Conference to the Memory of Anatoly Alekseevitch Karatsuba on Number theory and Applications
January 30, 2016 12:00–12:25, Dorodnitsyn Computing Centre, Department of Mechanics and
Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University., 119991, GSP-1, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, Main Building, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, 16 floor, Lecture hall 16-10
On representing positive integers by sums of certain summands
V. G. Chirskiiab a Lomonosov Moscow State University
b Moscow State Pedagogical University
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The report concerns the problem of representation of positive integers as sums of terms having some special form. The problem has a long history which contains glorious results and yet unsolved problems. Computer technologies induced interest in some special problems e.g. in expanding integers in DBNS. We present here some improvements of certain estimates involved.
Language: Russian and English