Список публикаций:
Цитирования (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
2023 |
1. |
Kalyagin Valeriy, Kostylev Ilya, “Graph density and uncertainty of graphical model selection algorithms”, Advances in Optimization and Applications (14th International Conference, OPTIMA 2023, Petrovac, Montenegro), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1913, Springer, 2023, 188–201
2. |
Aroslankin Artem, Kalyagin Valeriy, “Uncertainty of Graph Clustering in Correlation Block Model”, Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research: Recent Trends (22nd International Conference, MOTOR 2023, Ekaterinburg, Russia), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1881, Springer, 2023, 353–363 |
2022 |
3. |
А. И. Аптекарев, В. А. Калягин, “Спектральная задача для векторной струны Стилтьеса”, УМН, 77:5(467) (2022), 187–188 ; A. I. Aptekarev, V. A. Kalyagin, “Spectral problem for the vector Stieltjes string”, Russian Math. Surveys, 77:5 (2022), 946–948
4. |
Kalyagin V. A., Koldanov A. P., Koldanov P. A., “Reliability of maximum spanning tree identification in correlation-based market networks”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 599 (2022), 127482
2020 |
5. |
Kalyagin V. A., Koldanov A. P., Koldanov P., Pardalos P. M., Statistical Analysis of Graph Structures in Random Variable Networks, Springer, 2020 |
6. |
Kalyagin V. A., Slashchinin S.V., “Uncertainty of Efficient Frontier in Portfolio Optimization”, Learning and Intelligent Optimization (14th International Conference, LION 14, Athens, Greece), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12096, Springer, 2020, 371–376 |
2019 |
7. |
Kalyagin V. A., Koldanov A. P., Koldanov P.A., Pardalos P. M., “Loss function, unbiasedness, and optimality of Gaussian graphical model selection”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 201 (2019), 32–39
2015 |
8. |
M. V. Batsyn, V. A. Kalyagin, D. N. Tulyakov, “An efficient approach to the protein structure alignment problem”, Препринты ИПМ им. М. В. Келдыша, 2015, 91–15 |
9. |
В. М. Бухштабер, В. Н. Дубинин, В. А. Калягин, Б. С. Кашин, В. Н. Сорокин, С. П. Суетин, Д. Н. Туляков, Б. Н. Четверушкин, Е. М. Чирка, А. А. Шкаликов, “Александр Иванович Аптекарев (к 60-летию со дня рождения)”, УМН, 70:5(425) (2015), 183–190 ; V. M. Buchstaber, V. N. Dubinin, V. A. Kaliaguine, B. S. Kashin, V. N. Sorokin, S. P. Suetin, D. N. Tulyakov, B. N. Chetverushkin, E. M. Chirka, A. A. Shkalikov, “Alexander Ivanovich Aptekarev (on his 60th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 70:5 (2015), 965–973 |
2011 |
10. |
М. В. Бацын, В. А. Калягин, “Аксиоматика индексов влияния в задаче голосования с квотой”, Автомат. и телемех., 2011, № 3, 145–160 ; M. V. Batsyn, V. A. Kalyagin, “Power Index axiomatics in the problem of voting with quota”, Autom. Remote Control, 72:3 (2011), 600–614 |
2010 |
11. |
F. T. Aleskerov, V. V. Chistyakov, V. A. Kalyagin, “Social threshold aggregations”, Soc. Choice Welf., 35:4 (2010), 627–646
12. |
F. Aleskerov, V. V. Chistyakov, V. Kalyagin, “The threshold aggregation”, Econom. Lett., 107:2 (2010), 261–262
2009 |
13. |
В. А. Калягин, А. А. Кононова, “Об асимптотике многочленов, ортогональных на системе дуг, по мере, имеющей дискретную часть”, Алгебра и анализ, 21:2 (2009), 71–91 ; V. A. Kalyagin, A. A. Kononova, “On the asymptotics of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a measure with atoms on a system of arcs”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 21:2 (2010), 217–230
14. |
В. А. Калягин, А. А. Кононова, “О компактных возмущениях предельно-периодического оператора Якоби”, Матем. заметки, 86:6 (2009), 845–858 ; V. A. Kalyagin, A. A. Kononova, “On Compact Perturbations of the Limit-Periodic Jacobi Operator”, Math. Notes, 86:6 (2009), 789–800
15. |
A. I. Aptekarev, V. A. Kalyagin, V. G. Lysov, D. N. Toulyakov, “Equilibrium of vector potentials and uniformization of the algebraic curves of genus 0”, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 233:3 (2009), 602–616
16. |
