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Meetings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, St. Petersburg

March 23, 2010 (Tue)
1. Mathematical proof: yesterday, today, tomorrow
N. A. Vavilov
March 23, 2010, St. Petersburg
N. A. Vavilov

November 2, 2010 (Tue)
2. A meeting dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Arnold
November 2, 2010 17:00, St. Petersburg

December 25, 2010 (Sat)
V. A. Zalgaller
December 25, 2010

December 26, 2010 (Sun)
V. A. Zalgaller
December 26, 2010
M. Z. Solomyak
December 26, 2010
Yu. D. Burago
December 26, 2010
J. V. Romanovsky
December 26, 2010

School on Geometrical Methods of Mathematical Physics for graduate and Ph D students, Moscow, December 8–10, 2010

December 8, 2010 (Wed)
8. An introduction to the theory of Hamiltonian partial differential equations. I
B. A. Dubrovin
December 8, 2010 12:00, Moscow
B. A. Dubrovin
9. Manifold of isospectral symmetric tridiagonal matrices and problem on realization of cycles
A. A. Gaifullin
December 8, 2010 14:00, Moscow
A. A. Gaifullin

December 9, 2010 (Thu)
10. An introduction to the theory of Hamiltonian partial differential equations. II
B. A. Dubrovin
December 9, 2010 12:00, Moscow
B. A. Dubrovin
11. Descrete spectral symmetries of difference operators. I
I. A. Dynnikov
December 9, 2010 14:00, Moscow
I. A. Dynnikov
12. Potential solutions of the Burgers equation with vanishing viscosity. I
I. A. Bogaevsky
December 9, 2010 16:00, Moscow
I. A. Bogaevsky

December 10, 2010 (Fri)
13. An introduction to the theory of Hamiltonian partial differential equations. III
B. A. Dubrovin
December 10, 2010 12:00, Moscow
B. A. Dubrovin
14. Descrete spectral symmetries of difference operators. II
I. A. Dynnikov
December 10, 2010 14:00, Moscow
I. A. Dynnikov
15. Potential solutions of the Burgers equation with vanishing viscosity. II
I. A. Bogaevsky
December 10, 2010 16:00, Moscow
I. A. Bogaevsky

International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science dedicated to Academician A. A. Dorodnicyn's 100-th Birthday Anniversary, Moscow, December 7–10, 2010

December 7, 2010 (Tue)
16. Opening ceremony of the International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science dedicated to Academician A. A. Dorodnicyn's 100-th Birthday Anniversary
Yu. G. Evtushenko
December 7, 2010 11:00, Moscow
Yu. G. Evtushenko
17. An outstanding organizer of science, a theorist in aero- and hydrodynamics, a leader in computational and applied mathematics
Yu. G. Evtushenko , B. V. Paltsev
December 7, 2010 11:05, Moscow
Yu. G. Evtushenko , B. V. Paltsev
18. On the memories of academician A. A. Dorodnicyn
G. I. Marchuk
December 7, 2010 11:35, Moscow
G. I. Marchuk
19. On the memories of academician A. A. Dorodnicyn
A. B. Zhizhchenko
December 7, 2010 11:35, Moscow
A. B. Zhizhchenko
20. On the memories of academician A. A. Dorodnicyn
V. A. Il'in
December 7, 2010 11:35, Moscow
V. A. Il'in
21. On the memories of academician A. A. Dorodnicyn
Yu. I. Zhuravlev
December 7, 2010 11:35, Moscow
Yu. I. Zhuravlev
22. On the memories of academician A. A. Dorodnicyn
I. N. Molchanov
December 7, 2010 11:35, Moscow
I. N. Molchanov
23. On the memories of academician A. A. Dorodnicyn
A. M. Tarko
December 7, 2010 11:35, Moscow
A. M. Tarko
24. On the memories of academician A. A. Dorodnicyn
A. A. Letichevskii
December 7, 2010 11:35, Moscow
A. A. Letichevskii
25. On the memories of academician A. A. Dorodnicyn
B. N. Chetverushkin
December 7, 2010 11:35, Moscow
B. N. Chetverushkin
26. On the memories of academician A. A. Dorodnicyn
Yu. A. Dem'yanov
December 7, 2010 11:35, Moscow
Yu. A. Dem'yanov
27. Intelligence methods of data processing in application to forecasting and recognition problems
Yu. I. Zhuravlev
December 7, 2010 15:00, Moscow
Yu. I. Zhuravlev
28. Mathematical modelling of World ocean dynamics
G. I. Marchuk, V. B. Zalesny, V. I. Agoshkov, A. V. Gusev, N. A. Diansky
December 7, 2010 16:00, Moscow
G. I. Marchuk, V. B. Zalesny, V. I. Agoshkov, A. V. Gusev, N. A. Diansky
29. Boundary control of oscillatory processes
V. A. Il'in
December 7, 2010 17:00, Moscow
V. A. Il'in
30. Automating the design of aircraft in CCAS
L. L. Vyshinskiy, Yu. A. Flerov
December 7, 2010 17:30, Moscow
L. L. Vyshinskiy, Yu. A. Flerov

