01.01.09 (дискретная математика и математическая кибернетика)
Дата рождения:
Ключевые слова:
глобальная оптимизация,
численные вычисления с бесконечно большими и бесконечно малыми величинами,
параллельные вычисления,
теория множеств,
философия математики,
интервальный анализ,
фракталы и их приложения.
Глобальная оптимизация; численные вычисления с бесконечно большими и бесконечно малыми величинами; параллельные вычисления; теория множеств; теория чисел; фракталы и их приложения; философия математики; интервальный анализ.
Научная биография:
Защитил докторскую диссертацию на тему "Параллельные вычисления и локальная информация для решения задач глобальной оптимизации" в МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова (1996). Профессор Нижегородского государственного университета им. Н. И. Лобачевского (1997).
Входит в 20 наиболее цитируемых авторов mathnet.ru, 2024.
Количество скачиваний статей Я.Д. Сергеева о бесконечности на философском сайте PhilPeople в разделе "Science, Logic, & Mathematics" входит в Топ 1%, 2024.
Отмечен международной премией имени Константина Каратеодори за достижения в области глобальной оптимизации, 2023.
Отмечен международной премией имени Джоакино да Фьоре, 2023.
Международная конференция 21st International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Greece) была посвящена научным достижениям и 60-летию проф. Сергеева.
Премия The ICNAAM Research Excellence Award for outstanding contributions in the field of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 2023.
Топ-5 российских учёных по индексу Хирша по данным elibrary.ru в разделах "Информатика" и "Кибернетика", 2021-2023.
Включён в список высоко цитируемых авторов в Scopus с 2020 (Топ 2%).
Избран Членом-Корреспондентом итальянской Академии наук Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, 2020.
Президент Международного Общества Глобальной Оптимизации (http://www.globaloptimization.org), 2017-2021.
Отмечен международной премией Хорезми правительства Ирана, 2017.
Входит в Топ-100 российских учёных по индексу Хирша по данным elibrary.ru в разделе "Математика" с 2017 г.
Почетный работник сферы образования Российской Федерации, 2017.
Входит в Топ-100 самых цитируемых российских учёных по данным elibrary.ru в разделах "Информатика" и "Кибернетика" с 2016 г.
Избран Почетным Членом отделения непрерывной оптимизации Европейского Общества Исследования Операций (EUROPT Fellow), 2016.
Избран Вице-Президентом Международного Общества Глобальной Оптимизации, 2016.
Избран Почетным Членом (Honorary Fellow) Европейского Общества Вычислительных Методов в Науке, Инженерном деле и Технологии за выдающиеся достижения в прикладной математике и численном анализе. Титул Honorary Fellow является высшей наградой Общества, 2015.
Книга Лолли Г. Философия математики: наследие двадцатого столетия / пер с итал. А.Л. Сочкова, С.М. Антакова; под ред. Я.Д. Сергеева. – Н. Новгород: Издательство Нижегородского госуниверситета им. Н.И. Лобачевского, 2012. – 299 с. стала победителем VII Общероссийского конкурса для высших учебных заведений «Университетская книга–2015» в номинации "Лучшее переводное издание".
Отмечен премией за лучшую статью, опубликованную в международном журнале Journal of Global Optimization. Статья R. Paulavicius, Ya.D. Sergeyev, D.E. Kvasov, J. Zilinskas, Globally-biased DISIMPL algorithm for expensive global optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, 2014, volume 59, pages 545-567.
Отмечен премией международного конгресса the World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (США, 2015).
Присвоена степень почетного доктора института кибернетики им. В. М. Глушкова НАН Украины, Киев, 2013.
Отмечен международной премией Пифагора, г. Кротоне, Италия, (Premio Internazionale Pitagora per la matematica), 2010.
Отмечен премией международного конгресса WORLDCOMP (США, 2010 г.) за разработку Компьютера Бесконечности (запатентован в РФ, ЕС и США).
Отмечен Почетной Лекцией Лагранжа, присуждаемой совместно Туринским университетом и Туринским политехническим университетом, 2010.
Отмечен honorary plate университетом Dokuz Eylul University, Измир, Турция, 2009.
Отмечен премией МАИК "Наука" за монографию Сергеев Я. Д., Квасов Д. Е., Диагональные методы глобальной оптимизации, Физматлит, М. 2008, 352 с.
Отмечен премией РФФИ за научно-популярную статью Сергеев Я. Д., Квасов Д. Е. "Глобальная оптимизация и условие Липшица", 2008.
Отмечен honorary plaque на всемирной мултиконференции WMSCI 2008 (Orlando, USA).
