01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis)
Birth date:
inverse problems; transformation operators; similarity to self-adjoint operator and dissipative operator; similarity of Volterra operators; invariant subspaces of operators of different classes; completeness property and basis property of root subspaces for operators with discrete spectrum; estimates for systems of partially differential operators; extension theory of symmetric and isometric operators and interpolation problems of analysis; extensions of sectorial operators and dual pairs of operatos; operator measures.
Main publications:
Derkach V. A., Malamud M. M. Generalized resolvents and the boundary value problems for Hermitian operators with gaps // Journal of Functional Analysis, 1991, 95 (1), 1–95.
D. V. Limanskyii, M. M. Malamud, “On subordination conditions for systems of minimal differential operators”, CMFD, 70:1 (2024), 121–149
M. M. Malamud, H. Neidhardt, V. V. Peller, “The reality of spectral shift functions for contractions and dissipative operators”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 519 (2024), 28–32
M. M. Malamud, V. V. Marchenko, “On kernels of invariant Schrödinger operators with point interactions. Grinevich–Novikov conjecture”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 516 (2024), 31–37; Dokl. Math., 109:2 (2024), 125–129
M. Malamud, “To Birman–Krein–Vishik theory”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 509 (2023), 54–59; Dokl. Math., 107:1 (2023), 44–48
M. M. Malamud, “On the Birman problem in the theory of nonnegative symmetric operators with compact inverse”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 57:2 (2023), 111–116; Funct. Anal. Appl., 57:2 (2023), 173–177
V. S. Budyka, M. M. Malamud, I. L. Pokrovski, “Deficiency Indices of Block Jacobi Matrices That Do Not Satisfy the Carleman Condition, and Operators with Point Interactions”, Mat. Zametki, 114:5 (2023), 789–795; Math. Notes, 114:5 (2023), 1060–1066
A. A. Lunev, M. M. Malamud, “On an asymptotic expansion of the characteristic determinant for $2 \times 2$ Dirac type systems”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 527 (2023), 94–136
S. A. Aleroev, M. M. Malamud, “$j$-Self-Adjointness Conditions for Jacobi Matrices and Schrödinger and Dirac Operators with Point Interactions”, Mat. Zametki, 111:6 (2022), 940–946; Math. Notes, 111:6 (2022), 970–976
A. Lunev, M. Malamud, “On characteristic determinants of boundary value problems for Dirac type systems”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 516 (2022), 69–120
V. S. Budyka, M. M. Malamud, “On the Discreteness of the Spectrum of Matrix Schrödinger and Dirac Operators with Point Interactions”, Mat. Zametki, 110:6 (2021), 932–938; Math. Notes, 110:6 (2021), 960–966
M. M. Malamud, V. V. Marchenko, “Invariant Schrödinger Operators with Point Interactions at the Vertices of a Regular Polyhedron”, Mat. Zametki, 110:3 (2021), 471–477; Math. Notes, 110:3 (2021), 463–469
V. S. Budyka, M. M. Malamud, “Self-Adjointness and Discreteness of the Spectrum of Block Jacobi Matrices”, Mat. Zametki, 108:3 (2020), 457–462; Math. Notes, 108:3 (2020), 445–450
V. S. Budyka, M. M. Malamud, “On the Deficiency Indices of Block Jacobi Matrices Related to Dirac Operators with Point Interactions”, Mat. Zametki, 106:6 (2019), 940–945; Math. Notes, 106:6 (2019), 1009–1014
M. M. Malamud, H. Neidhardt, V. V. Peller, “Analytic operator Lipschitz functions in the disk and a trace formula for functions of contractions”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 51:3 (2017), 33–55; Funct. Anal. Appl., 51:3 (2017), 185–203
A. S. Kostenko, M. M. Malamud, D. D. Natyagajlo, “Matrix Schrödinger Operator with $\delta$-Interactions”, Mat. Zametki, 100:1 (2016), 59–77; Math. Notes, 100:1 (2016), 49–65
M. M. Malamud, “Unique Determination of a System by a Part of the Monodromy Matrix”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 49:4 (2015), 33–49; Funct. Anal. Appl., 49:4 (2015), 264–278
M. M. Malamud, V. I. Mogilevskii, S. Hassi, “On the Unitary Equivalence of the Proper Extensions of a Hermitian Operator and the Weyl Function”, Mat. Zametki, 91:2 (2012), 316–320; Math. Notes, 91:2 (2012), 302–307
N. I. Goloschapova, V. P. Zastavnyi, M. M. Malamud, “Positive Definite Functions and Spectral Properties of the Schrödinger Operator with Point Interactions”, Mat. Zametki, 90:1 (2011), 151–156; Math. Notes, 90:1 (2011), 149–154
M. M. Malamud, “On the Completeness of the System of Root Vectors of the Sturm–Liouville Operator with General Boundary Conditions”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 42:3 (2008), 45–52; Funct. Anal. Appl., 42:3 (2008), 198–204
D. V. Lymanskyi, M. M. Malamud, “On an Analog of de Leeuw and Mirkil Theorem for Operators with Variable Coeficients”, Mat. Zametki, 83:5 (2008), 783–786; Math. Notes, 83:5 (2008), 712–715
D. V. Lymanskyi, M. M. Malamud, “Elliptic and weakly coercive systems of operators in Sobolev spaces”, Mat. Sb., 199:11 (2008), 75–112; Sb. Math., 199:11 (2008), 1649–1686
M. M. Malamud, S. M. Malamud, “Spectral theory of operator measures in Hilbert space”, Algebra i Analiz, 15:3 (2003), 1–77; St. Petersburg Math. J., 15:3 (2004), 323–373
M. M. Malamud, V. I. Mogilevskii, “Generalized Resolvents of Symmetric Operators”, Mat. Zametki, 73:3 (2003), 460–465; Math. Notes, 73:3 (2003), 429–435
