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Meetings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, St. Petersburg

April 21, 2009 (Tue)
1. Chavalley type theorems for groups of complex reflections
O. V. Schwarzman
April 21, 2009 18:00, St. Petersburg
O. V. Schwarzman

October 20, 2009 (Tue)
2. Meeting dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the renaiscance of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
October 20, 2009, St. Petersburg

November 16, 2009 (Mon)
3. Crifical non-linearities of PDE
S. I. Pokhozhaev
November 16, 2009, St. Petersburg
S. I. Pokhozhaev

October 30, 2009 (Fri)
V. A. Zalgaller
October 30, 2009
V. A. Zalgaller
October 30, 2009
V. A. Zalgaller
October 30, 2009

Traditional Christmas session MIAN-POMI, 2009 "Logic and Theoretical Computer Science", Moscow, December 16–18, 2009

December 16, 2009 (Wed)
7. Hilbert's tenth problem and the models of computational processes
Yu. V. Matiyasevich
December 16, 2009 16:05, Moscow
Yu. V. Matiyasevich
S. I. Adian
December 16, 2009 17:30, Moscow
S. I. Adian

December 17, 2009 (Thu)
9. Flag algebras
A. A. Razborov
December 17, 2009 10:30, Moscow
A. A. Razborov
10. Diophantine coding and generalized Cantor polynomials
M. A. Vsemirnov
December 17, 2009 11:45, Moscow
M. A. Vsemirnov
11. Provability algebra and sparse topology
L. D. Beklemishev
December 17, 2009 12:50, Moscow
L. D. Beklemishev

December 18, 2009 (Fri)
12. Quadratic equations in a free monoid
I. G. Lysenok
December 18, 2009 10:30, Moscow
I. G. Lysenok
13. Optimal proof systems and algorithms (review)
E. A. Hirsch
December 18, 2009 12:00, Moscow
E. A. Hirsch
14. On some classes of Boolean schemes of bounded depth
V. V. Podolskii
December 18, 2009 16:00, Moscow
V. V. Podolskii
15. Structural complexity of probabilistic algorithms for bounded-error
D. M. Itsykson
December 18, 2009 17:00, Moscow
D. M. Itsykson

International interdisciplinary conference "Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction", St. Petersburg, November 20–22, 2009

November 20, 2009 (Fri)
16. New trends in foundations of mathematics
G. Mints
November 20, 2009 11:00, St. Petersburg
G. Mints

International conference "Geometry of Algebraic Varieties" dedicated to the memory of Vasily Alexeevich Iskovskikh, Moscow, June 29–July 3, 2009

June 29, 2009 (Mon)
17. Open ceremony
D. O. Orlov, A. G. Sergeev, A. N. Parshin, M. Reid, V. V. Shokurov
June 29, 2009 10:00, Moscow
D. O. Orlov, A. G. Sergeev, A. N. Parshin, M. Reid, V. V. Shokurov
18. On $Q$-conic bundles
Sh. Mori
June 29, 2009 11:00, Moscow
Sh. Mori
19. $QQ$-Fano threefolds
M. Reid
June 29, 2009 14:00, Moscow
M. Reid
20. Global log canonical thresholds and Kahler-Einstein metrics on Fano threefolds
C. A. Shramov
June 29, 2009 15:15, Moscow
C. A. Shramov
21. Birational geometry of Fano double spaces of index two
A. V. Pukhlikov
June 29, 2009 16:30, Moscow
A. V. Pukhlikov

June 30, 2009 (Tue)
22. Cross-sections and quotients for the actions of semisimple algebraic groups
V. L. Popov
June 30, 2009 10:00, Moscow
V. L. Popov
23. Representations of discrete nilpotent groups and algebraic geometry
A. N. Parshin
June 30, 2009 11:15, Moscow
A. N. Parshin
24. Unirationality of moduli spaces of polarized K3 surfaces
Sh. Mukai
June 30, 2009 14:00, Moscow
Sh. Mukai
25. Unirationality of Hurwitz spaces of coverings of degree $\le$ 5
V. I. Kanev
June 30, 2009 15:15, Moscow
V. I. Kanev
26. On self-correspondences of K3 surfaces via moduli of sheaves
V. V. Nikulin
June 30, 2009 16:30, Moscow
V. V. Nikulin