Правительством Италии ему присуждено звание выдающегося профессора (professore ordinario di chiara fama internazionale), 2002 г.
Под его руководством студенческое конструкторское бюро "Аналитик" дважды становилось лауреаторм всесоюзных конкурсов на лучший программный продукт в области образования (1989, 1990 гг.).
Награжден медалью Всероссийского Выставочного Центра (Москва, 1992).
Является Координатором международной программы "Российско-Итальянский Университет" (с 1994 г.). Являлся членом ученого совета Института системного анализа и информационных технологий Итальянского Национального Научного Совета (1994–2002).
Член диссертационного совета Д 212.166.20 а также диссертационных советов по специальности "Исследование операций" Римского университета "La Sapienza" (2002–2008) и Калабрийского университета по специальности "Информатика" (2008–настоящее время).
Член редакционных коллегий Вестника ННГУ "Математическое моделирование и оптимальное управление" (1999–2006), российских журналов Информационные технологии и вычислительные системы (2019–настоящее время), Информатика и образование (2019–настоящее время), Программные системы: теория и приложения (2016–настоящее время) и международных журналов: Optimization Letters, Springer (2007–настоящее время), Journal of Global Optimization, Springer (2008–настоящее время), Annali dellUniversita di Ferrara, Sezione VII – Scienze Matematiche, Springer (2008–настоящее время), Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (2010-2022), Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier (2014–настоящее время), International Journal of Unconventional Computing, Old City Publishing (2016–настоящее время), Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Springer (2019–настоящее время), SN Operations Research Forum, Springer (2019–настоящее время), Advances in Computational Intelligence, Springer (2020–настоящее время), Industrial & Management Optimization, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (2021–настоящее время), Soft Computing, Springer (2021–настоящее время), Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science, Elsevier (2021–настоящее время).
Guest-Editor (together with H.A. Le Thi, T.P. Dinh) of the special issue of the international journal Optimization and Engineering, 2023, Volume 24, Issue 1.
Guest-Editor (together with H.A. Le Thi, T.P. Dinh) of the special issue dedicated to the 6th World Congress on Global Optimization held in Metz, France, July 8–10, 2019” Journal of Global Optimization, 82(4), 2022.
Managing Guest-Editor (with L. Brugnano and D.E. Kvasov Guest-Editors) of the virtual special issue of the journal Applied Mathematics and Computation, 40, no. 126023, 2021.
Managing Guest-Editor (with H.A. Le Thi, T.P. Dinh Guest-Editors) of the special issue dedicated to the 6th World Congress on Global Optimization held in Metz, France, July 8–10, 2019”, Optimization Letters, 15:7
Managing Guest-Editor (with A. Deutz, M. Emmerich, I. Yevseyeva Guest-Editors) of the special issue of Journal of Global Optimization, 79(2), 2021 dedicated to the 14th international workshop on global optimization held in Leiden, The Netherlands, September 18–21, 2018.
Managing Guest-Editor (with L. Brugnano and A. Zhigljavsky Guest-Editors) of the virtual special issue of the journal Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier dedicated to the 3rd International Conference “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms—NUMTA 2019” June 15–21, 2019, Isola Capo Rizzuto, Italy.
Managing Guest-Editor (with R. De Leone and G. Toraldo Guest-Editors) of the special issue of the journal Soft Computing, 24(23), 2020, dedicated to the 3rd International Conference “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms—NUMTA 2019” June 15–21, 2019, Isola Capo Rizzuto, Italy.
Managing Guest-Editor (with R. De Leone and A.A. Zhigljavsky Guest-Editors) of the special issue of the Journal of Global Optimization, Volume 71(1), 2018.
Managing Guest-Editor (with L. Brugnano and D.E. Kvasov Guest-Editors) of the special issue of the journal Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 318 (2018).
Guest-Editor of the special issue “Recent developments in non-linear and global optimization”, Optimization Letters, 10, 215–218, (2016).
Managing Guest-Editor (with R. De Leone and D.E. Kvasov Guest-Editors) of the special issue of the journal Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 255 (2015). Managing Guest-Editor (with L. Brugnano and A.A. Zhigljavsky Guest-Editors) of the journal Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 21(1-3), 2015. Редактор (совместно Р. Дэ Леонэ и А.А. Жиглявским) специального выпуска журнала Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 218(17). Редактор (совместно П. М. Пардалосом) специального выпуска журнала Journal of Global Optimization, 2010, 48(1).
Редактор (совместно с Р. Флетчером, В. Ружжеро и Р. Г. Стронгиным) специального выпуска журнала Optimization Methods and Software, Volume 20, Numbers 4–5, 2004.