International Symposium "Visions in Stochastics (Leaders and their Pupils)", Moscow, November 1–3, 2010

November 1, 2010 (Mon)
31. Opening ceremony of the symposium "Visions in Stochastics"
A. N. Shiryaev
November 1, 2010 09:45, Moscow
A. N. Shiryaev
32. Opening ceremony of the symposium “Visions in Stochastics”
V. V. Kozlov
November 1, 2010 09:45, Moscow
V. V. Kozlov
33. Lévy driven financial models
E. Eberlein
November 1, 2010 10:00, Moscow
E. Eberlein
34. Mathematical finance and mathematics from finance
Yu. Kabanov
November 1, 2010 11:00, Moscow
Yu. Kabanov
35. Evolution equation associated with the power of the Gross Laplacian
H. Ouerdiane
November 1, 2010 12:10, Moscow
H. Ouerdiane
36. On the martingale property of exponential local martingales
M. Urusov
November 1, 2010 13:00, Moscow
M. Urusov
37. Branching processes in random environment: sudden death versus slow extinction
V. Vatutin
November 1, 2010 15:00, Moscow
V. Vatutin
38. Pricing by hedging and noarbitrage beyond semimartingales
T. Sottinen
November 1, 2010 16:00, Moscow
T. Sottinen
39. On short-time asymptotics of one-dimensional Harris flows
A. Shamov
November 1, 2010 16:20, Moscow
A. Shamov
40. On the distributional properties of the ratio of the Brownian motion and its maximum
A. Muravlev
November 1, 2010 16:40, Moscow
A. Muravlev

November 2, 2010 (Tue)
41. On weak solutions of backward stochastic differential equations
H.-J. Engelbert
November 2, 2010 10:00, Moscow
H.-J. Engelbert
42. Branching random walks in the non-homogeneous and random media
E. Yarovaya
November 2, 2010 11:00, Moscow
E. Yarovaya
43. Limit distribution arising in critical branching random walk
E. Vl. Bulinskaya
November 2, 2010 13:00, Moscow
E. Vl. Bulinskaya
44. Stochastic delay differential equations
U. Küchler
November 2, 2010 15:00, Moscow
U. Küchler
45. Numerical methods for the Lévy LIBOR model
A. Papapantoleon
November 2, 2010 16:00, Moscow
A. Papapantoleon
46. One-dimensional stochastic differential equations with generalized and singular drift
S. Blei
November 2, 2010 16:20, Moscow
S. Blei
47. Arbitrage theory under small transaction costs
J. Grèpat
November 2, 2010 16:40, Moscow
J. Grèpat

November 3, 2010 (Wed)
48. Some aspects of fractional Brownian motion
E. Valkeila
November 3, 2010 10:00, Moscow
E. Valkeila
49. CLT for the excursion sets of random fields
A. Bulinskii
November 3, 2010 11:00, Moscow
A. Bulinskii
50. The analysis of stochastic flows
A. Dorogovtsev
November 3, 2010 12:10, Moscow
A. Dorogovtsev
51. Fractional Lévy processes as a result of compact interval integral transformation
H. Tikanmäki
November 3, 2010 13:00, Moscow
H. Tikanmäki
52. Approximate hedging of contingent claim under transaction costs in GFBM model
E. Azmoodeh
November 3, 2010 15:00, Moscow
E. Azmoodeh
53. A universal signal process for optimal and singular control
J. Sexton
November 3, 2010 15:20, Moscow
J. Sexton
54. Information process, credit risk and enlargement of filtration
M. Bedini
November 3, 2010 15:40, Moscow
M. Bedini
55. Efficient parameter estimation for stochastic differential equations with jumps
H. Mai
November 3, 2010 16:20, Moscow
H. Mai
56. An invariance principle for boundary measure of Gaussian excursion sets
A. Shashkin
November 3, 2010 16:40, Moscow
A. Shashkin
57. Closing ceremony of the symposium “Visions in Stochastics”
A. N. Shiryaev
November 3, 2010 17:00, Moscow
A. N. Shiryaev

Mathematics - XXI century. PDMI 70th anniversary, St. Petersburg, September 13–18, 2010

