Bäcklund Transformations for the Kirchhoff Top Orlando Ragnisco, Federico Zullo
001 |
Singularity Analysis and Integrability of a Burgers-Type System of Foursov Sergei Sakovich
002 |
Intertwinors on Functions over the Product of Spheres Doojin Hong
003 |
Correlation Function and Simplified TBA Equations for XXZ Chain Minoru Takahashi
004 |
The Quantum 3D Superparticle Luca Mezincescu, Paul K. Townsend
005 |
Coordinate Bethe Ansatz for Spin $s$ XXX Model Nicolas Crampé, Eric Ragoucy, Ludovic Alonzi
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Fermionic Basis in Conformal Field Theory and Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz for Excited States Hermann Boos
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A Vertex Operator Approach for Form Factors of Belavin's $(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})$-Symmetric Model and
Its Application Yas-Hiro Quano
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Introduction to Sporadic Groups Luis J. Boya
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Integration of Cocycles and Lefschetz Number Formulae for Differential Operators Ajay C. Ramadoss
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Entanglement of Grassmannian Coherent States for Multi-Partite $n$-Level Systems Ghader Najarbashi, Yusef Maleki
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Spin Chains with Non-Diagonal Boundaries and Trigonometric SOS Model with Reflecting End Ghali Filali, Nikolai Kitanine
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Shifted Riccati Procedure: Application to Conformal Barotropic FRW Cosmologies Haret C. Rosu, Kira V. Khmelnytskaya
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Schrödinger-like Dilaton Gravity Yu Nakayama
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Harmonic Superfields in $\mathcal N=4$ Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics Evgeny A. Ivanov
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On the Complex Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Operators with a Simple Spectrum Sergey M. Zagorodnyuk
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Orthogonality Relations for Multivariate Krawtchouk Polynomials Hiroshi Mizukawa
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Planarizable Supersymmetric Quantum Toboggans Miloslav Znojil
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The Decomposition of Global Conformal Invariants: Some Technical Proofs. I Spyros Alexakis
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A Bochner Theorem for Dunkl Polynomials Luc Vinet, Alexei Zhedanov
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Harmonic Analysis in One-Parameter Metabelian Nilmanifolds Amira Ghorbel
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Beyond the Gaussian Kazuyuki Fujii
022 |
$\mathcal N=4$ Multi-Particle Mechanics, WDVV Equation and Roots Olaf Lechtenfeld, Konrad Schwerdtfeger, Johannes Thürigen
023 |
Generalized Heisenberg Algebras, SUSYQM and Degeneracies: Infinite Well and Morse Potential Véronique Hussin, Ian Marquette
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Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Painlevé IV Equation David Bermúdez, David J. Fernández C.
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Vector-Valued Jack Polynomials from Scratch Charles F. Dunkl, Jean-Gabriel Luque
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Two Point Correlation Functions for a Periodic Box-Ball System Jun Mada, Tetsuji Tokihiro
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Dynamical Studies of Equations from the Gambier Family Partha Guha, Anindya Ghose Choudhury, Basil Grammaticos
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Supersymmetry Transformations for Delta Potentials David J. Fernández C., Manuel Gadella, Luis Miguel Nieto
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Rational Solutions of the Sasano System of Type $A_5^{(2)}$ Kazuhide Matsuda
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A Recurrence Relation Approach to Higher Order Quantum Superintegrability Ernie G. Kalnins, Jonathan M. Kress, Willard Miller Jr.
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Quantum Integrable Model of an Arrangement of Hyperplanes Alexander Varchenko
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An Exactly Solvable Spin Chain Related to Hahn Polynomials Neli I. Stoilova, Joris Van der Jeugt
033 |
Natural and Projectively Invariant Quantizations on Supermanifolds Thomas Leuther, Fabian Radoux
034 |
Revisiting the Symmetries of the Quantum Smorodinsky–Winternitz System in $D$ Dimensions Christiane Quesne
035 |
Models of Quadratic Algebras Generated by Superintegrable Systems in 2D Sarah Post
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Covariant Approach of the Dynamics of Particles in External Gauge Fields, Killing Tensors and Quantum
Gravitational Anomalies Mihai Visinescu
037 |
First Integrals of Extended Hamiltonians in $n+1$ Dimensions Generated by Powers of an Operator Claudia Chanu, Luca Degiovanni, Giovanni Rastelli
038 |
Essential Parabolic Structures and Their Infinitesimal Automorphisms Jesse Alt
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On the Limit from $q$-Racah Polynomials to Big $q$-Jacobi Polynomials Tom H. Koornwinder
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Periodic and Solitary Wave Solutions of Two Component Zakharov–Yajima–Oikawa System, Using Madelung's Approach Anca Visinescu, Dan Grecu, Renato Fedele, Sergio De Nicola
041 |
Potentials Unbounded Below Thomas Curtright
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Recursions of Symmetry Orbits and Reduction without Reduction Andrei A. Malykh, Mikhail B. Sheftel