Рецензент издательств Springer, Oxford University Press, and CRC Press, Журнала Вычислительной Математики и Математической Физики, а также 70 международных журналов: Ad Hoc Networks, Algorithms, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Applied Mechanics, Applied Sciences, Automation and Remote Control, Automation in Construction, Applied Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence Review, Automatica, Biomimetics, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Chemical Engineering Science, Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Computational Optimization and Applications, Computer Physics Communications, Computers & Operations Research, Data Technologies and Applications, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Ecological Modelling, Education Sciences, Energy Reports, Entropy, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, European Physical Journal Plus, Expert Systems with Applications, Heliyon, IEEE Access, Information and Software Technology, Information Sciences, INFORMS Journal on Computing, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Journal of Computational Science, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Journal of Global Optimization, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Journal of Number Theory, Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Knowledge-Based Systems, Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, Mathematical Biosciences, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Mathematical Programming, Mathematical Reviews, Mathematics, Nature Scientific Reports, Numerical Algorithms, Optimization, Optimization Letters, Optimization Methods and Software, p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Smart Science, Soft Computing, Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, Sustainability, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, The European Physical Journal Plus, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
Исследования неоднократно поддерживались российскими и международными грантами, результаты докладывались на конференциях в России и за ее пределами (более 100 пленарных докладов и тьюториалов). По тематике научных исследований читал лекции в Австралии, Великобритании, Италии, США, Японии и других странах. Председатель программных комитетов 15 международных конференций и член программных и организационных комитетов более 110 международных конференций.
Исследования освещались следующими средствами массовой информации: Российская Газета, ИТАР-ТАСС, РИА Новости, телеканал "Культура" (в том числе лекция в программе "Академия"), Ведомости, Известия: Наука, Компьютерра, Наука и Жизнь, Открытые системы, New Scientist, Calabria Ora, Computerworld, Il Quotidiano, IlSole24Ore, Gazzetta del Sud, Gazzettino Europeo, Panorama, Quale Computer, Radio24, Italian applications, Italia Oggi, IpFrontline, Haberhurriyeti, Key4biz: Knowledge for Business, RadioCitta-Fujiko, Tutto Misure, MF — Milano Finanza и т.д.
Опубликовал более 300 научных работ, среди которых шесть книг, четыре патента (РФ, ЕС и США) и более 120 статей в международных журналах. Разработанное программное обеспечение используется более чем в 40 странах мира.
Основные публикации:
Sergeyev Ya. D., De Leone R. (Eds.), Numerical Infinities and Infinitesimals in Optimization, Springer, Cham, 2022
Sergeyev Ya. D., Kvasov D. E., Deterministic global optimization: An introduction to the diagonal approach, Springer, New York, 2017
Sergeyev Ya. D., Strongin R. G., Lera D., Introduction to Global Optimization Exploiting Space-Filling Curves, Springer, New York, 2013
Сергеев Я. Д., Квасов Д. Е., Диагональные методы глобальной оптимизации, Физматлит, М., 2008
Strongin R. G., Sergeyev Ya. D., Global optimization with non-convex constraints: Sequential and parallel algorithms, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000
Cococcioni M., Cudazzo A., Fiaschi L., Pappalardo M., Sergeyev Ya.D., “A new cutting plane method for lexicographic multi-objective integer linear programming”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 129, February (2024), 107674
Lera D., Nasso M.C., Posypkin M.A., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Determining solution set of nonlinear inequalities using space-filling curves for finding working spaces of planar robots”, Journal of Global Optimization, 89:2 (2024), 415–434
Sergeyev Ya.D., Lera D., Nasso M.C., “Numerical methods using two different approximations of space-filling curves for black-box global optimization”, Journal of Global Optimization, 88:3 (2024), 707–722
Y.D. Sergeyev, “Lower and upper estimates of the quantity of algebraic numbers”, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 20:1 (2023)
Falcone A., Garro A., Mukhametzhanov M.S., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Advantages of the usage of the Infinity Computer for reducing the Zeno behavior in hybrid system models”, Soft Computing, 27 (2023), 8189-–8208
Le Thi H.An., Dinh T.P., Sergeev Ya.D., “Preface to the Special Issue dedicated to the 6th World Congress on Global Optimization held in Metz, France, July 8-10, 2019”, Optimization and Engineering, 24:1 (2023), 1–3
Lera D., Nasso M.C., Sergeev Ya.D., “Non-Univalent Approximation of Peano Curve for Global Optimization”, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2021, ICNAAM 2021, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2849, no. 11, September, 2023 , 4 pp.