September 13, 2010 (Mon)
58. Opening ceremony of the conference “Mathematics - XXI century. PDMI 70th anniversary”
S. V. Kislyakov, L. D. Faddeev
September 13, 2010 10:15, St. Petersburg
S. V. Kislyakov, L. D. Faddeev
59. Approximations in free and classical Central Limit Theorems
F. Götze
September 13, 2010 10:30, St. Petersburg
F. Götze
60. From differential geometry to metric geometry and back again
S. Ivanov
September 13, 2010 11:50, St. Petersburg
S. Ivanov

September 14, 2010 (Tue)
61. Diffusions and spectral analysis on fractals
A. Teplyaev
September 14, 2010 10:00, St. Petersburg
A. Teplyaev
62. Quantization of integrable systems and four-dimensional gauge theories
S. Shatashvili
September 14, 2010 11:20, St. Petersburg
S. Shatashvili
63. Non-commutative Witt vectors
D. Kaledin
September 14, 2010 13:30, St. Petersburg
D. Kaledin
64. K3 surfaces and automorphic forms
V. Gritsenko
September 14, 2010 14:40, St. Petersburg
V. Gritsenko

September 15, 2010 (Wed)
65. Tropical geometry and hyperfields
O. Viro
September 15, 2010 10:00, St. Petersburg
O. Viro
66. Hard Analysis: new life of old ideas
G. Mints
September 15, 2010 11:20, St. Petersburg
G. Mints
67. Nash conjecture for binomial varieties and multidimensional Euclidean algorithm
D. Grigoriev
September 15, 2010 13:30, St. Petersburg
D. Grigoriev
68. Correlation functions for quantum integrable models
F. Smirnov
September 15, 2010 14:40, St. Petersburg
F. Smirnov

September 16, 2010 (Thu)
69. Totally non-free actions of the groups and theory of the characters
A. Vershik
September 16, 2010 10:00, St. Petersburg
A. Vershik
70. Singular homology of algebraic varieties
A. Suslin
September 16, 2010 11:20, St. Petersburg
A. Suslin
71. Discrete complex analysis and probability
S. Smirnov
September 16, 2010 13:30, St. Petersburg
S. Smirnov
72. Hamiltonian structure of first order classical field theories
N. Reshetikhin
September 16, 2010 14:40, St. Petersburg
N. Reshetikhin

September 17, 2010 (Fri)
73. Oscillator and thermostat
D. Treschev
September 17, 2010 10:00, St. Petersburg
D. Treschev
74. A few interesting (for me but not only) problems in classical Analysis
N. Nikolski
September 17, 2010 11:20, St. Petersburg
N. Nikolski
75. Global wellposedness and local regularity for Navier–Stokes Equations
G. Seregin
September 17, 2010 13:30, St. Petersburg
G. Seregin
76. Monotonic simplification algorithms for knots
I. Dynnikov
September 17, 2010 14:40, St. Petersburg
I. Dynnikov

The eighth International ñonference "Advances in Modal Logic" (AiML 2010), Moscow, August 24–27, 2010

August 24, 2010 (Tue)
77. Some applications of universal models
Dick de Jongh
August 24, 2010 09:45, Moscow
Dick de Jongh
78. Islands of tractability for relational constraints: towards dichotomy results for the description logic $\mathcal{EL}$
Agi Kurucz, Frank Wolter, Michael Zakharyaschev
August 24, 2010 10:50, Moscow
Agi Kurucz, Frank Wolter, Michael Zakharyaschev
79. Absolute completeness of $\mathsf{S4}_u$ for its measure-theoretic semantics
David Fernández-Duque
August 24, 2010 11:45, Moscow
David Fernández-Duque
80. Complete axiomatization of the Stutter-invariant fragment of the linear time $\mu$-calculus
Amélie Gheerbrant
August 24, 2010 12:20, Moscow
Amélie Gheerbrant
81. On the size of shortest modal descriptions
Santiago Figueira, Daniel Gorín
August 24, 2010 15:00, Moscow
Santiago Figueira, Daniel Gorín
82. Simulation of two dimensions in unimodal logics
Ilya Shapirovsky
August 24, 2010 15:35, Moscow
Ilya Shapirovsky