A. I. Aptekarev, V. A. Kalyagin, E. B. Saff, “Higher-order three-term recurrences and asymptotics of multiple orthogonal polynomials”, Constr. Approx., 30:2 (2009), 175–223
17. |
М. В. Бацын, В. А. Калягин, “Об одном случае вычисления распределения суммарных выплат в задаче перестрахования индивидуальных рисков”, Вестник ТвГУ. Серия: Прикладная математика, 2009, № 14, 81–100 |
2008 |
18. |
Ф. Т. Алескеров, В. А. Калягин, К. Б. Погорельский, “Анализ распределения влияния в Международном валютном фонде”, Автомат. и телемех., 2008, № 11, 140–148 ; F. T. Aleskerov, V. A. Kalyagin, K. B. Pogorel'skii, “Power distribution analysis in the international monetary fund”, Autom. Remote Control, 69:11 (2008), 1946–1952
19. |
V. A. Kalyagin, V. V. Chistyakov, “A model of noncompensatory aggregation with an arbitrary set of estimates”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 421:5 (2008), 607–610
20. |
F. Aleskerov, V. Kalyagin, K. Pogorelskiy, “Actual voting power of the IMF members based on their political-economic integration”, Math. Comput. Modelling, 48:9-10 (2008), 1554–1569
2006 |
21. |
A. Draux, V. Kaliaguine, “Markov-Bernstein inequalities for generalized Hermite weight”, East J. Approx., 12:1 (2006), 1–23 |
22. |
A. I. Aptekarev, V. Kalyagin, G. López Lagomasino, I. A. Rocha, “On the limit behavior of recurrence coefficients for multiple orthogonal polynomials”, J. Approx. Theory, 139:1-2 (2006), 346–370
2001 |
23. |
B. Beckermann, Castro M. Smirnova, V. Kaliaguine, “A recurrence relation connected to the convergence of vector $S$-fractions”, East J. Approx., 7:3 (2001), 287–313 |
2000 |
24. |
А. И. Аптекарев, А. Дро, В. А. Калягин, “Об асимптотике точных констант в неравенствах Маркова–Бернштейна в интегральных метриках с классическим весом”, УМН, 55:1(331) (2000), 173–174 ; A. I. Aptekarev, A. Draux, V. A. Kalyagin, “On the asymptotics of sharp constants in Markov–Bernstein inequalities in integral metrics with classical weight”, Russian Math. Surveys, 55:1 (2000), 163–165
25. |
A. Aptekarev, V. Kaliaguine, Van J. Iseghem, “The genetic sums' representation for the moments of a system of Stieltjes functions and its application”, Constr. Approx., 16:4 (2000), 487–524
1999 |
26. |
A. I. Aptekarev, V. A. Kaliaguine, “On a generalization of the nonlinear Langmuir chains”, Self-similar systems (1998, Dubna), Joint Inst. Nuclear Res., Dubna, 1999, 289–294 |
1998 |
27. |
A. Aptekarev, V. Kaliaguine, “Complex rational approximation and difference operators”, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) Suppl., Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Functional Analysis and Approximation Theory, Vol. I (Acquafredda di Maratea, 1996), no. 52, Vol. I, 1998, 3–21 |
1997 |
28. |
B. Beckermann, V. Kaliaguine, “The diagonal of the Padé table and the approximation of the Weyl function of second-order difference operators”, Constr. Approx., 13:4 (1997), 481–510
1996 |
29. |
V. Kaliaguine, A. Ronveaux, “On a system of “classical” polynomials of simultaneous orthogonality”, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 67:2 (1996), 207–217
30. |
С. П. Новиков, А. И. Аптекарев, Е. П. Долженко, В. А. Калягин, В. В. Козлов, Ю. В. Нестеренко, М. К. Потапов, В. Н. Сорокин, П. Л. Ульянов, “Евгений Михайлович Никишин (к пятидесятилетию со дня рождения)”, УМН, 51:2(308) (1996), 181–182 ; S. P. Novikov, A. I. Aptekarev, E. P. Dolzhenko, V. A. Kalyagin, V. V. Kozlov, Yu. V. Nesterenko, M. K. Potapov, V. N. Sorokin, P. L. Ul'yanov, “Evgenii Mikhailovich Nikishin (on the fiftieth anniversary of his birth)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 51:2 (1996), 361–362
1995 |
31. |
A. I. Aptekarev, V. A. Kalyagin, V. V. Kozlov, M. K. Potapov, V. N. Sorokin, P. L. Ul'yanov, A. T. Fomenko, A. B. Shidlovskiĭ, “Evgeniĭ Mikhaĭlovich Nikishin”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. I Mat. Mekh., 1995, no. 6, 110–111 |
32. |
V. A. Kaliaguine, “On operators associated with Angelesco systems”, East J. Approx., 1:2 (1995), 157–170 |
33. |
