The theory of a Fabry–Perot interferometer in a gravitational-wave experiment.
Propagation of a electromagnetic wave in a medium with nonsimple motion.
The Effect of Light Entrainment Observed in an Optical Disk Interferometer.
Main publications:
Gladyshev V., Gladysheva T., Zubarev V., “Propagation of electromagnetic waves in media undergoing complex motions”, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 55:1-4 (2006), 239–254
Gladyshev V.O., “Curvature of the trajectory traced out by a monochromatic plane electromagnetic wave in a medium with rotation”, JETP Lett., 58:8 (1993), 569–572
Gladyshev V.O., “Propagation of a monochromatic electromagnetic plane wave in a medium with nonsimple motion”, Technical Physics, 44:5 (1999), 566–569
E. A. Sharandin, V. O. Gladyshev, “Mathematical model of generation and amplification of radiation in multistage laser”, Mat. Model., 30:8 (2018), 51–66; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 11:2 (2019), 277–286
V. O. Gladyshev, V. S. Gorelik, D. I. Portnov, V. V. Filatov, “Entrainment of polaritons in rotating ruby”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 104:3 (2016), 149–154; JETP Letters, 104:3 (2016), 152–156
V. O. Gladyshev, A. A. Tereshin, D. D. Bazleva, “Electromagnetic radiation in a medium with a velocity gradient”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 103:7 (2016), 501–503; JETP Letters, 103:7 (2016), 440–442
V. O. Gladyshev, D. D. Bazleva, A. A. Tereshin, T. M. Gladysheva, “Determination of light beam curvature in a rotating Luneburg lens”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 42:18 (2016), 39–45; Tech. Phys. Lett., 42:9 (2016), 948–950