August 25, 2010 (Wed)
83. A complete proof system for a dynamic epistemic logic based upon finite $\pi$-calculus processes
Eric Ufferman, Pedro Arturo Góngora, Francisco Hernández-Quiroz
August 25, 2010 09:15, Moscow
Eric Ufferman, Pedro Arturo Góngora, Francisco Hernández-Quiroz
84. Future event logic – axioms and complexity
Hans van Ditmarsch, Tim French, Sophie Pinchinat
August 25, 2010 09:50, Moscow
Hans van Ditmarsch, Tim French, Sophie Pinchinat
85. Iterating model transformers: cycles and fixed points, paradoxes and learning
Alexandru Baltag
August 25, 2010 10:45, Moscow
Alexandru Baltag
86. Cut-elimination and proof search for bi-intuitionistic tense logic
Rajeev Goré, Linda Postniece, Alwen Tiu
August 25, 2010 11:50, Moscow
Rajeev Goré, Linda Postniece, Alwen Tiu
87. A syntactic realization theorem for justification logics
Kai Brünnler, Remo Goetschi, Roman Kuznets
August 25, 2010 12:25, Moscow
Kai Brünnler, Remo Goetschi, Roman Kuznets
88. On modal logics of linear inequalities
Clemens Kupke, Dirk Pattinson
August 25, 2010 15:00, Moscow
Clemens Kupke, Dirk Pattinson
89. Coalgebraic Lindström theorems
Alexander Kurz, Yde Venema
August 25, 2010 15:35, Moscow
Alexander Kurz, Yde Venema

August 26, 2010 (Thu)
90. Semantic characterization of Kracht formulas
Stanislav Kikot
August 26, 2010 09:15, Moscow
Stanislav Kikot
91. Logics of space with connectedness predicates: complete axiomatizations
Tinko Tinchev, Dimiter Vakarelov
August 26, 2010 09:50, Moscow
Tinko Tinchev, Dimiter Vakarelov
92. Expressive completeness
Martin Otto
August 26, 2010 10:45, Moscow
Martin Otto
93. Uniform interpolation for monotone modal logic
Santocanale Luigi, Yde Venema
August 26, 2010 11:50, Moscow
Santocanale Luigi, Yde Venema

August 27, 2010 (Fri)
94. A remark on propositional Kripke frames sound for intuitionistic logic
Dmitrij Skvortsov
August 27, 2010 09:15, Moscow
Dmitrij Skvortsov
95. Bi-approximation semantics for substructural logic at work
Tomoyuki Suzuki
August 27, 2010 09:50, Moscow
Tomoyuki Suzuki
96. Complexity of the Lambek calculus and its fragments
Mati Pentus
August 27, 2010 10:45, Moscow
Mati Pentus
97. A simple semantics for Aristotelian apodeictic syllogistics
Sara L. Uckelman, Spencer Johnston
August 27, 2010 12:25, Moscow
Sara L. Uckelman, Spencer Johnston
98. Weak interpolation property over the minimal logic
Larisa Maksimova
August 27, 2010 15:00, Moscow
Larisa Maksimova
99. On positive fragments of polymodal provability logic
Evgenij Dashkov
August 27, 2010 15:20, Moscow
Evgenij Dashkov
100. Ceteris paribus logic
Patrick Girard, Jeremy Seligman
August 27, 2010 15:40, Moscow
Patrick Girard, Jeremy Seligman
101. Relevant agents
Marta Bílková, Ondrej Majer, Michal Peliš, Greg Restall
August 27, 2010 16:15, Moscow
Marta Bílková, Ondrej Majer, Michal Peliš, Greg Restall

International conference "Approximation Theory" dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of the birth of Sergey Borisovich Stechkin (1920–1995), Moscow, August 23–26, 2010

August 23, 2010 (Mon)
102. Opening ceremony of the conference “Approximation Theory” dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of the birth of S. B. Stechkin
A. G. Sergeev, S. A. Telyakovskii, Yu. N. Subbotin, V. M. Tikhomirov, B. H. Sendov, Yu. L. Averbakh, B. S. Kashin
August 23, 2010 10:00, Moscow
A. G. Sergeev, S. A. Telyakovskii, Yu. N. Subbotin, V. M. Tikhomirov, B. H. Sendov, Yu. L. Averbakh, B. S. Kashin
103. S. B. Stechkin's works on the theory of approximation of functions
V. I. Ivanov
August 23, 2010 11:00, Moscow
V. I. Ivanov
104. New problems on zeros and critical points of the algebraic polynomials
Bl. Sendov
August 23, 2010 12:15, Moscow
Bl. Sendov
105. Estimates for the $L_1$-norm of trigonometric sums for the spectra of power density and for a simple spectrum
S. V. Bochkarev
August 23, 2010 13:15, Moscow
S. V. Bochkarev

International conference "GEOMETRY, TOPOLOGY, ALGEBRA and NUMBER THEORY, APPLICATIONS" dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Boris Delone (1890–1980), Moscow, August 16–20, 2010