A. Falcone, A. Garro, M.S. Mukhametzhanov, Y.D. Sergeyev, “Simulation of hybrid systems under Zeno behavior using numerical infinitesimals”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 111 (2022)
Y.D. Sergeyev, “Some paradoxes of infinity revisited”, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 19:3 (2022)
Y.D. Sergeyev, D.E. Kvasov, M.S. Mukhametzhanov, “A generator of multiextremal test classes with known solutions for black-box constrained global optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 26:6 (2022)
Le Thi, Hoai An, Pham Dinh Tao, Sergeyev Y.D., “Preface to the special issue dedicated to the 6th World Congress on Global Optimization held in Metz, France, July 8–10, 2019”, Journal of Global Optimization, 82:4 (2022), 655–657
Sergeyev Ya. D., De Leone R. (Eds.), Numerical Infinities and Infinitesimals in Optimization, Springer, Cham, 2022
R. Cavoretto, A. De Rossi, M. S. Mukhametzhanov, Ya. D. Sergeyev, “On the search of the shape parameter in radial basis functions using univariate global optimization methods”, Journal of Global Optimization, 79:2 (2021), 305–327
L. Brugnano, D.E. Kvasov, Y.D. Sergeyev, “Preface to the virtual special issue recent developments in applied mathematics and computation”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 409 (2021), 126023
A. Falcone, A. Garro, M.S. Mukhametzhanov, Y.D. Sergeyev, “A Simulink-based software solution using the Infinity Computer methodology for higher order differentiation”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 409 (2021), 125606
H.A. Le Thi, T.P. Dinh, Y.D. Sergeyev, “Preface to the special issue dedicated to the 6th World Congress on Global Optimization held in Metz, France, July 8–10, 2019”, Optimization Letters, 15:7 (2021), 2347–2349
L. Brugnano, Y.D. Sergeyev, A. Zhigljavsky, “Foreword to the Virtual Special Issue Dedicated to the 3Rd International Conference Numta 2019 “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms””, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 393 (2021), 113545
A. Deutz, M. Emmerich, Y.D. Sergeyev, I. Yevseyeva, “Preface to the special issue dedicated to the 14th international workshop on global optimization held in Leiden, The Netherlands, September 18–21, 2018”, Journal of Global Optimization, 79:2 (2021), 279–280
D. Lera, M. Posypkin, Y.D. Sergeyev, “Space-filling curves for numerical approximation and visualization of solutions to systems of nonlinear inequalities with applications in robotics”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 390 (2021), 125660
Y.D. Sergeyev, M.C. Nasso, M.S. Mukhametzhanov, D.E. Kvasov, “Novel local tuning techniques for speeding up one-dimensional algorithms in expensive global optimization using Lipschitz derivatives”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 383 (2021), 113134
F. Iavernaro, F. Mazzia, M.S. Mukhametzhanov, Y.D. Sergeyev, “Computation of higher order Lie derivatives on the Infinity Computer”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 383 (2021), 113135
V.K. Singh, Y.D. Sergeyev, A. Fischer, “Preface”, Trends in Mathematics, 2021, v–vi
Сергеев Я. Д., “Новый взгляд на бесконечно большие и бесконечно малые величины: методологические основы и практическое использование этих чисел в вычислениях на компьютере”, Информатика и образование, 36:8 (2021), 5–22
M. Cococcioni, A. Cudazzoa, M. Pappalardo, Ya. D. Sergeyev, “Solving the Lexicographic Multi-Objective Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Problem using branch-and-bound and grossone methodology”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 84, May (2020), 105177
R. Paulavičius, Ya. D. Sergeyev, D. E. Kvasov, Ju. Žilinskas, “Globally-biased BIRECT algorithm with local accelerators for expensive global optimization”, Expert Systems with Applications, 144 (2020), 113052
F. Iavernaro, F. Mazzia, M. S. Mukhametzhanov, Ya. D. Sergeyev, “Conjugate-symplecticity properties of Euler–Maclaurin methods and their implementation on the Infinity Computer”, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 155 (2020), 58–72
R. De Leone, Y.D. Sergeyev, G. Toraldo, “to the Special Issue Dedicated to the 3Rd International Conference “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms—Numta 2019” June 15–21, 2019, Isola Capo Rizzuto, Italy”, Soft Computing, 24:23 (2020), 17495–17496
A. Falcone, A. Garro, M.S. Mukhametzhanov, Y.D. Sergeyev, “Representation of grossone-based arithmetic in simulink for scientific computing”, Soft Computing, 24:23 (2020), 17525–17539
Y.D. Sergeyev, A. Candelieri, D.E. Kvasov, R. Perego, “Safe global optimization of expensive noisy black-box functions in the $\delta$-Lipschitz framework”, Soft Computing, 24:23 (2020), 17715–17735
R. De Leone, G. Fasano, M. Roma, Y.D. Sergeyev, “Iterative Grossone-Based Computation of Negative Curvature Directions in Large-Scale Optimization”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 186:2 (2020), 554–589
M. Cococcioni, A. Cudazzo, M. Pappalardo, Y.D. Sergeyev, “Grossone Methodology for Lexicographic Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Problems”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11974 (2020), 337–345
Y.D. Sergeyev, D.E. Kvasov, “Preface”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11974 (2020), v–vii
Y.D. Sergeyev, D.E. Kvasov, “Preface”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11973 (2020), v–viii