July 1, 2009 (Wed)
27. Generic projections of surfaces to the projective plane
Vik. S. Kulikov
July 1, 2009 10:00, Moscow
Vik. S. Kulikov
28. Depths of log canonical singularities
V. A. Alexeev
July 1, 2009 11:15, Moscow
V. A. Alexeev

July 2, 2009 (Thu)
29. Towards abundance and the existence of log terminal models
J. McKernan
July 2, 2009 10:00, Moscow
J. McKernan
30. Finite generation of the canonical ring after Vlad Lazic
A. Corti
July 2, 2009 11:15, Moscow
A. Corti
31. On the Zariski decomposition
C. Birkar
July 2, 2009 14:00, Moscow
C. Birkar

July 3, 2009 (Fri)
32. Hasse principle: counterexamples and obstructions
A. N. Skorobogatov
July 3, 2009 10:00, Moscow
A. N. Skorobogatov
33. Beilinson's notion of an $f$-category
D. Kaledin
July 3, 2009 11:15, Moscow
D. Kaledin
34. Derived categories of Fano 3-folds
A. G. Kuznetsov
July 3, 2009 14:00, Moscow
A. G. Kuznetsov
35. Differential Graded Schemes, Supermanifolds and HMS
L. V. Katzarkov
July 3, 2009 15:15, Moscow
L. V. Katzarkov

18th Summer St. Petersburg Meeting in Mathematical Analysis, St. Petersburg, June 27–July 2, 2009

June 27, 2009 (Sat)
36. Wiener's “closer of translates” conjecture and Piatetskii's phenomenon
A. M. Olevskii
June 27, 2009 10:40, St. Petersburg
A. M. Olevskii

The International Conference "Contemporary Mathematics", Moscow–St.-Petersburg, June 8–12, 2009

June 8, 2009 (Mon)
37. Variation with $p$ of the number of solutions mod $p$ of a family of polynomial equations
J.-P. Serre
June 8, 2009 13:00, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
J.-P. Serre
38. Extremal graphs, graph algebras, and categories
L. Lovász
June 8, 2009 14:30, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
L. Lovász
39. Local maximality of hyperbolic sets
D. V. Anosov
June 8, 2009 15:30, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
D. V. Anosov

June 9, 2009 (Tue)
40. Math as I like it
J. Akiyama
June 9, 2009 10:00, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
J. Akiyama
41. Mathematical etudes
N. N. Andreev
June 9, 2009 12:30, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
N. N. Andreev

June 10, 2009 (Wed)
42. Nonassociative Hilbert scheme and Thom polynomials
M. E. Kazarian
June 10, 2009 10:00, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
M. E. Kazarian
43. Derived categories of coherent sheaves and rationality of algebraic varieties
A. G. Kuznetsov
June 10, 2009 11:30, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
A. G. Kuznetsov
44. Causality and contact geometry
S. Yu. Nemirovski
June 10, 2009 12:30, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
S. Yu. Nemirovski

June 11, 2009 (Thu)
45. Speech at the opening of the conference “Contemporary Mathematics” at St. Petersburg
A. G. Sergeev
June 11, 2009 10:15, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
A. G. Sergeev
46. Relative Khovanov homology
O. Ya. Viro
June 11, 2009 10:20, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
O. Ya. Viro
47. The history of quantum groups
L. D. Faddeev
June 11, 2009 11:50, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
L. D. Faddeev
48. Boundary rigidity and minimal fillings
S. V. Ivanov
June 11, 2009 13:00, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
S. V. Ivanov

