Florin, Viktor Anatol'evich

Total publications: 33 (33)
in MathSciNet: 3 (3)
in zbMATH: 3 (3)

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Florin, Viktor Anatol'evich
Corresponding member of USSR Academy of Sciences
Doctor of technical sciences (1941)
Speciality: 01.02.07 (Mechanics of dry substances, grounds and mining rocks)
Birth date: 24.11.1899


soil mechanics,_%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80_%D0%90%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87
List of publications on Google Scholar

List of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)


1. V. A. Florin, “Nekotorye osobennosti issledovanii skalnykh treschinovatykh osnovanii”, Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov, 1962, no. 6
2. V. A. Florin, P. L. Ivanov, “Liquefaction of Saturated Sandy Soils”, Proc. of the V Intern. Conf. on Soil Mech. and Found. Eng., 1, Paris, 1961, 107–111
3. V. A. Florin, “Kriterii vozniknoveniya yavlenii razzhizheniya vodonasyschennykh peskov”, Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov, 1961, no. 6
4. V. A. Florin, “Sovremennoe sostoyanie i osnovnye zadachi mekhaniki gruntov”, Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov, 1960, no. 6
5. V. A. Florin, “Odnomernaya zadacha uplotneniya szhimaemoi poristoi polzuchei zemlyanoi sredy”, Izvestiya AN SSSR, OTN, 1953, no. 6
6. V. A. Florin, “Odnomernaya zadacha uplotneniya zemlyanoi sredy s uchetom stareniya, nelineinoi polzuchesti i razrusheniya struktury”, Izvestiya AN SSSR, OTN, 1953, no. 9
7. V. A. Florin, “Yavleniya razzhizheniya i sposoby uplotneniya rykhlykh vodonasyschennykh osnovanii”, Izvestiya AN SSSR, OTN, 1952, no. 6
8. V. A. Florin, D. M. Tartakovskii, V. G. Korotkin, “Otchet po teme «Izuchenie deformatsii osnovaniya, zdaniya Narvskoi GES»”, Leningradskii politekhnicheskii institut, 1952
9. V. A. Florin, “Protokol soveschaniya po vibropogruzheniyu shpuntov na Kuibyshevgidrostroe”, 1952
10. V. A. Florin, “Uplotnenie zemlyanoi sredy i filtratsii pri peremennoi poristosti s uchetom vliyaniya svyazannoi vody”, Izvestiya AN SSSR, OTN, 1951, no. 1, 1625–1649
11. V. A. Florin, Soveschanie o putyakh razvitiya mekhaniki gruntov, Izd. Leningradskogo otdeleniya VNITO Stroitelei, 1950
12. V. A. Florin, “Raschet ankernykh ponurov”, Otchet LPI dlya Gidroproekta, 1949
13. V. A. Florin, “Osnovnoe uravnenie konsolidatsii zemlyanoi sredy”, Dokl. AN SSSR, 1 (1948), 21–24  mathscinet  zmath
14. V. A. Florin, “Voprosy konsolidatsii zemlyanykh mass”, Izvestiya VNIIG, 34 (1947), 133
15. V. A. Florin, “Filtratsionnye napryazheniya v grunte”, Gidrotekhnicheskoe stroitelstvo, 1941, no. 2
16. V. A. Florin, “Opredelenie napryazhennogo sostoyaniya, obuslovlennogo ob'emnymi silami s potentsialom, udovletvoryayuschim uravneniyu Laplasa”, Izvestiya NIIG, 18 (1941)
17. V. A. Florin, “Primenenie metoda EGDA k opredeleniyu napryazhennogo sostoyaniya v osnovanii sooruzheniya”, Sb. trudov Gidroenergoproekta, no. 7, Gosenergoizdat, 1941, 27  hlocal
18. V. A. Florin, “Osnovnye uravneniya dinamiki gruntovoi massy”, Izvestiya NIIG, 15 (1939)
19. V. A. Florin, “Ob osnovnykh uravneniyakh dinamiki gruntovoi massy”, Izd. NII gidrotekhniki, no. 25, 1939, 16–19
20. V. A. Florin, “Rabota grunta kak osnovanie sooruzheniya”, Materialy Vsesoyuznogo soveschaniya po osnovaniyam i fundamentam, 1938
21. V. A. Florin, “Opredelenie oblastei plasticheskikh deformatsii”, Cb. trudov Gidroenergoproekt, no. 2, 1937
22. V. A. Florin, “Opredelenie reaktsii poluploskosti posredstvom primeneniya stroki Maklorena”, Sb. trudov Gidroznergoproekta, 1937, no. 2
23. V. A. Florin, “K raschetu sooruzhenii na slabykh gruntakh”, Sb. trudov Gidroenergoproekta, no. 1, 1936


24. V. A. Florin, Osnovy mekhaniki gruntov, T. 1. Obschie zavisimosti i napryazhennoe sostoyanie osnovanii sooruzhenii, Gosstroiizdat, M., 1959 , 357 pp.  worldcat
25. V. A. Florin, Teoriya uplotneniya zemlyanykh mass, Gosstroiizdat, 1948 , 284 pp.
26. V. A. Florin, Raschety osnovanii gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzhenii, Gosstroiizdat, 1948 , 188 pp.
27. V. A. Florin, K voprosu o gidrodinamicheskikh napryazheniyakh v gruntovoi masse, GONTI, 1938


28. V. A. Florin, Nekotorye voprosy rascheta osnovanii gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzhenii, diss. … dokt. tekhn. nauk, 1941
29. V. A. Florin, Fundamentals of soil mechanics, Vol. 2. Deformation and stability of foundations, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, 1972  worldcat; V. A. Florin, Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics, Vol. 1. General Relationships And State of Stress Caused By Foundation Loads, National Science Foundation, 1961  worldcat; V. A. Florin, Fundamentals of soil mechanics, Vol. 1. General relationships and state of stress caused by foundation loads, MIT Libraries Curation and Preservation Services, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2015  worldcat
30. V. A. Florin, “On the problem of liquefaction of pure water-saturated fine sands”, Translation / Bureau of Reclamation, Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, V. 20, no.7, pp. 34-36, 1951, 1965  worldcat; V. A. Florin, Theory of the consolidation of earth masses, East Orange, N.J., Associated Technical Services, 1957 (English)  worldcat; V. A. Florin, A talaj konszolidációjának elmélete, Tervgazdasági könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1952, 64 pp. (Hungarian)  worldcat
31. V. A. Florin, “Some of the simplest non-linear problems of the consolidation of a water-saturated earth medium”, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdelenie Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1948, no. 9, 1389–1402  hlocal  hlocal  mathscinet
32. V.A. Florin, “Problem of consolidation of an earth medium”, Dolk Acad. Sci. USSR, 58:3 (1948), 219-222  mathscinet  zmath
33. V. A. Florin, “Determination of instantaneous stresses in skeletons of soils”, C. R. Acad. Sci. URSS, 16:8 (1937), 387–390  zmath

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