A. Falcone, A. Garro, M.S. Mukhametzhanov, Y.D. Sergeyev, “A Simulink-Based Infinity Computer Simulator and Some Applications”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11974 (2020), 362–369
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Independence of the grossone-based infinity methodology from non-standard analysis and comments upon logical fallacies in some texts asserting the opposite”, Foundations of Science, 24:1 (2019), 153–170http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Fallacies final.pdf
Cococcioni M., Pappalardo M., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Lexicographic multiobjective linear programming using grossone methodology: Theory and algorithm”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 318 (2018), 298–311http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Lexico.pdf
Grishagin V.A., Israfilov R., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Convergence conditions and numerical comparison of global optimization methods based on dimensionality reduction schemes”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 318 (2018), 270–280http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Grishagin Israfilov Sergeyev.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Book review: Non-convex multi-objective optimization, by Panos M. Pardalos, Antanas Žilinskas, Julius Žilinskas, New York, Springer”, Optimization Methods & Software, 33:2 (2018), 416–417
Sergeyev Ya.D., Mukhametzhanov M.S., Kvasov D.E., “On the efficiency of nature-inspired metaheuristics in expensive global optimization with limited budget”, Scientific Reports, 8 (2018), 453 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-18940-4.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., Kvasov D.E., Mukhametzhanov M.S., “On strong homogeneity of a class of global optimization algorithms working with infinite and infinitesimal scales”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 59 (2018), 319–330http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/SKM_homogeneity.pdf
De Leone R., Fasano G., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Planar methods and grossone for the Conjugate Gradient breakdown in nonlinear programming”, Computational Optimization and Applications, 71:1 (2018), 73–93http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Planar.pdf
Lera D., Sergeyev Ya.D., “GOSH: derivative-free global optimization using multi-dimensional space-filling curves”, Journal of Global Optimization, 71:1 (2018), 193–211http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/SetLipimprove.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., Mukhametzhanov M.S., Kvasov D.E., “Operational zones for comparing metaheuristic and deterministic one-dimensional global optimization algorithms”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 141 (2017), 96–109
Amodio, P., Iavernaro, F., Mazzia, F., Mukhametzhanov, M.S., Sergeyev, Ya.D., “A generalized Taylor method of order three for the solution of initial value problems in standard and infinity floating-point arithmetic”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 141 (2017), 24–39http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/gross_taylor.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Numerical infinities and infinitesimals: Methodology, applications, and repercussions on two Hilbert problems”, EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences, 4:2 (2017), 219–320http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/EMSS_Sergeyev.pdf
Iudin D.I., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Percolation transition and related phenomena in terms of grossone infinity computations”, Advances in Unconventional Computing, Emergence, Complexity and Computation, 22, ed. A. Adamatzky, 2017, 239–266
Sergeyev Ya.D., “The exact (up to infinitesimals) infinite perimeter of the Koch snowflake and its finite area”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 31:1-3 (2016), 21–29http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Koch.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., Mukhametzhanov M.S., Mazzia F., Iavernaro F., Amodio P., “Numerical methods for solving initial value problems on the Infinity Computer”, International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 12:1 (2016), 3–23http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/ODEs_2.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., Mukhametzhanov M.S., Kvasov D.E., Lera D., “Derivative-free local tuning and local improvement techniques embedded in the univariate global optimization”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 171:1 (2016), 186–208http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/JOTA 2016.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., Kvasov D.E., Mukhametzhanov M.S., “On the least-squares fitting of data by sinusoids”, Advances in Stochastic and Deterministic Global Optimization, Optimization and Its Applications, 107, eds. Pardalos P.M., Zhigljavsky A., Žilinskas J., Springer, 2016, 209–226
Lera D., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Deterministic global optimization using space-filling curves and multiple estimates of Lipschitz and Holder constants”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 23 (2015), 328–342http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/SetLipschitz.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Un semplice modo per trattare le grandezze infinite ed infinitesime”, La Matematica nella Societа e nella Cultura: Rivista dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, Serie I, 8 (2015), 111–147http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/UMI_Sergeyev.pdf