June 12, 2009 (Fri)
49. Winding numbers and Fourier series
J.-P. Kahane
June 12, 2009 13:30, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
J.-P. Kahane
50. New Discretization of Complex Analysis (DCA)
S. P. Novikov
June 12, 2009 15:00, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
S. P. Novikov
51. Classifying vectoids and generalizations of operads
N. V. Durov
June 12, 2009 16:10, Moscow–St.-Petersburg
N. V. Durov

International Conference of Steklov Institute Members, working outside Russia, Moscow, June 5–6, 2009

June 5, 2009 (Fri)
52. Speech at the opening of the International Conference of Steklov Institute Members, working outside Russia
V. V. Kozlov
June 5, 2009 11:00, Moscow
V. V. Kozlov
53. Critical behaviour in nonlinear Hamiltonian PDEs and Painlevé transcendents
B. A. Dubrovin
June 5, 2009 11:05, Moscow
B. A. Dubrovin
54. Dissipative perturbations of integrable PDE
S. B. Kuksin
June 5, 2009 12:30, Moscow
S. B. Kuksin
55. Discontinous synthesis in nonlinear control systems and stabilization problems
Yu. S. Ledyaev
June 5, 2009 13:30, Moscow
Yu. S. Ledyaev

June 6, 2009 (Sat)
56. The development of amenability in the past 80 years
R. I. Grigorchuk
June 6, 2009 10:00, Moscow
R. I. Grigorchuk
57. On Gromov's marcroscopic dimension conjecture
A. N. Dranishnikov
June 6, 2009 11:30, Moscow
A. N. Dranishnikov
58. On classification of arithmetic groups generated by reflections in Lobachevsky spaces
V. V. Nikulin
June 6, 2009 12:30, Moscow
V. V. Nikulin

General meeting of Steklov members dedicated to 75th anniversary of Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, June 5, 2009

June 5, 2009 (Fri)
59. Speech at the General meeting of Steklov members dedicated to 75th anniversary of Steklov Mathematical Institute
V. V. Kozlov
June 5, 2009 15:30, Moscow
V. V. Kozlov
60. Speech at the General meeting of Steklov members dedicated to 75th anniversary of Steklov Mathematical Institute
S. M. Nikol'skii
June 5, 2009 15:50, Moscow
S. M. Nikol'skii
61. Speech at the General meeting of Steklov members dedicated to 75th anniversary of Steklov Mathematical Institute
V. S. Vladimirov
June 5, 2009 16:00, Moscow
V. S. Vladimirov
62. Speech at the General meeting of Steklov members dedicated to 75th anniversary of Steklov Mathematical Institute
I. R. Shafarevich
June 5, 2009 16:15, Moscow
I. R. Shafarevich
63. Speech at the General meeting of Steklov members dedicated to 75th anniversary of Steklov Mathematical Institute
Yu. V. Prokhorov
June 5, 2009 16:45, Moscow
Yu. V. Prokhorov
64. Speech at the General meeting of Steklov members dedicated to 75th anniversary of Steklov Mathematical Institute
S. B. Kuksin
June 5, 2009 17:30, Moscow
S. B. Kuksin
65. Speech at the General meeting of Steklov members dedicated to 75th anniversary of Steklov Mathematical Institute
S. Yu. Nemirovski
June 5, 2009 17:35, Moscow
S. Yu. Nemirovski

At Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

January 14, 2009 (Wed)
66. The outcome of the Steklov Institute in 2008
V. V. Kozlov
January 14, 2009, Moscow
V. V. Kozlov

Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow

February 12, 2009 (Thu)
67. On Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics of the Steklov Mathematical Institute
I. V. Volovich
February 12, 2009 11:00, Moscow
I. V. Volovich
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute
68. On establishment of the Department of Mathematical Physics of the Steklov Mathematical Institute
V. S. Vladimirov
February 12, 2009 11:15, Moscow
V. S. Vladimirov
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