M. M. Malamud, S. M. Malamud, “On the Spectral Theory of Operator Measures”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 36:2 (2002), 83–89; Funct. Anal. Appl., 36:2 (2002), 154–158
I. Yu. Domanov, M. M. Malamud, “Invariant and Hyperinvariant Subspace Lattices of Operators $J^\alpha\otimes B$ in Sobolev Spaces”, Mat. Zametki, 70:4 (2001), 560–567; Math. Notes, 70:4 (2001), 508–514
M. M. Malamud, L. L. Oridoroga, “Completeness Theorems for Systems of Differential Equations”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 34:4 (2000), 88–90; Funct. Anal. Appl., 34:4 (2000), 308–310
M. M. Malamud, “Similarity of a triangular operator to a diagonal one”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 270 (2000), 201–241; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 115:2 (2003), 2199–2222
M. M. Malamud, “Borg Type Theorems for First-Order Systems on a Finite Interval”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 33:1 (1999), 75–80; Funct. Anal. Appl., 33:1 (1999), 64–68
M. M. Malamud, “Similarity of Volterra operators and related problems in the theory of differential equations of fractional orders”, Tr. Mosk. Mat. Obs., 55 (1994), 73–148
V. A. Derkach, M. M. Malamud, “Inverse problems for Weyl functions and preresolvent and resolvent
matrices of Hermitian operators”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 326:1 (1992), 12–18; Dokl. Math., 46:2 (1993), 190–197
V. A. Derkach, M. M. Malamud, “Characteristic functions of linear operators”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 323:5 (1992), 816–822; Dokl. Math., 45:2 (1992), 417–424
V. A. Derkach, M. M. Malamud, “The resolvent matrix of a Hermitian operator and the moment
problem with gaps”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 314:2 (1990), 273–278; Dokl. Math., 42:2 (1991), 429–435
M. M. Malamud, “Boundary value problems for Hermitian operators with gaps”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 313:6 (1990), 1335–1340; Dokl. Math., 42:1 (1991), 190–196
M. M. Malamud, “Estimates for a system of differential operators in $L_p(\Omega)$. A connection with results of L. Hörmander”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 312:6 (1990), 1312–1317
M. M. Malamud, “On transformation operators for ordinary differential equations”, Tr. Mosk. Mat. Obs., 53 (1990), 68–97
M. M. Malamud, “Extensions of Hermitian sectorial operators and dual pairs of
contractions”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 305:1 (1989), 35–41; Dokl. Math., 39:2 (1989), 253–259
V. A. Derkach, M. M. Malamud, “A class of extensions of a Hermitian operator and the Weyl function”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1989, no. 5, 71–75; Soviet Math. (Iz. VUZ), 33:5 (1989), 116–122
V. A. Derkach, M. M. Malamud, È. R. Tsekanovskii, “Sectorial extensions of a positive operator, and the
characteristic function”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 298:3 (1988), 537–541; Dokl. Math., 37:1 (1988), 106–110
M. M. Malamud, “An estimate for differential operators in uniform norm, and coercivity in S. L. Sobolev spaces”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 298:1 (1988), 32–36; Dokl. Math., 37:1 (1988), 25–29
M. M. Malamud, “Some analogues of von-Heumann's inequality for $J$-contractions”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 157 (1987), 165–172
M. M. Malamud, “An analog of Nelson's theorem”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 19:2 (1985), 82–83; Funct. Anal. Appl., 19:2 (1985), 150–152
M. M. Malamud, “Necessary conditions for the existence of a transformation operator for higher-order equations”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 16:3 (1982), 74–75; Funct. Anal. Appl., 16:3 (1982), 219–221
M. M. Malamud, “Perturbations of a fractional integration operator”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 13:2 (1979), 85–86; Funct. Anal. Appl., 13:2 (1979), 145–146
M. M. Malamud, È. R. Tsekanovskii, “Of Volterra operators in the scale $L_p[0,1]$$(1\leqslant p\leqslant\infty)$”, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 41:4 (1977), 768–793; Math. USSR-Izv., 11:4 (1977), 725–748
M. M. Malamud, “Disturbances of the differentiation operator in a finite, a semi-infinite, and an infinite interval”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 10:4 (1976), 91–92; Funct. Anal. Appl., 10:4 (1976), 326–327
M. M. Malamud, È. R. Tsekanovskii, “Tests for the linear equivalence of Volterra operators in the $L_p$ scale”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 30:5(185) (1975), 217–218
B. A. Amosov, V. M. Buchstaber, M. M. Malamud, S. P. Novikov, G. V. Rozenblum, T. A. Suslina, L. F. Friedlander, A. A. Shkalikov, “Mikhail Semenovich Agranovich (obituary)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 73:1(439) (2018), 173–178; Russian Math. Surveys, 73:1 (2018), 161–167
M. S. Agranovich, A. I. Aptekarev, A. L. Afendikov, N. D. Vvedenskaya, M. I. Vishik, S. G. Gindikin, M. M. Malamud, B. P. Paneah, E. V. Radkevich, V. M. Tikhomirov, A. R. Shirikyan, “Leonid Romanovich Volevich (obituary)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 62:6(378) (2007), 157–160; Russian Math. Surveys, 62:6 (2007), 1187–1190
M. S. Agranovich, A. I. Aptekarev, N. D. Vvedenskaya, M. I. Vishik, S. G. Gindikin, A. M. Il'in, V. P. Maslov, M. M. Malamud, B. P. Paneah, V. M. Tikhomirov, A. R. Shirikyan, “Leonid Romanovich Volevich (on his 70th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 59:5(359) (2004), 175–182; Russian Math. Surveys, 59:5 (2004), 991–1000