V. Kaliaguine, “The operator moment problem, vector continued fractions and an explicit form of the Favard theorem for vector orthogonal polynomials”, J. Comput. Appl. Math., Proceedings of the International Conference on Orthogonality, Moment Problems and Continued Fractions (Delft, 1994), 65, no. 1-3, 1995, 181–193
34. |
V. A. Kalyagin, “Characteristics of the spectra of higher-order difference operators and the convergence of simultaneous rational approximations”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 340:1 (1995), 15–17 |
35. |
V. A. Kaliaguine, “A note on the asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials on a complex arc: the case of a measure with a discrete part”, J. Approx. Theory, 80:1 (1995), 138–145
36. |
A. I. Aptekarev, V. Kaliaguine, Van W. Assche, “Criterion for the resolvent set of nonsymmetric tridiagonal operators”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 123:8 (1995), 2423–2430
1994 |
37. |
В. А. Калягин, “О рациональных аппроксимациях резольвентной функции разностного оператора второго порядка”, УМН, 49:3(297) (1994), 181–182 ; V. A. Kalyagin, “On rational approximations of the resolvent function of a second-order difference operator”, Russian Math. Surveys, 49:3 (1994), 187–189
38. |
В. А. Калягин, “Аппроксимации Эрмита–Паде и спектральный анализ несимметричных операторов”, Матем. сб., 185:6 (1994), 79–100 ; V. A. Kalyagin, “Hermite–Padé approximants and spectral analysis of nonsymmetric operators”, Russian Acad. Sci. Sb. Math., 82:1 (1995), 199–216
39. |
B. Gleyse, V. Kaliaguine, “On algebraic computation of number of poles of meromorphic functions in the unit disk”, Nonlinear numerical methods and rational approximation, II (Wilrijk, 1993), Math. Appl., 296, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1994, 241–246 |
40. |
B. Beckermann, J. Gilewicz, V. Kaliaguine, “On the definition and normality of a general table of simultaneous Padé approximants”, J. Approx. Theory, 77:1 (1994), 65–73
1993 |
41. |
V. A. Kaliaguine, “On asymptotics of $L_p$ extremal polynomials on a complex curve $(0<p<\infty)$”, J. Approx. Theory, 74:2 (1993), 226–236
1992 |
42. |
A. V. Abrosimov, V. A. Kalyagin, A. A. Ryabinin, V. N. Filippov, Uprazhneniya po funktsionalnomu analizu, Izdatel'stvo Nizhegorodskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta im. N. I. Lobachevskogo, Nizhniĭ Novgorod, 1992 , 78 pp. |
1989 |
43. |
V. Kaliaguine, R. Benzine, “Sur la formule asymptotique des polynômes orthogonaux associés à une mesure concentrée sur un contour plus une partie discrète finie”, Bull. Soc. Math. Belg. Sér. B, 41:1 (1989), 29–46 |
1987 |
44. |
A. I. Aptekarev, V. A. Kalyagin, “Analytic properties of two-dimensional continued $P$-fraction expansions with periodic coefficients and their simultaneous Padé-Hermite approximants”, Rational approximation and applications in mathematics and physics (Łańcut, 1985), Lecture Notes in Math., 1237, Springer, Berlin, 1987, 145–160
1986 |
45. |
V. A. Kalyagin, “Simultaneous Padé approximants of two logarithms”, Theory of functions and approximations, Part 2 (Russian) (Saratov, 1984), Saratov. Gos. Univ., Saratov, 1986, 127–129 |
46. |
A. I. Aptekarev, V. A. Kalyagin, “Analytic properties of functions representable by $P^{(m)}$-fractions with periodic coefficients”, Akad. Nauk SSSR Inst. Prikl. Mat. Preprint, 1986, no. 57, 12 |
47. |
A. I. Aptekarev, V. A. Kalyagin, “Asymptotic behavior of an $n$th degree root of polynomials of simultaneous orthogonality, and algebraic functions”, Akad. Nauk SSSR Inst. Prikl. Mat. Preprint, 1986, no. 60, 18 |
1980 |
48. |
V. A. Kaljagin, “A note on the structure of Padé's table”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. I Mat. Mekh., 1980, no. 5, 38–41, 84 |
1979 |
49. |
В. А. Калягин, “Об одном классе полиномов, определяемых двумя соотношениями ортогональности”, Матем. сб., 110(152):4(12) (1979), 609–627 ; V. A. Kalyagin, “On a class of polynomials defined by two orthogonality relations”, Math. USSR-Sb., 38:4 (1981), 563–580