Ya.D. Sergeyev, A. Garro, “The Grossone methodology perspective on Turing machines”, Automata, Universality, Computation, Emergence, Complexity and Computation, 12, ed. A. Adamatzky, Springer, 2015, 139–169
Paulavičius R., Sergeyev Ya.D., Kvasov D.E., Žilinskas J., “Globally-biased DISIMPL algorithm for expensive global optimization”, Award: The Best Paper published in Journal of Global Optimization in 2014, Journal of Global Optimization, 59:2-3 (2014), 545–567
Д. Е. Квасов, Я. Д. Сергеев, “Методы липшицевой глобальной оптимизации в задачах управления”, Автомат. и телемех., 2013, № 9, 3–19; D. E. Kvasov, Ya. D. Sergeyev, “Lipschitz global optimization methods in control problems”, Autom. Remote Control, 74:9 (2013), 1435–1448
Lera D., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Acceleration of univariate global optimization algorithms working with Lipschitz functions and Lipschitz first derivatives”, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 23:1 (2013), 508–529http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/smooth.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Solving ordinary differential equations by working with infinitesimals numerically on the Infinity Computer”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219:22 (2013), 10668–10681http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/ODE.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., Garro A., “Single-tape and multi-tape Turing machines through the lens of the Grossone methodology”, Journal of Supercomputing, 65:2 (2013), 645–663http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Turing_2.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Numerical computations with infinite and infinitesimal numbers: Theory and applications”, Dynamics of Information Systems: Algorithmic Approaches, eds. Sorokin, A., Pardalos, P.M., Springer, New York, 2013, 1–66
Kvasov D.E., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Lipschitz gradients for global optimization in a one-point-based partitioning scheme”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236:16 (2012), 4042–4054http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Global_derivativesN.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., “On accuracy of mathematical languages used to deal with the Riemann zeta function and the Dirichlet eta function”, p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, 3:2 (2011), 129–148http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/accuracy.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Using blinking fractals for mathematical modelling of processes of growth in biological systems”, Informatica, 22:4 (2011), 559–576http://si.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Biology.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., Kvasov D.E., “Lipschitz global optimization”, Wiley Encyclopaedia of Operations Research and Management Science, v. 4, eds. Cochran J.J., Cox L.A., Keskinocak P., Kharoufeh J.P., Smith J.C., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2011, 2812–2828
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Counting systems and the First Hilbert problem”, Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications, 72:3-4 (2010), 1701–1708http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/First.pdf
Lera D., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Lipschitz and Holder global optimization using space-filling curves”, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 60:1-2 (2010), 115–129http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/holdN.pdf
Lera D., Sergeyev Ya.D., “An information global minimization algorithm using the local improvement technique”, Journal of Global Optimization, 48:1 (2010), 99–112http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Sergeyev_Lera.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Numerical computations and mathematical modelling with infinite and infinitesimal numbers”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 29 (2009), 177–195http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Calcolo.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Numerical point of view on Calculus for functions assuming finite, infinite, and infinitesimal values over finite, infinite, and infinitesimal domains”, Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications, 71:12 (2009), e1688–e1707http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Derivatives.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Evaluating the exact infinitesimal values of area of Sierpinski's carpet and volume of Menger's sponge”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 42 (2009), 3042–3046http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Extensions.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., Kvasov D.E., “Lipschitz global optimization and estimates of the Lipschitz constant”, Global Optimization: Theory, Methods and Applications, I, Lecture Notes in Decision Sciences, 12, no. A, eds. Chaoqun Ma, Lean Yu, Dabin Zhang, and Zhongbao Zhou, Global Link Publ., Hong Kong, 2009, 518–521
Sergeyev Ya.D., “The Infinity Computer and numerical computations with infinite and infinitesimal numbers”, Global Optimization: Theory, Methods and Applications, I, Lecture Notes in Decision Sciences, 12, no. B, eds. Chaoqun Ma, Lean Yu, Dabin Zhang, and Zhongbao Zhou, Global Link Publ, Hong Kong, 2009, 1026–1031