Steklov Mathematical Institute Seminar, Moscow

January 15, 2009 (Thu)
69. Seminar dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birthday of academician S. L. Sobolev
V. S. Vladimirov, S. M. Nikol'skii, V. I. Lebedev, D. V. Shirkov
January 15, 2009 16:00, Moscow
V. S. Vladimirov, S. M. Nikol'skii, V. I. Lebedev, D. V. Shirkov
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute
70. S. L. Sobolev and generalized functions
V. S. Vladimirov
January 15, 2009 16:00, Moscow
V. S. Vladimirov
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute
71. Reminiscences about S. L. Sobolev
S. M. Nikol'skii
January 15, 2009 16:00, Moscow
S. M. Nikol'skii
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute
72. The work of S. L. Sobolev at the I. V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy
V. I. Lebedev
January 15, 2009 16:00, Moscow
V. I. Lebedev
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute
73. S. L. Sobolev in Siberia
D. V. Shirkov
January 15, 2009 16:00, Moscow
D. V. Shirkov
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

February 26, 2009 (Thu)
74. Blow-up theory for nonlinear partial differential equations. Critical nonlinearities
S. I. Pokhozhaev
February 26, 2009 16:00, Moscow
S. I. Pokhozhaev
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

March 19, 2009 (Thu)
75. Quantum systems, channels, information
A. S. Holevo
March 19, 2009 16:00, Moscow
A. S. Holevo
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

April 16, 2009 (Thu)
76. Dynamics in a stochastic layer
D. V. Treschev
April 16, 2009 16:00, Moscow
D. V. Treschev
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

May 21, 2009 (Thu)
77. Spectral properties of finite-dimensional operators and the problem of gyroscopic stabilization
V. V. Kozlov
May 21, 2009 16:00, Moscow
V. V. Kozlov
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

June 4, 2009 (Thu)
78. Differentiation of measurable functions and Whitney–Lusin's type structure theorems
B. Bojarski
June 4, 2009 16:00, Moscow
B. Bojarski
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

September 17, 2009 (Thu)
79. Existence of boundary values for solutions of elliptic equations
V. P. Mikhailov
September 17, 2009 16:00, Moscow
V. P. Mikhailov
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

October 15, 2009 (Thu)
80. Multiplicative inequalities for the integral norm and problems of almost everywhere convergence of Fourier series
S. V. Bochkarev
October 15, 2009 16:00, Moscow
S. V. Bochkarev
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

November 26, 2009 (Thu)
81. Probability and the concept of randomness
A. N. Shiryaev
November 26, 2009 16:00, Moscow
A. N. Shiryaev
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

December 24, 2009 (Thu)
82. Monodromy invariants of fibrations over projective spaces
Vik. S. Kulikov
December 24, 2009 17:00, Moscow
Vik. S. Kulikov
   © Steklov Mathematical Institute

General Mathematics Seminar of the St. Petersburg Division of Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg

January 19, 2009 (Mon)
83. On a some open problems of Riemann and Finsler Geometry
D. Yu. Burago
January 19, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg
D. Yu. Burago

January 26, 2009 (Mon)
84. Combinatorial numbers theory
I. D. Shkredov
January 26, 2009 13:00, St. Petersburg
I. D. Shkredov

March 16, 2009 (Mon)
85. Method of Darboux Transformations in the Theory of Integrable Systems: 30 years of development
V. B. Matveev
March 16, 2009 13:00, St. Petersburg
V. B. Matveev

May 18, 2009 (Mon)
86. Structure of multi-valued analytic functions and Hermite–Padé Approximants
A. I. Aptekarev
May 18, 2009 13:00, St. Petersburg
A. I. Aptekarev

May 25, 2009 (Mon)
87. Renormalization and computability theory
Yu. I. Manin
May 25, 2009 13:00, St. Petersburg
Yu. I. Manin

June 25, 2009 (Thu)
88. Sets with few distances
O. R. Musin
June 25, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg
O. R. Musin

August 27, 2009 (Thu)
89. Groups, buildings, and association schemes
Paul-Hermann Zieschang
August 27, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg
Paul-Hermann Zieschang

September 28, 2009 (Mon)
90. Limit theorems for translation flows
A. I. Bufetov
September 28, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg
A. I. Bufetov

