3 (1982), 490–495 ; High Temperature, 20:3 (1982), 418–423 |
1981 |
48. |
A. F. Polyakov, Yu. V. Tsypulev, S. A. Shindin, “Characteristics of the frequency-analysis of wall turbulence structure”, TVT, 19:3 (1981), 581–586 ; High Temperature, 19:3 (1981), 425–429 |
1979 |
49. |
P. L. Maksin, B. S. Petukhov, A. F. Polyakov, “Balance of intensity of temperature pulsations in a turbulent flow of fluid”, TVT, 17:6 (1979), 1240–1248 ; High Temperature, 17:6 (1979), 1028–1036 |
50. |
Yu. V. Tsypulev, B. S. Petukhov, A. F. Polyakov, “Экспериментальное исследование влияния поля силы тяжести на турбулентное течение воздуха в плоском горизонтальном несимметрично обогреваемом канале”, TVT, 17:2 (1979), 366–374 |
1978 |
51. |
B. S. Petukhov, A. F. Polyakov, Yu. V. Tsypulev, “Экспериментальное исследование вероятностных характеристик пульсаций скорости и температуры при турбулентном течении воздуха в плоском несимметрично обогреваемом канале”, TVT, 16:5 (1978), 987–996 |
52. |
B. S. Petukhov, A. F. Polyakov, Yu. L. Shekhter, “Турбулентное течение и теплообмен в поле силы тяжести”, TVT, 16:3 (1978), 624–639 |
53. |
V. A. Kuleshov, A. F. Polyakov, Yu. L. Shekhter, “Экспериментальное исследование полей скорости и температуры при турбулентном течении воздуха с переменными свойствами”, TVT, 16:2 (1978), 332–338 |
1977 |
54. |
B. S. Petukhov, A. F. Polyakov, V. V. Troitskii, Yu. L. Shekhter, “The action of a gravitational field on the structure of turbulent nonisothermal flow in horizontal cylindrical channels”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 236:4 (1977), 820–823 |
55. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Flow and heat transfer in the thermogravitational generation mode”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 18:5 (1977), 86–94 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 18:5 (1977), 659–665 |
56. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Viscosity-gravitational flow in tubes with a small effect of thermogravitation”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 18:1 (1977), 122–130 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 18:1 (1977), 106–112 |
57. |
V. A. Kuleshov, A. F. Polyakov, Yu. V. Tsypulev, “Экспериментальное исследование поля температуры при турбулентном стратифицированном течении воздуха
в плоском канале”, TVT, 15:6 (1977), 1316–1318 |
58. |
V. S. Grigor'ev, A. F. Polyakov, S. V. Rosnovskii, “Heat transfer in pipes under conditions of supercritical pressures of the heat carrier and thermal load varying along the length”, TVT, 15:6 (1977), 1241–1247 ; High Temperature, 15:6 (1977), 1062–1068 |
59. |
P. L. Maksin, B. S. Petukhov, A. F. Polyakov, “Calculation of turbulent momentum and heat transfer in pipe flow of a gas with variable physical properties”, TVT, 15:5 (1977), 1019–1026 ; High Temperature, 15:5 (1977), 861–868 |
60. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Границы и характер начала влияния термогравитации на турбулентное течение и теплообмен жидких металлов
в вертикальных трубах”, TVT, 15:4 (1977), 802–807 |
1976 |
61. |
B. S. Petukhov, A. F. Polyakov, S. V. Rosnovskii, “New approach to calculation of heat-transfer with supercritical pressures of heat-transfer medium”, TVT, 14:6 (1976), 1326–1329 ; High Temperature, 14:6 (1976), 1189–1193 |
1975 |
62. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Mechanism and limits on the formation of conditions for impaired heat transfer at a supercritical coolant pressure”, TVT, 13:6 (1975), 1210–1219 ; High Temperature, 13:6 (1975), 1119–1126 |
63. |
P. L. Maksin, B. S. Petukhov, A. F. Polyakov, “Analysis of turbulent stabilized pipe flow”, TVT, 13:3 (1975), 544–554 ; High Temperature, 13:3 (1975), 498–505 |
1974 |
64. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Development of secondary free-convection currents in forced turbulent flow in horizontal tubes”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 15:5 (1974), 60–66 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 15:5 (1974), 632–637 |
65. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Влияние стенки на пульсации температуры в вязком подслое”, TVT, 12:2 (1974), 328–337 |
66. |
B. S. Petukhov, A. F. Polyakov, “Границы режимов с "ухудшенной" теплоотдачей при сверхкритическом давлении теплоносителя”, TVT, 12:1 (1974), 221–224 |
1973 |
67. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Границы и характер начала влияния термогравитационных сил на турбулентное течение и теплообмен в вертикальных трубах”, TVT, 11:1 (1973), 106–116 |
1971 |
68. |
A. F. Polyakov, V. V. Barkovskii, “Распределение температуры в вязкостно-гравитационном потоке воды в горизонтальных трубах”, TVT, 9:6 (1971), 1315–1318 |
1968 |
69. |
A. F. Polyakov, “Температурное поле в кольце с источником тепла и переменными граничными условиями третьего рода”, TVT, 6:3 (1968), 558–561 |
1967 |
70. |
B. S. Petukhov, A. F. Polyakov, “О влиянии свободной конвекции на теплоотдачу при вынужденном течении в горизонтальной трубе”, TVT, 5:2 (1967), 384–387 |
71. |
B. S. Petukhov, A. F. Polyakov, “Экспериментальное исследование теплообмена при вязкостно-гравитационном течении жидкости в горизонтальной трубе”, TVT, 5:1 (1967), 87–95 |
1969 |
72. |
A. F. Polyakov, S. A. Kovalev, “Международная летняя школа “Тепло- и массоперенос в турбулентном пограничном слое””, TVT, 7:3 (1969), 586–590 |
Organisations |