Sergeyev Ya.D., Kvasov D.E., Diagonal global optimization methods, MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica” Prize for the best scientific monograph published in 2008, Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2008 http://www.fml.ru/book/showbook/1164 (in Russian)
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Measuring fractals by infinite and infinitesimal numbers”, Mathematical Methods, Physical Methods & Simulation Science and Technology, 1:1 (2008), 217–237http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Spirals.pdf
Kvasov D.E., Menniti D., Pinnarelli A., Sergeyev Ya.D., Sorrentino N., “Tuning fuzzy power-system stabilizers in multi-machine systems by global optimization algorithms based on efficient domain partitions”, Electric Power Systems Research, 78:7 (2008), 1217–1229
Sergeyev Ya.D., Kvasov D.E., Khalaf F.M.H., “A one-dimensional local tuning algorithm for solving GO problems with partially defined constraints”, Optimization Letters, 1:1 (2007), 85–99
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Blinking fractals and their quantitative analysis using infinite and infinitesimal numbers”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 33:1 (2007), 50–75http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/Fractals.pdf
Sergeyev Ya.D., Khalaf F.M.H., Kvasov D.E., “Univariate algorithms for solving global optimization problems with multiextremal non-differentiable constraints”, Models and Algorithms for Global Optimization, eds. Aimo Torn and Julius Zilinskas, Springer, 2007, 123–140
Carotenuto L., Pugliese P., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Maximizing performance and robustness of PI and PID controllers by global optimization”, International Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems, 34:3 (2006), 225–235
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Univariate global optimization with multiextremal non-differentiable constraints without penalty functions”, Computational Optimization and Applications, 34:2 (2006), 229–248http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/N_vincoli.zip
Sergeyev Ya.D., Kvasov D.E., “Global search based on efficient diagonal partitions and a set of Lipschitz constants”, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 16:3 (2006), 910–937http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/SIAM_2006.pdf
Sergeyev, Ya.D., “Mathematical foundations of the infinity computer”, Annales UMCS Informatica AI, 4 (2006), 20–33
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Finding the minimal root of an equation: applications and algorithms based on Lipschitz condition”, (invited survey), Global Optimization - Scientific and Engineering Case Studies, ed. J.D. Pintér, Springer, 2006, 441–460
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Efficient partition of N-dimensional intervals in the framework of one-point-based algorithms”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,, 124:2 (2005), 503–510http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/RemarksPart.ps
Martinez J.A., Casado L.G., Garcia I., Sergeyev Ya.D., Toth B., “On an efficient use of gradient information for accelerating interval global optimization algorithms”, Numerical Algorithms, 37 (2004), 61–69
Famularo D., Pugliese P., Sergeyev Ya.D., “A global optimization technique for fixed-order control design”, International Journal of Systems Science, 35:7 (2004), 425–434
Д. Е. Квасов, Я. Д. Сергеев, “Многомерный алгоритм глобальной оптимизации на основе адаптивных диагональных кривых”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 43:1 (2003), 42–59; D. E. Kvasov, Ya. D. Sergeyev, “A multidimensional global optimization algorithm based on adaptive diagonal curves”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 43:1 (2003), 40–56
Casado L.G., Garcнa I., Martнnez J.A., Sergeyev Ya.D., “New interval analysis support functions using gradient information in a global minimization algorithm”, Journal of Global Optimization, 25:4 (2003), 345–362http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/jily6.ps.gz
Sergeyev Ya.D., Pugliese P., Famularo D., “Index information algorithm with local tuning for solving multidimensional global optimization problems with multiextremal constraints”, Mathematical Programming, 96:3 (2003), 489–512http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/vincoli_Peano.zip
Gaviano M., Kvasov D.E., Lera D., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Algorithm 829: Software for generation of classes of test functions with known local and global minima for global optimization”, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 29:4 (2003), 469–480http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/GKLS.html
Casado L.G., Garcнa I., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Interval algorithms for finding the minimal root in a set of multiextremal non-differentiable one-dimensional functions”, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 24:2 (2002), 359–376http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/siam_sc.pdf
Famularo D., Sergeyev Ya.D., Pugliese P., “Test Problems for Lipschitz univariate global optimization with multiextremal constraints”, Stochastic and Global Optimization, eds. G. Dzemyda, V. Saltenis, and A. Zilinskas, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2002, 93–110http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/tests.pdf