October 19, 2009 (Mon)
91. Short circuit closure of braids
S. V. Duzhin
October 19, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg
S. V. Duzhin

November 19, 2009 (Thu)
92. Differenrial graded and triangulated categories in geometry, algebra and physics
D. O. Orlov
November 19, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg
D. O. Orlov

December 28, 2009 (Mon)
93. On the intersection of conjugate subgroups of finite index
E. P. Vdovin
December 28, 2009 13:00, St. Petersburg
E. P. Vdovin

V. A. Rohlin St. Petersburg Topology Seminar, St. Petersburg

June 8, 2009 (Mon)
94. Three-dimensional knots in two-connected six-dimensional manifolds
A. V. Zhubr
June 8, 2009 17:00, St. Petersburg
A. V. Zhubr

Alexey Parshin mini course "Representation theory and arithmetic of two-dimensional schemes", St. Petersburg, November 17–20, 2009

November 17, 2009 (Tue)
95. Representation theory and arithmetic of two-dimensional schemes. I
A. N. Parshin
November 17, 2009 18:00, St. Petersburg
A. N. Parshin

November 19, 2009 (Thu)
96. Representation theory and arithmetic of two-dimensional schemes. II
A. N. Parshin
November 19, 2009 15:30, St. Petersburg
A. N. Parshin

November 20, 2009 (Fri)
97. Representation theory and arithmetic of two-dimensional schemes. III
A. N. Parshin
November 20, 2009 15:30, St. Petersburg
A. N. Parshin

Summer School "Contemporary Mathematics", 2009, Dubna, July 18–29, 2009

July 19, 2009 (Sun)
V. I. Arnol'd
July 19, 2009 11:15, Dubna
V. I. Arnol'd
A. M. Raigorodskii
July 19, 2009 15:30, Dubna
A. M. Raigorodskii
S. K. Lando
July 19, 2009 17:00, Dubna
S. K. Lando

July 20, 2009 (Mon)
G. B. Shabat
July 20, 2009 09:30, Dubna
G. B. Shabat
S. K. Lando
July 20, 2009 11:15, Dubna
S. K. Lando
103. Initial concept of the descriptive algorithm theory
V. A. Uspenskii
July 20, 2009 15:30, Dubna
V. A. Uspenskii
A. M. Raigorodskii
July 20, 2009 17:00, Dubna
A. M. Raigorodskii

July 21, 2009 (Tue)
Yu. S. Ilyashenko
July 21, 2009 15:30, Dubna
Yu. S. Ilyashenko
V. I. Arnol'd
July 21, 2009 17:00, Dubna
V. I. Arnol'd

July 22, 2009 (Wed)
A. L. Semenov
July 22, 2009 09:30, Dubna
A. L. Semenov
A. M. Raigorodskii
July 22, 2009 11:15, Dubna
A. M. Raigorodskii
V. A. Uspenskii
July 22, 2009 12:45, Dubna
V. A. Uspenskii
G. B. Shabat
July 22, 2009 17:00, Dubna
G. B. Shabat

July 23, 2009 (Thu)
V. I. Arnol'd
July 23, 2009 09:30, Dubna
V. I. Arnol'd
112. Graphs and quantum mechanics: symplectic ideas
S. P. Novikov
July 23, 2009 11:15, Dubna
S. P. Novikov
Yu. S. Ilyashenko
July 23, 2009 15:30, Dubna
Yu. S. Ilyashenko
A. M. Raigorodskii
July 23, 2009 17:00, Dubna
A. M. Raigorodskii

July 24, 2009 (Fri)
115. Mathematics and science. II
V. M. Tikhomirov
July 24, 2009 09:30, Dubna
V. M. Tikhomirov
G. B. Shabat
July 24, 2009 11:15, Dubna
G. B. Shabat
117. Projective planes and algebraic geometry. I
D. O. Orlov
July 24, 2009 17:00, Dubna
D. O. Orlov