August 16, 2010 (Mon)
106. Opening ceremony of the conference “GEOMETRY, TOPOLOGY, ALGEBRA and NUMBER THEORY, APPLICATIONS”
V. M. Buchstaber, A. G. Sergeev, N. P. Dolbilin
August 16, 2010 09:45, Moscow
V. M. Buchstaber, A. G. Sergeev, N. P. Dolbilin
107. On the polyhedral product functor: a method of decomposition for moment-angle complexes
Frederick Cohen
August 16, 2010 10:00, Moscow
Frederick Cohen
108. A survey on spherical designs and Euclidean designs
Eiichi Bannai
August 16, 2010 11:10, Moscow
Eiichi Bannai

August 17, 2010 (Tue)
109. Extremal problems for convex lattice polytopes
Imre Barany
August 17, 2010 09:00, Moscow
Imre Barany
110. Boundary rigidity, volume minimality, and minimal surfaces in $L_\infty$: a survey
Dmitri Burago
August 17, 2010 10:10, Moscow
Dmitri Burago
111. New discretization of complex analysis
Sergey Novikov
August 17, 2010 11:30, Moscow
Sergey Novikov

August 18, 2010 (Wed)
112. Cohomological rigidity problems in toric topology
Mikiya Masuda
August 18, 2010 10:00, Moscow
Mikiya Masuda
113. The quasi-triangulation and the beta-complex: theory and applications
Kim Deok-Soo
August 18, 2010 11:10, Moscow
Kim Deok-Soo

August 19, 2010 (Thu)
114. Number-theoretical properties of hyperelliptic fields
Vladimir Platonov
August 19, 2010 10:00, Moscow
Vladimir Platonov
115. Resonance varieties of arrangement complements, Milnor fiber, and Bernstein polynomials
Sergey Yuzvinsky
August 19, 2010 11:10, Moscow
Sergey Yuzvinsky

August 20, 2010 (Fri)
116. Sets of links of vertices of triangulated manifolds and combinatorial approach to Steenrod's problem on realisation of cycles
Alexander Gaifullin
August 20, 2010 10:00, Moscow
Alexander Gaifullin
117. What can we do with Diophantine problems and what we cannot do
Yuri Matiyasevich
August 20, 2010 11:10, Moscow
Yuri Matiyasevich

Algebraic Geometry, K-theory, and Motives (a conference dedicated to Andrei Suslin's 60th birthday), St. Petersburg, June 25–29, 2010

June 26, 2010 (Sat)
118. Canonical dimension of simple algebras
A. S. Merkurjev
June 26, 2010 10:30, St. Petersburg
A. S. Merkurjev
119. Level and rational points
H. Esnault
June 26, 2010 12:00, St. Petersburg
H. Esnault
120. Some remarks on Grothendieck's standard conjectures
A. A. Beilinson
June 26, 2010 15:00, St. Petersburg
A. A. Beilinson
121. Slices of $S^1$-spectra
M. Levine
June 26, 2010 16:30, St. Petersburg
M. Levine

June 27, 2010 (Sun)
122. Dilogarithm motives arising in physics
S. J. Bloch
June 27, 2010 10:30, St. Petersburg
S. J. Bloch
123. Formal Languages, partial algebraic theories and homotopy category
V. A. Voevodsky
June 27, 2010 12:00, St. Petersburg
V. A. Voevodsky

June 28, 2010 (Mon)
124. Unramified H3 and codimension two cycles
J.-L. Colliot-Thélène
June 28, 2010 10:30, St. Petersburg
J.-L. Colliot-Thélène
125. Modules in triangulated categories
P. Balmer
June 28, 2010 12:00, St. Petersburg
P. Balmer
126. Some contributions of Andrei Suslin to modular representation theory
E. Friedlander
June 28, 2010 15:00, St. Petersburg
E. Friedlander
127. Coherent sheaves on Arakelov varieties
S. Lichtenbaum
June 28, 2010 16:30, St. Petersburg
S. Lichtenbaum

June 29, 2010 (Tue)
128. On some applications of Symmetric Operations in Algebraic Cobordism
A. S. Vishik
June 29, 2010 10:30, St. Petersburg
A. S. Vishik
129. Degree three Galois cohomology of function fields of arithmetic surfaces
R. Parimala
June 29, 2010 12:00, St. Petersburg
R. Parimala
130. On motivic cohomology of Severi-Brauer varieties
A. A. Suslin
June 29, 2010 15:00, St. Petersburg
A. A. Suslin

International conference "ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY: Methods, Relations, and Applications" dedicated to the 70th birthday anniversary of Andrei Nikolaevich Tyurin, Moscow, February 24–26, 2010