043 |
Rectangular Potentials in a Semi-Harmonic Background: Spectrum, Resonances and Dwell Time Nicolás Fernández-García, Oscar Rosas-Ortiz
044 |
The Lattice Structure of Connection Preserving Deformations for $q$-Painlevé Equations I Christopher M. Ormerod
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Rational Solutions of the H3 and Q1 Models in the ABS Lattice List Ying Shi, Da-jun Zhang
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The Fourier Transform on Quantum Euclidean Space Kevin Coulembier
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Superintegrable Oscillator and Kepler Systems on Spaces of Nonconstant Curvature via the Stäckel Transform Ángel Ballesteros, Alberto Enciso, Francisco J. Herranz, Orlando Ragnisco, Danilo Riglioni
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Symmetries in Connection Preserving Deformations Christopher M. Ormerod
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On Parameter Differentiation for Integral Representations of Associated Legendre Functions Howard S. Cohl
050 |
Two-Variable Wilson Polynomials and the Generic Superintegrable System on the $3$-Sphere Ernie G. Kalnins, Willard Miller Jr., Sarah Post
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The Role of Symmetry and Separation in Surface Evolution and Curve Shortening Philip Broadbridge, Peter Vassiliou
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The Fourier $\mathsf U(2)$ Group and Separation of Discrete Variables Kurt Bernardo Wolf, Luis Edgar Vicent
053 |
Algebraic Calculation of the Energy Eigenvalues for the Nondegenerate Three-Dimensional Kepler–Coulomb Potential Yannis Tanoudis, Costas Daskaloyannis
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Pohozhaev and Morawetz Identities in Elastostatics and Elastodynamics Yuri Bozhkov, Peter J. Olver
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Quantum Group $U_q(sl(2))$ Symmetry and Explicit Evaluation of the One-Point Functions of the Integrable Spin-1 XXZ Chain Tetsuo Deguchi, Jun Sato
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Symmetry Operators and Separation of Variables for Dirac's Equation on Two-Dimensional Spin Manifolds Alberto Carignano, Lorenzo Fatibene, Raymond G. McLenaghan, Giovanni Rastelli
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Completely Integrable Contact Hamiltonian Systems and Toric Contact Structures on $S^2\times S^3$ Charles P. Boyer
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Exact Solutions with Two Parameters for an Ultradiscrete Painlevé Equation of Type $A_6^{(1)}$ Mikio Murata
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The BGG Complex on Projective Space Michael G. Eastwood, A. Rod Gover
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Soliton Taxonomy for a Modification of the Lattice Boussinesq Equation Jarmo Hietarinta, Da-jun Zhang
061 |
On Algebraically Integrable Differential Operators on an Elliptic Curve Pavel Etingof, Eric Rains
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Balance Systems and the Variational Bicomplex Serge Preston
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Structure Constants of Diagonal Reduction Algebras of $\mathfrak{gl}$ Type Sergei Khoroshkin, Oleg Ogievetsky
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Emergent Supersymmetry in Warped Backgrounds Tomoaki Nagasawa, Satoshi Ohya, Kazuki Sakamoto, Makoto Sakamoto
065 |
Exact Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations by the Method of Group Foliation Reduction Stephen C. Anco, Sajid Ali, Thomas Wolf
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$1+1$ Gaudin Model Andrei V. Zotov
067 |
Recurrence Coefficients of a New Generalization of the Meixner Polynomials Galina Filipuk, Walter Van Assche
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The Universal Askey–Wilson Algebra Paul Terwilliger
069 |
Klein Topological Field Theories from Group Representations Sergey A. Loktev, Sergey M. Natanzon
070 |
From Quantum $A_N$ (Calogero) to $H_4$ (Rational) Model Alexander V. Turbiner
071 |
Appell Transformation and Canonical Transforms Amalia Torre
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Singularities of Type-Q ABS Equations James Atkinson
073 |
A Class of Special Solutions for the Ultradiscrete Painlevé II Equation Shin Isojima, Junkichi Satsuma
074 |
On Initial Data in the Problem of Consistency on Cubic Lattices for $3\times3$ Determinants Oleg I. Mokhov
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Third Order ODEs Systems and Its Characteristic Connections Alexandr Medvedev
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Quantum Analogs of Tensor Product Representations of $\mathfrak{su}(1,1)$ Wolter Groenevelt
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Harmonic Analysis on Quantum Complex Hyperbolic Spaces Olga Bershtein, Yevgen Kolisnyk
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Linearizability of Nonlinear Equations on a Quad-Graph by a Point, Two Points and Generalized Hopf–Cole Transformations Decio Levi, Christian Scimiterna
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The 2-Transitive Transplantable Isospectral Drums Jeroen Schillewaert, Koen Thas
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On a Recently Introduced Fifth-Order Bi-Hamiltonian Equation and Trivially Related Hamiltonian Operators Daryoush Talati, Refik Turhan
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Discrete-Time Goldfishing Francesco Calogero
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A Lorentz-Covariant Connection for Canonical Gravity Marc Geiller, Marc Lachièze-Rey, Karim Noui, Francesco Sardelli