July 25, 2009 (Sat)
A. A. Kirillov
July 25, 2009 09:30, Dubna
A. A. Kirillov
I. V. Yaschenko
July 25, 2009 11:15, Dubna
I. V. Yaschenko
G. B. Shabat
July 25, 2009 17:00, Dubna
G. B. Shabat

July 26, 2009 (Sun)
121. Projective planes and algebraic geometry. II
D. O. Orlov
July 26, 2009 11:15, Dubna
D. O. Orlov
A. A. Kirillov
July 26, 2009 12:45, Dubna
A. A. Kirillov
A. A. Razborov
July 26, 2009 15:30, Dubna
A. A. Razborov
124. Enumerative geometry in the projective plane. I
A. G. Kuznetsov
July 26, 2009 17:00, Dubna
A. G. Kuznetsov

July 27, 2009 (Mon)
A. A. Razborov
July 27, 2009 09:30, Dubna
A. A. Razborov
126. Projective planes and algebraic geometry. III
D. O. Orlov
July 27, 2009 11:15, Dubna
D. O. Orlov
V. I. Arnol'd
July 27, 2009 15:30, Dubna
V. I. Arnol'd
128. Enumerative geometry in the projective plane. II
A. G. Kuznetsov
July 27, 2009 17:00, Dubna
A. G. Kuznetsov

July 28, 2009 (Tue)
N. P. Dolbilin
July 28, 2009 12:45, Dubna
N. P. Dolbilin
130. Projective planes and algebraic geometry. IV
D. O. Orlov
July 28, 2009 15:30, Dubna
D. O. Orlov
V. I. Arnol'd
July 28, 2009 17:00, Dubna
V. I. Arnol'd

Course by D. O. Orlov «Algebraic Geometry», Moscow, September 16–December 2, 2009

September 16, 2009 (Wed)
132. Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 1
D. O. Orlov
September 16, 2009, Moscow

September 23, 2009 (Wed)
133. Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 2
D. O. Orlov
September 23, 2009, Moscow

September 30, 2009 (Wed)
134. Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 3
D. O. Orlov
September 30, 2009, Moscow

October 7, 2009 (Wed)
135. Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 4
D. O. Orlov
October 7, 2009, Moscow

October 14, 2009 (Wed)
136. Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 5
D. O. Orlov
October 14, 2009, Moscow

October 21, 2009 (Wed)
137. Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 6
D. O. Orlov
October 21, 2009, Moscow

October 28, 2009 (Wed)
138. Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 7
D. O. Orlov
October 28, 2009, Moscow

November 11, 2009 (Wed)
139. Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 8
D. O. Orlov
November 11, 2009, Moscow

November 18, 2009 (Wed)
140. Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 9
D. O. Orlov
November 18, 2009, Moscow

November 25, 2009 (Wed)
141. Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 10
D. O. Orlov
November 25, 2009, Moscow

December 2, 2009 (Wed)
142. Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 11
D. O. Orlov
December 2, 2009, Moscow

Memoirs of I. R. Shafarevich, Moscow, May 28, 2009

May 28, 2009 (Thu)
143. Memories
I. R. Shafarevich
May 28, 2009, Moscow
I. R. Shafarevich

Memoirs of V. S. Vladimirov, Moscow, April 29, 2009

April 29, 2009 (Wed)
144. Memories
V. S. Vladimirov
April 29, 2009, Moscow
V. S. Vladimirov

Memoirs of V. A. Uspensky

July 11, 2009 (Sat)
V. A. Uspenskii
July 11, 2009
V. A. Uspenskii
July 11, 2009

July 24, 2009 (Fri)
V. A. Uspenskii
July 24, 2009
V. A. Uspenskii
July 24, 2009


January 6, 2009 (Tue)
149. Shanyavsky University
S. E. Shnoll
January 6, 2009
S. E. Shnoll

Popular Lecture of Academician A. A. Zaliznyak

July 17, 2009 (Fri)
A. A. Zaliznyak
July 17, 2009
A. A. Zaliznyak

July 18, 2009 (Sat)
A. A. Zaliznyak
July 18, 2009 20:00
A. A. Zaliznyak
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