Molinaro A., Pizzuti C., Sergeyev Ya.D., “A diagonal global optimization method”, Combinatorial and Global Optimization, eds. P.M. Pardalos, A. Migdalas, and R. Burkard, World Scientific, London, 2002, 251–263
Molinaro A., Pizzuti C., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Acceleration tools for diagonal information global optimization algorithms”, , Computational Optimization and Applications, 18:1 (2001), 5–26
Grishagin V.A., Sergeyev Ya.D., Silipo D., “Firms' R&D decisions under incomplete information”, European Journal of Operational Research, 129:2 (2001), 414–433
Molinaro A., Sergeyev Ya.D., “An efficient algorithm for the zero-crossing detection in digitized measurement signal”, Measurement, 30:3 (2001), 187–196
Sergeyev Ya.D., Famularo D., Pugliese P., “Index Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Lipschitz univariate global optimization with multiextremal constraints”, Journal of Global Optimization, 21:3 (2001), 317–341
Molinaro A., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Finding the minimal root of an equation with the multiextremal and non-differentiable left-hand part”, Numerical Algorithms, 28 (2001), 255–272
Strongin R.G., Sergeyev Ya.D., Global optimization with non-convex constraints: Sequential and parallel algorithms, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000 , 728 pp. ; 2nd ed., 2013; 3rd ed., 2014 http://wwwinfo.deis.unical.it/~yaro/book_2000.htm
Casado L.G., Garcнa I., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Interval Branch and Bound global optimization for finding the first zero-crossing in one-dimensional functions”, Reliable Computing, 6:2 (2000), 179–191
Sergeyev Ya.D., “An efficient strategy for adaptive partition of N-dimensional intervals in the framework of diagonal algorithms”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 107:1 (2000), 145–168
Ya. D. Sergeyev, “Multidimensional global optimization using the first derivatives”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 39:5 (1999), 743–752; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 39:5 (1999), 711–720
Sergeyev Ya.D., Daponte P., Grimaldi D., Molinaro A., “Two methods for solving optimization problems arising in electronic measurements and electrical engineering”, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 10:1 (1999), 1–21
Gergel V.P., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Sequential and parallel global optimization algorithms using derivatives”, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 37:4/5 (1999), 163–180
Sergeyev Ya.D., “Parallel information algorithm with local tuning for solving multidimensional GO problems”, Journal of Global Optimization, 15:2 (1999), 157–167
Famularo D., Pugliese P., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Control System Design via Global Optimization Techniques”, Progress in System and Robot Analysis and Control Design, eds. S.G. Tzafestas and G. Schmidt, Springer-Verlag, 1999, 107–116
Sergeyev Ya.D., Strongin R.G., Grishagin V.A., Introduction to parallel global optimization, Nizhni Novgorod University Press, Nizhni Novgorod, 1998 http://www.unn.ru/rus/books/book3.htm (in Russian)
Barkalov A.V., Grishagin V.A., Sergeyev Ya.D., Silipo D., “Game simulation in economic processes”, Chapter 7, Public Economics as a Complex System, ed. Yu.V. Trifonov, N. Novgorod State University Press, N. Novgorod, 1997, 239–263
Sergeyev Ya.D., “A method using local tuning for minimizing functions with Lipschitz derivatives”, Developments in Global Optimization, eds. E. Bomze, T. Csendes, R. Horst and P.M. Pardalos, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, 199–215
Daponte P., Grimaldi D., Molinaro A., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Fast detection of the first zero-crossing in a measurement signal set”, Measurement, 19:1 (1996), 29–39
Ya. D. Sergeyev, “A one-dimensional deterministic global minimization algorithm”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 35:5 (1995), 705–717; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 35:5 (1995), 553–562
Daponte P., Grimaldi D., Molinaro A., Sergeyev Ya.D., “An algorithm for finding the zero crossing of time signals with Lipschitzean derivatives”, Measurement, 16:1 (1995), 37–49
Sergeyev Ya.D., Markin D.L., “An algorithm for solving global optimization problems with nonlinear constraints”, Journal of Global Optimization, 4:4 (1995), 407–419
Sergeyev Ya.D., Grishagin V.A., “A parallel algorithm for finding the global minimum of univariate functions”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 80:3 (1994), 513–536
Gergel V.P., Sergeyev Ya.D., Strongin R.G., “A parallel global optimization method and its implementation on a transputer system”, Optimization, 26 (1992), 261–275
Я. Д. Сергеев, Р. Г. Стронгин, “Алгоритм минимизации с параллельными итерациями”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 29:3 (1989), 332–345; Ya. D. Sergeyev, R. G. Strongin, “A global minimization algorithm with parallel iterations”, U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 29:2 (1989), 7–15
Strongin R.G., Sergeyev Ya.D., “Effective algorithm for global optimization with parallel computations”, Lecture Notes in Economics and Math. Systems, v. 304, Springer–Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1988, 158–162