February 24, 2010 (Wed)
131. Del Pezzo surfaces, types of branes in physical theories and the geometry of homogeneous spaces
A. I. Bondal
February 24, 2010 10:30, Moscow
A. I. Bondal
132. Singular Fano threefolds and subgroups of the Cremona group
Yu. G. Prokhorov
February 24, 2010 11:30, Moscow
Yu. G. Prokhorov
133. Exceptional collections over isotropic Grassmanians
A. G. Kuznetsov
February 24, 2010 14:00, Moscow
A. G. Kuznetsov
134. Remarkable communication in the motives of quadrics
A. S. Vishik
February 24, 2010 15:30, Moscow
A. S. Vishik

February 25, 2010 (Thu)
135. Quantization conditions on Riemann surfaces and asymptotic spectrum of the induction operator on the surface of revolution
A. I. Shafarevich
February 25, 2010 10:30, Moscow
A. I. Shafarevich
136. Derived functors in unstable homotopy theory
R. V. Mikhailov
February 25, 2010 11:45, Moscow
R. V. Mikhailov
137. From algebraic geometry to algebraic physics
A. S. Losev
February 25, 2010 14:00, Moscow
A. S. Losev
138. Homology of homotopy BV algebra
N. S. Markaryan
February 25, 2010 15:30, Moscow
N. S. Markaryan

February 26, 2010 (Fri)
139. Characteristic classes and Higgs bundles
M. A. Olshanetsky, A. M. Levin
February 26, 2010 10:30, Moscow
M. A. Olshanetsky, A. M. Levin
140. Àëãåáðû òâèñòîâàííûõ ÿíãèàíîâ, âîçíèêàþùèå â ïðîñòðàíñòâàõ Òåéõìþëëåðà Twisted Yangians algebras arising in Teichmüller spaces
L. O. Chekhov
February 26, 2010 11:45, Moscow
L. O. Chekhov
141. Spectra of triangulated categories and applications
L. V. Katzarkov
February 26, 2010 14:00, Moscow
L. V. Katzarkov
142. Algebraic structures in conformal field theory
A. A. Davydov
February 26, 2010 15:30, Moscow
A. A. Davydov

Scientific conference "Selected Problems of Contemporary Mathematics" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of V. V. Kozlov, Moscow, January 11, 2010

January 11, 2010 (Mon)
143. It an accident quadratic residues?
V. I. Arnol'd
January 11, 2010 11:05, Moscow
V. I. Arnol'd
144. Supercomputers in high energy physics
A. A. Slavnov
January 11, 2010 15:20, Moscow
A. A. Slavnov
145. Extremal properties and stability of billiard trajectories
V. V. Kozlov
January 11, 2010 16:10, Moscow
V. V. Kozlov

At Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

January 13, 2010 (Wed)
146. The outcome of the Steklov Institute in 2009
V. V. Kozlov
January 13, 2010, Moscow
V. V. Kozlov

At St. Petersburg Department of V. A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg

April 1, 2010 (Thu)
April 1, 2010, St. Petersburg

November 20, 2010 (Sat)
November 20, 2010, St. Petersburg


July 10, 2010 (Sat)
A. A. Gippius
July 10, 2010
A. A. Gippius

Steklov Mathematical Institute Seminar, Moscow

January 28, 2010 (Thu)
150. Solitons in elastic shells
A. T. Il'ichev
January 28, 2010 16:00, Moscow
A. T. Il'ichev
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

February 18, 2010 (Thu)
151. Conservation laws of evolution systems with constraints
V. V. Zharinov
February 18, 2010 16:00, Moscow
V. V. Zharinov
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

March 18, 2010 (Thu)
152. Toric topology
V. M. Buchstaber
March 18, 2010 16:00, Moscow
V. M. Buchstaber
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

April 22, 2010 (Thu)
153. Seminar dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the birthday of academician A. A. Bolibrukh
D. V. Anosov, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, V. P. Leksin, R. R. Gontsov
April 22, 2010 16:00, Moscow
D. V. Anosov, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, V. P. Leksin, R. R. Gontsov
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

May 13, 2010 (Thu)
154. Ergodic properties of translation flows on flat surfaces
A. I. Bufetov
May 13, 2010 16:00, Moscow
A. I. Bufetov
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

June 24, 2010 (Thu)
155. Rigidity of some classical constructions in geometry and analysis
V. D. Milman
June 24, 2010 16:00, Moscow
V. D. Milman
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

September 16, 2010 (Thu)
156. The structure of unital maps and the asymptotic quantum Birkhoff conjecture
Peter Shor
September 16, 2010 16:00, Moscow
Peter Shor
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

