
The eighth International сonference "Advances in Modal Logic" (AiML 2010)
(August 24–27, 2010, Moscow)

The eighth International сonference "Advances in Modal Logic" (AiML 2010)


Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Laboratoire J.-V. Poncelet
Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education

The eighth International сonference "Advances in Modal Logic" (AiML 2010), Moscow, August 24–27, 2010

August 24, 2010 (Tue)
1. Some applications of universal models
Dick de Jongh
August 24, 2010 09:45, Moscow
Dick de Jongh
2. Islands of tractability for relational constraints: towards dichotomy results for the description logic $\mathcal{EL}$
Agi Kurucz, Frank Wolter, Michael Zakharyaschev
August 24, 2010 10:50, Moscow
Agi Kurucz, Frank Wolter, Michael Zakharyaschev
3. Absolute completeness of $\mathsf{S4}_u$ for its measure-theoretic semantics
David Fernández-Duque
August 24, 2010 11:45, Moscow
David Fernández-Duque
4. Complete axiomatization of the Stutter-invariant fragment of the linear time $\mu$-calculus
Amélie Gheerbrant
August 24, 2010 12:20, Moscow
Amélie Gheerbrant
5. On the size of shortest modal descriptions
Santiago Figueira, Daniel Gorín
August 24, 2010 15:00, Moscow
Santiago Figueira, Daniel Gorín
6. Simulation of two dimensions in unimodal logics
Ilya Shapirovsky
August 24, 2010 15:35, Moscow
Ilya Shapirovsky

August 25, 2010 (Wed)
7. A complete proof system for a dynamic epistemic logic based upon finite $\pi$-calculus processes
Eric Ufferman, Pedro Arturo Góngora, Francisco Hernández-Quiroz
August 25, 2010 09:15, Moscow
Eric Ufferman, Pedro Arturo Góngora, Francisco Hernández-Quiroz
8. Future event logic – axioms and complexity
Hans van Ditmarsch, Tim French, Sophie Pinchinat
August 25, 2010 09:50, Moscow
Hans van Ditmarsch, Tim French, Sophie Pinchinat
9. Iterating model transformers: cycles and fixed points, paradoxes and learning
Alexandru Baltag
August 25, 2010 10:45, Moscow
Alexandru Baltag
10. Cut-elimination and proof search for bi-intuitionistic tense logic
Rajeev Goré, Linda Postniece, Alwen Tiu
August 25, 2010 11:50, Moscow
Rajeev Goré, Linda Postniece, Alwen Tiu
11. A syntactic realization theorem for justification logics
Kai Brünnler, Remo Goetschi, Roman Kuznets
August 25, 2010 12:25, Moscow
Kai Brünnler, Remo Goetschi, Roman Kuznets
12. On modal logics of linear inequalities
Clemens Kupke, Dirk Pattinson
August 25, 2010 15:00, Moscow
Clemens Kupke, Dirk Pattinson
13. Coalgebraic Lindström theorems
Alexander Kurz, Yde Venema
August 25, 2010 15:35, Moscow
Alexander Kurz, Yde Venema

August 26, 2010 (Thu)
14. Semantic characterization of Kracht formulas
Stanislav Kikot
August 26, 2010 09:15, Moscow
Stanislav Kikot
15. Logics of space with connectedness predicates: complete axiomatizations
Tinko Tinchev, Dimiter Vakarelov
August 26, 2010 09:50, Moscow
Tinko Tinchev, Dimiter Vakarelov
16. Expressive completeness
Martin Otto
August 26, 2010 10:45, Moscow
Martin Otto
17. Uniform interpolation for monotone modal logic
Santocanale Luigi, Yde Venema
August 26, 2010 11:50, Moscow
Santocanale Luigi, Yde Venema

August 27, 2010 (Fri)
18. A remark on propositional Kripke frames sound for intuitionistic logic
Dmitrij Skvortsov
August 27, 2010 09:15, Moscow
Dmitrij Skvortsov
19. Bi-approximation semantics for substructural logic at work
Tomoyuki Suzuki
August 27, 2010 09:50, Moscow
Tomoyuki Suzuki
20. Complexity of the Lambek calculus and its fragments
Mati Pentus
August 27, 2010 10:45, Moscow
Mati Pentus
21. A simple semantics for Aristotelian apodeictic syllogistics
Sara L. Uckelman, Spencer Johnston
August 27, 2010 12:25, Moscow
Sara L. Uckelman, Spencer Johnston
22. Weak interpolation property over the minimal logic
Larisa Maksimova
August 27, 2010 15:00, Moscow
Larisa Maksimova
23. On positive fragments of polymodal provability logic
Evgenij Dashkov
August 27, 2010 15:20, Moscow
Evgenij Dashkov
24. Ceteris paribus logic
Patrick Girard, Jeremy Seligman
August 27, 2010 15:40, Moscow
Patrick Girard, Jeremy Seligman
25. Relevant agents
Marta Bílková, Ondrej Majer, Michal Peliš, Greg Restall
August 27, 2010 16:15, Moscow
Marta Bílková, Ondrej Majer, Michal Peliš, Greg Restall
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