083 |
Para-Grassmannian Coherent and Squeezed States for Pseudo-Hermitian $q$-Oscillator and their Entanglement Yusef Maleki
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On the Projective Algebra of Randers Metrics of Constant Flag Curvature Mehdi Rafie-Rad, Bahman Rezaei
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Time Asymmetric Quantum Mechanics Arno R. Bohm, Manuel Gadella, Piotr Kielanowski
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Spherical Fourier Transforms on Locally Compact Quantum Gelfand Pairs Martijn Caspers
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An Isomonodromy Interpretation of the Hypergeometric Solution of the Elliptic Painlevé Equation (and Generalizations) Eric M. Rains
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A Completeness Study on Certain $2\times2$ Lax Pairs Including Zero Terms Mike C. Hay
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Holomorphic Parabolic Geometries and Calabi–Yau Manifolds Benjamin McKay
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Symplectic Maps from Cluster Algebras Allan P. Fordy, Andrew Hone
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An Introduction to the $q$-Laguerre–Hahn Orthogonal $q$-Polynomials Abdallah Ghressi, Lotfi Khériji, Mohamed Ihsen Tounsi
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From $sl_q(2)$ to a Parabosonic Hopf Algebra Satoshi Tsujimoto, Luc Vinet, Alexei Zhedanov
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Four-Dimensional Spin Foam Perturbation Theory João Faria Martins, Aleksandar Miković
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On Darboux's Approach to $R$-Separability of Variables Antoni Sym, Adam Szereszewski
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Polynomial Bundles and Generalised Fourier Transforms for Integrable Equations on A.III-type Symmetric Spaces Vladimir S. Gerdjikov, Georgi G. Grahovski, Alexander V. Mikhailov, Tihomir I. Valchev
096 |
Symmetries of the Continuous and Discrete Krichever–Novikov Equation Decio Levi, Pavel Winternitz, Ravil I. Yamilov
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Properties of Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials via their Riemann–Hilbert Characterization F. Alberto Grünbaum, Manuel D. de la Iglesia, Andrei Martínez-Finkelshtein
098 |
The Universal Askey–Wilson Algebra and the Equitable Presentation of $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ Paul Terwilliger
099 |
Families of Integrable Equations Pavlos Kassotakis, Maciej Nieszporski
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A Relativistic Conical Function and its Whittaker Limits Simon Ruijsenaars
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Classical and Quantum Dilogarithm Identities Rinat M. Kashaev, Tomoki Nakanishi
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Equivalent and Alternative Forms for BF Gravity with Immirzi Parameter Merced Montesinos, Mercedes Velázquez
103 |
The Space of Connections as the Arena for (Quantum) Gravity Steffen Gielen
104 |
Dolbeault Complex on $S^4\setminus \{\,\cdot\,\}$ and $S^6\setminus\{\,\cdot\,\}$ through Supersymmetric Glasses Andrei V. Smilga
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Classical and Quantum Dynamics on Orbifolds Yuri A. Kordyukov
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Properties of the Exceptional ($X_{\ell}$) Laguerre and Jacobi Polynomials Choon-Lin Ho, Satoru Odake, Ryu Sasaki
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Fundamental Solution of Laplace's Equation in Hyperspherical Geometry Howard S. Cohl
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Routh Reduction by Stages Bavo Langerock, Tom Mestdag, Joris Vankerschaver
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Statistical Thermodynamics of Polymer Quantum Systems Guillermo Chacón-Acosta, Elisa Manrique, Leonardo Dagdug, Hugo A. Morales-Técotl
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Resolutions of Identity for Some Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. I. Exceptional Point in Continuous Spectrum Alexander A. Andrianov, Andrey V. Sokolov
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Resolutions of Identity for Some Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. II. Proofs Andrey V. Sokolov
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Breaking pseudo-rotational symmetry through $\mathbf H^2_+$ metric deformation in the Eckart potential problem Nehemias Leija-Martinez, David Edwin Alvarez-Castillo, Mariana Kirchbach
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Projective Metrizability and Formal Integrability Ioan Bucataru, Zoltán Muzsnay
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A Connection Formula of the Hahn–Exton $q$-Bessel Function Takeshi Morita
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Noncommutative Phase Spaces by Coadjoint Orbits Method Ancille Ngendakumana, Joachim Nzotungicimpaye, Leonard Todjihounde
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Relations in Grassmann Algebra Corresponding to Three- and Four-Dimensional Pachner Moves Igor G. Korepanov
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The Non-Autonomous Chiral Model and the Ernst Equation of General Relativity in the Bidifferential Calculus Framework Aristophanes Dimakis, Nils Kanning, Folkert Müller-Hoissen
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A system of multivariable Krawtchouk polynomials and a probabilistic application F. Alberto Grünbaum, Mizan Rahman
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