October 28, 2010 (Thu)
157. Discrete complex analysis and probability
S. K. Smirnov
October 28, 2010 16:00, Moscow
S. K. Smirnov

November 18, 2010 (Thu)
158. Integrability in (2+1) dimensions: recent methods and results
A. K. Pogrebkov
November 18, 2010 16:00, Moscow
A. K. Pogrebkov

December 16, 2010 (Thu)
159. Representation theory of groups and algebraic geometry
A. N. Parshin
December 16, 2010 16:00, Moscow
A. N. Parshin

General Mathematics Seminar of the St. Petersburg Division of Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg

May 13, 2010 (Thu)
160. On the intersection of conjugate subgroups of finite index
R. V. Mikhailov
May 13, 2010 14:00, St. Petersburg
R. V. Mikhailov

May 24, 2010 (Mon)
161. On universally optimal configurations of points of a sphere
B. B. Venkov
May 24, 2010 14:00, St. Petersburg
B. B. Venkov

June 19, 2010 (Sat)
162. Sets with few distances. II
O. R. Musin
June 19, 2010 14:00, St. Petersburg
O. R. Musin

September 2, 2010 (Thu)
163. Tropical geometry: from description of curves to description of surfaces and beyond
G. B. Mikhalkin
September 2, 2010 14:00, St. Petersburg
G. B. Mikhalkin

September 23, 2010 (Thu)
164. Construction of birational invariants via derived categories
A. G. Kuznetsov
September 23, 2010 14:00, St. Petersburg
A. G. Kuznetsov

December 27, 2010 (Mon)
165. Amenability, self-similar groups and the Munchausen trick
R. I. Grigorchuk
December 27, 2010 13:00, St. Petersburg
R. I. Grigorchuk

Igor Frenkel mini course "Representation theory and physics", St. Petersburg, September 23–October 14, 2010

September 23–29, 2010
166. Representation theory and physics. I
Igor Frenkel
September 23–29, 2010, St. Petersburg
Igor Frenkel

September 30–October 6, 2010
167. Representation theory and physics. II
Igor Frenkel
September 30–October 6, 2010, St. Petersburg
Igor Frenkel

October 7–13, 2010
168. Representation theory and physics. III
Igor Frenkel
October 7–13, 2010, St. Petersburg
Igor Frenkel

October 14–20, 2010
169. Representation theory and physics. IV
Igor Frenkel
October 14–20, 2010, St. Petersburg
Igor Frenkel

A. I. Bufetov course "Infinite-dimensional groups", Moscow, September 30–December 2, 2010

September 30, 2010 (Thu)
170. Infinite-dimensional groups. I
A. I. Bufetov
September 30, 2010 19:10, Moscow
A. I. Bufetov

October 7, 2010 (Thu)
171. Infinite-dimensional groups. II
A. I. Bufetov
October 7, 2010 19:10, Moscow
A. I. Bufetov

October 21, 2010 (Thu)
172. Infinite-dimensional groups. III
A. I. Bufetov
October 21, 2010 19:10, Moscow
A. I. Bufetov

October 28, 2010 (Thu)
173. Infinite-dimensional groups. IV
A. I. Bufetov
October 28, 2010 19:10, Moscow
A. I. Bufetov

November 11, 2010 (Thu)
174. Infinite-dimensional groups. V
A. I. Bufetov
November 11, 2010 20:00, Moscow
A. I. Bufetov

November 18, 2010 (Thu)
175. Infinite-dimensional groups. VI
A. I. Bufetov
November 18, 2010 20:00, Moscow
A. I. Bufetov

November 25, 2010 (Thu)
176. Infinite-dimensional groups. VII
A. I. Bufetov
November 25, 2010 20:00, Moscow
A. I. Bufetov

December 2, 2010 (Thu)
177. Infinite-dimensional groups. VIII
A. I. Bufetov
December 2, 2010 20:00, Moscow
A. I. Bufetov

Summer School "Contemporary Mathematics", 2010, Dubna, July 18–29, 2010

July 19, 2010 (Mon)
178. Gödel's theorem — syntactic version
V. A. Uspenskii
July 19, 2010 09:30, Dubna
V. A. Uspenskii
179. From Poincaré to Perelman. I
V. V. Uspenskii
July 19, 2010 11:15, Dubna
V. V. Uspenskii
180. Discrete Fourier transform. I
A. V. Ustinov
July 19, 2010 11:15, Dubna
A. V. Ustinov
181. Young diagrams, orthogonal polynomials and random matrices. I
A. I. Bufetov, N. E. Kozin
July 19, 2010 15:30, Dubna
A. I. Bufetov, N. E. Kozin
182. Lattice points in convex polyhedra. I
G. Yu. Panina
July 19, 2010 17:00, Dubna
G. Yu. Panina

