Global analysis in modern theory of differential equations
May 6, 2020 16:00, Moscow, MS Teams
Topological invariants of elliptic symbols. G-theory
A. Yu. Savin Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
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Index theorems for elliptic operators, starting from the celebrated Atiyah Singer index formula express analytic invariants of operators (for instance, their Fredholm index) in terms of topological invariants of the symbol of the operator. We will explain topological and algebraic notions and methods, which are used in defining such invariants for several important index problems. The contents of the talks include:
1. Even and odd Chern characters of symbols.
2. Invariants in G-theory.
3. Invariants in the theory of boundary value problems.
The talks are made in MS Teams. Contact the organizers of the seminar for access.