Seminar of the LHEP (MIPT) theory group
October 24, 2023 15:00–17:00, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, Laboratory building, room 403
Dissipation in quantum gases in the Keldysh-Schwinger formalism
V. A. Krivorolab a Institute for Theoretical and Mathematical Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University
b Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
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We will talk about the calculation of the dissipation in the spectrum of equilibrium Bose and Fermi gases with weak local interaction. Using the Keldysh -Schwinger method, the spectrum was analyzed in the second order of perturbation theory. It is shown that the field-theoretic cause of the dissipation is associated with the divergences of Feynman diagrams at large times (pinch singularities). Such divergences can be eliminated by a specific method of “dressing” the regularization parameter using the Dyson-Schwinger equations, where the “dressing” parameter will be the dissipation parameter. The main result is the reduction of the problem to an extremely nontrivial asymptotic analysis of a certain class of integrals. The talk is based on joint work with Mikhail Nalimov, arXiv:2210.14281.