July 20, 2010 (Tue)
183. Wire nodes (example of experimental mathematics)
A. B. Sossinski
July 20, 2010 09:30, Dubna
A. B. Sossinski
184. Young diagrams, orthogonal polynomials and random matrices. II
A. I. Bufetov, N. E. Kozin
July 20, 2010 11:15, Dubna
A. I. Bufetov, N. E. Kozin
185. Algebraic geometry and nonlinear equations of mathematical physics
I. M. Krichever
July 20, 2010 15:30, Dubna
I. M. Krichever
186. Extremal problems in combinatorics and the theory of geometric graphs. I
A. M. Raigorodskii
July 20, 2010 17:00, Dubna
A. M. Raigorodskii
187. Lattice and sphere packings in multidimensional spaces
V. A. Kleptsyn
July 20, 2010 17:00, Dubna
V. A. Kleptsyn

July 21, 2010 (Wed)
188. Complex dynamics: the Mandelbrot set and Newton's Method. On useless and useful Mathematics
Dierk Schleicher
July 21, 2010 09:30, Dubna
Dierk Schleicher
189. From Poincaréì to Perelman. II
V. V. Uspenskii
July 21, 2010 17:00, Dubna
V. V. Uspenskii

July 22, 2010 (Thu)
190. Lattice points in convex polyhedra. II
G. Yu. Panina
July 22, 2010 15:30, Dubna
G. Yu. Panina

July 23, 2010 (Fri)
191. Lattice points in convex polyhedra. III
G. Yu. Panina
July 23, 2010 09:30, Dubna
G. Yu. Panina
192. Extremal problems in combinatorics and the theory of geometric graphs. II
A. M. Raigorodskii
July 23, 2010 11:15, Dubna
A. M. Raigorodskii
193. Proof of impossibility in mathematical logic and theory of algorithms
A. L. Semenov
July 23, 2010 12:45, Dubna
A. L. Semenov
194. Algebraic complexity. I
A. A. Razborov
July 23, 2010 15:30, Dubna
A. A. Razborov
195. From Poincaré to Perelman. III
V. V. Uspenskii
July 23, 2010 17:00, Dubna
V. V. Uspenskii

July 24, 2010 (Sat)
196. Algebraic complexity. II
A. A. Razborov
July 24, 2010 09:30, Dubna
A. A. Razborov
197. Wind on squared paper
I. V. Yaschenko
July 24, 2010 12:45, Dubna
I. V. Yaschenko
198. KAM theory for beginners. I
Yu. S. Ilyashenko
July 24, 2010 15:30, Dubna
Yu. S. Ilyashenko
199. Quantum mechanics. I
Yu. M. Burman
July 24, 2010 17:00, Dubna
Yu. M. Burman

July 25, 2010 (Sun)
200. Extremal problems in combinatorics and the theory of geometric graphs. III
A. M. Raigorodskii
July 25, 2010 09:30, Dubna
A. M. Raigorodskii
201. Lines on a cubic surface
A. G. Kuznetsov
July 25, 2010 12:45, Dubna
A. G. Kuznetsov
202. Quantum mechanics. II
Yu. M. Burman
July 25, 2010 15:30, Dubna
Yu. M. Burman
203. ABC-conjecture and its corollaries
D. O. Orlov
July 25, 2010 17:00, Dubna
D. O. Orlov

July 26, 2010 (Mon)
204. Kolmogorov and Arnold
V. M. Tikhomirov
July 26, 2010 11:15, Dubna
V. M. Tikhomirov
205. Hydrodynamics and turbulence
S. B. Kuksin
July 26, 2010 12:45, Dubna
S. B. Kuksin
206. Quantum mechanics. III
Yu. M. Burman
July 26, 2010 15:30, Dubna
Yu. M. Burman

July 27, 2010 (Tue)
207. Integral quadratic forms and 15 theorem
D. O. Orlov
July 27, 2010 12:45, Dubna
D. O. Orlov

July 28, 2010 (Wed)
208. Is it easy to get lost in the group?
A. Yu. Okounkov
July 28, 2010 11:15, Dubna
A. Yu. Okounkov

Popular Lecture of Academician A. A. Zaliznyak

July 8, 2010 (Thu)
A. A. Zaliznyak
July 8, 2010
A. A. Zaliznyak

October 1, 2010 (Fri)
A. A. Zaliznyak
October 1, 2010
A. A. Zaliznyak

October 6, 2010 (Wed)
A. A. Zaliznyak
October 6, 2010
A. A. Zaliznyak
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